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Tomizawa, Hiromitsu; Dewa, Hideki; Taniuchi, Tsutomu
The 3rd annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and the 31th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan. Proceedings2006
The 3rd annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and the 31th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan. Proceedings2006
[en] We have been developing a photocathode single-cell pillbox rf gun for future light sources since 1996 at SPring-8, to date having constantly achieved a very low dark current of 2.5 pC at the beam energy of 26 MeV with a chemical-etching processed cavity. For the last four years, we have been focusing on the development of a stable and highly qualified UV-laser source for the rf gun. The energy stability (rms) of the laser has been improved down to 0.2-0.3% at the fundamental and 0.7-1.4 % at the third harmonic generation. This stability has been held for five months (Flash lamp have to be changed every two months) continuously, 24 hours a day. The improvement is the result of being able to stabilize the laser system in a humidity-controlled clean room. In addition, the ideal spatial and temporal profiles of a shot-by-shot single laser pulse are essential to suppress the emittance growth of the electron beam from the rf gun. We prepared a deformable mirror for spatial shaping and an UV-pulse stacker for temporal shaping. In the first test of 3D-laser shaping, we obtained a minimum horizontal normalized emittance of 3.05 π mm mrad with a beam energy of 26 MeV, holding its net charge to 1.0 nC/bunch. We applied the Q-scan method to evaluate the emittance. The 3D shape of the laser was spatially top-hat (flattop) one with a diameter of 1.1 mm on the cathode and temporally a squarely stacked pulse with pulse with pulse duration of 10 ps (FWHM). In this study, we demonstrate 3D (both temporal (1D) and spatial (2D) short pulse (5-20 ps) laser beam) shaping as an ideal light source for stable generation of a low emittance electron beam at a high charge (1-2 nC/bunch). (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 819 p; Aug 2006; p. 42-44; 3. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Sendai, Miyagi (Japan); 2-4 Aug 2006; 31. Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan; Sendai, Miyagi (Japan); 2-4 Aug 2006; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan. Also available from the internet at URL; 4 refs., 6 figs.
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Taniuchi, Tsutomu; Yamamoto, Masashi; Higo, Toshiyasu; Takata, Koji
Proceedings of the 9th symposium on accelerator science and technology1994
Proceedings of the 9th symposium on accelerator science and technology1994
[en] A damped structure with circumferential slots for the higher order mode damping has been investigated aiming at a multi-cell accelerating structure of the JLC X-band linac. The damping characteristics of this periodic structure were studied in this paper. In order to evaluate the wakefield in the periodic structure, the dispersion relations of the higher order modes were calculated by using a computer code, MAFIA. The external Q values of the resonant mode with the same phase velocity as the beam were obtained by a simulation based on Slater's tuning method. The external Q values of the longitudinal higher order modes were also evaluated. A time domain simulation was performed and found consistent with that by Slater's tuning method. (author)
Primary Subject
National Lab. for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 509 p; 1994; p. 169-171; 9. symposium on accelerator science and technology; Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 25-27 Aug 1993
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[en] Energy distributions of π+ electroproduced on 6Li, 9Be and 28Si were measured at the electron energy of about 200 MeV. The photon difference method was applied to these (e,π+) spectra in order to extract the (γ,π+) cross sections. Present results and previously obtained data show considerable contribution from several discrete levels of the residual nuclei. The spin-isospin flip giant resonance in residual nuclei could be studied up to about 20 MeV residual excitation except in 6Li which showed a small quasi-free and/or continuum contribution. In 9Be and 28Si, the present results show giant resonances in the residual nuclei with a width of about 15 MeV in the gross shape. (author)
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Tomizawa, Hiromitsu; Taniuchi, Tsutomu; Moriwaki, Taro; Ikemoto, Yuka; Suzuki, Shinsuke; Hanaki, Hirofumi
Proceedings of the 28th linear accelerator meeting in Japan2003
Proceedings of the 28th linear accelerator meeting in Japan2003
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai Research Establishment, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); Tokyo Univ., Nuclear Engineering Research Lab., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 512 p; Jul 2003; p. 132-134; 28. linear accelerator meeting in Japan; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 30 Jul - 1 Aug 2003; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2-62-8-507, Higashi-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0013 Japan; URL:; 4 refs., 5 figs.
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Okayasu, Yuichi; Tomizawa, Hiromitsu; Taniuchi, Tsutomu
Proceedings of the 8th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2011
Proceedings of the 8th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2011
[en] Precise polarization control of the probe laser for Electro-Optic (EO), which propagate through the entire optics system, is key essential to realize the EO based bunch charge distribution measurements with high resolution and extinction ratio in cross Nicole configuration. We promote a numerical analysis for the polarization propagation with realistic optical setups and improve actual optical component properties. (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1377 p.]; 2011; [5 p.]; 8. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); 1-3 Aug 2011; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2-62-8-507 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013 Japan; Also available from the Internet at URL; 11 refs., 11 figs., 1 tab.
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Katsura Kajihara; Yasuhiro Aruga; Jun Shimojo; Hiroaki Taniuchi; Tsutomu Takeda; Masatosi Sasaki
The ASME Foundation, Inc., Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 (United States)2002
The ASME Foundation, Inc., Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 (United States)2002
[en] New enriched borated aluminum alloys manufactured by melting process are developed, which resulted in supplying structural basket materials for spent nuclear fuel packagings. In this process, the borated aluminum alloys were melted in a vacuum induction furnace at elevated temperature than that of ordinary aluminum melting processes. Boron dissolves into the matrix at the temperature of 1273 K or more, and fine aluminum diboride is precipitated and uniformly dispersed upon cooling rapidity. It is confirmed that boron is homogeneously dispersed with the fine particles of approximate 5 in average size in the product. Tensile strength and creep property at elevated temperature in 1 mass-%B 6061-T651 plate and 1 mass-%B 3004 extruded rectangular pipe as structural materials are examined. It is confirmed that the both of borated aluminum alloys have stable strength and creep properties that are similar to those of ordinary aluminum alloys. (authors)
Primary Subject
2002; 8 p; American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME; New York (United States); ICONE-10: 10. international conference on nuclear engineering; Arlington - Virginia (United States); 14-18 Apr 2002; Country of input: France
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Mizuno, A.; Taniuchi, Tsutomu; Yanagida, Kenichi; Suzuki, S.; Hanaki, Hirofumi
Proceedings of the 25th linear accelerator meeting in Japan2000
Proceedings of the 25th linear accelerator meeting in Japan2000
[en] A photo cathode RF gun has been studied in SPring-8 in order to obtain high density, short pulse and low emittance beam. A simulation code has developed to compare beam characteristics with experiment results. In this report, we show results of emittance comparison between experiments and simulations. Then, using this simulation code, we discuss how to reduce beam emittance of our experiment set. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst., Mikazuki, Hyogo (Japan); 446 p; 2000; p. 162-164; 25. linear accelerator meeting in Japan; Himeji, Hyogo (Japan); 12-14 Jul 2000; Available from Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, 1-1-1 Koto, Mikazuki-cho, Hyogo-ken 679-5198 Japan; 6 figs., 2 refs.
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Okayasu, Yuichi; Taniuchi, Tsutomu; Dewa, Hideki
Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2012
Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2012
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1359 p.]; 2012; [5 p.]; 9. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Toyonaka, Osaka (Japan); 8-11 Aug 2012; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 2-62-8-507 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-0013 Japan; Also available from the Internet at URL; 11 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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Kondo, Chikara; Taniuchi, Tsutomu; Yamaguchi, Hiroshi
Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2023
Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2023
[en] We developed high-precision digital control magnet power supplies aiming at next-generation light sources such as SPring-8-II. The control system consists of a high-precision ADC circuit and an FPGA that processes proportional-integral control and pulse-width modulation. Using the system, the current ripple and long-term stability (8 hours) of the power supply are controlled within 20 ppm. The power supply can be made to fit various magnets by readily adjusting feedback parameters. We also developed a function to synchronize the timing of multi-channel outputs such as three outputs for sextupole steering magnets. The newly developed power supplies have been introduced to the next-generation 3 GeV light source, NanoTerasu. (author)
次世代放射光源SPring-8-IIに向け、各種磁石に対するフィードバック制御の最適化が迅速、可逆的なデジタル制御を用いたPWMスイッチング型の電磁石電源を各種開発してきた。まず、蓄積リングにおける各セルの同種電磁石を直列に励磁する1~250kWの大電流Family電磁石電源では、出力電力の大電力化をユニット数で対応できるものとし、デジタルフィードバック制御の最適化により短期的なリップルおよび長期的なドリフトを20ppm以内に抑えることができた。また、六極電磁石に付加した3対の補助コイルによるステアリング磁場発生を想定した数十W級のDC-link型電源も開発した。この電源では、磁場調整の際にコイル間の電流バランスを保持すべく、3出力の電流を同期して変更可能となるよう設計した。更に、実運転で想定されるバイポーラ、且つ0Aを中心とした低電流励磁においても安定に電流制御できるよう両極スイッチング動作を提案し、電流リップルを50ppm以下に抑えることに成功した。これらのデジタル制御電磁石電源は3GeV放射光施設NanoTerasuに採用され、当光源用に最適化した電源を製作、設置した。本発表では、NanoTerasuにおける電磁石電源システムの設計製作、性能評価結果に加え、SPring-8-IIに向けた電磁石電源システムの設計概要を発表する。(著者)Original Title
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1105 p.]; 2023; p. 240-244; PASJ2023: 20. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Funabashi, Chiba (Japan); 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2023; Available from; Available from; 6 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab.
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Magome, Tamotsu; Kobayashi, Toshiaki; Taniuchi, Tsutomu; Suzuki, Shinsuke; Hanaki, Hirofumi, E-mail:
Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2016
Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan2016
[en] To reduce dark currents from the grided thermionic electron gun of SPring-8 Linear Accelerator, cathode assemblies with two kinds of newly-designed grids have been developed. The two were a molybdenum perforated grid with a titanium coating of 0.5 μm in thickness, and an electro-polished molybdenum perforated grid, respectively. Dark current from the two newly-developed cathode assemblies and the commercial cathode assembly (Y-845, Communications and Power Industries LLC) which has been employed as the electron emitter of the gun, was measured using a dedicated measuring chamber. The chamber had a movable copper anode disk facing a mounted cathode assembly and consequently realized the same electric field on the grid surface under ultra high vacuum as that of the real electron gun. Dark current from the cathode assembly with the electro-polished grid was not detected during initial five hours after electric field of 3 MV/m in magnitude was applied on the grid. However, once the dark current generated, the dark current increased monotonously up to 8.5 x 10"-"8A in 21 hours. Dark current from the cathode assembly with the titanium-coated grid was smaller after the elapse of seven hours than that from the cathode assembly with the electro-polished grid and that from the Y-845 cathode assembly. The experimental results show the effectiveness of electro-polishing of a grid surface for dark current suppression and the possibility of titanium-coating of a grid surface for the reduction of the growth of the dark current. Measurement of dependence of dark current on bias voltage revealed that dark current from the newly-developed cathode assemblies was emitted from their grids and that dark current from the Y-845 cathode assembly was leak current from the cathode. (author)
Primary Subject
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); 1420 p; Aug 2016; p. 444-448; PASJ2016: 13. annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Chiba (Japan); 8-10 Aug 2016; Available from Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, 5-9-8 Nishinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116-0013 Japan; Also available from the Internet at URL; 2 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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