Thienpont, D.; Taille, C. de La, E-mail: damien.thienpont@in2p3.fr2020
[en] The High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), presently being designed by the Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration (CMS) to replace the existing endcap calorimeters for the High Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC), will feature unprecedented transverse and longitudinal readout and triggering segmentation for both electromagnetic and hadronic sections. The requirements for the front-end electronics are extremely challenging, including high dynamic range (0–10 pC), low noise ( electrons), high-precision timing information in order to mitigate the pileup effect (25 ps binning) and low power consumption ( mW/channel). The front-end electronics will face a harsh radiation environment which will reach 200 Mrad at the end of life. It will work at a controlled temperature of 240 K. HGCROC-v2 is the second prototype of the front-end ASIC. It has 72 channels of the full analog chain: low noise and high gain preamplifier and shapers, and a 10-bit 40 MHz SAR-ADC, which provides the charge measurement over the linear range of the preamplifier. In the saturation range of the preamplifier, a discriminator and TDC provide the charge information from TOT (Time Over Threshold) over 200 ns dynamic range using 50 ps binning. A fast discriminator and TDC provide timing information to 25 ps accuracy. Both charge and timing information are kept in a DRAM memory waiting for a Level 1-trigger decision (L1A). At a bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz, compressed charge data are sent out to participate in the generation of the L1-trigger primitives. We report on the performances of the chip in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, charge and timing, as well as results from radiation qualification with total ionizing dose (TID).
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 15(04); p. C04055
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Fleury, J; Ahmad, S; Callier, S; Taille, C de La; Seguin, N; Thienpont, D; Dulucq, F; Martin, G, E-mail: julien.fleury@weeroc.com2014
[en] Petiroc and Citiroc are the two latest ASIC from Weeroc dedicated to SiPM read-out. Petiroc is a 16-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for particle time-of-flight measurement applications. It combines a very fast and low-jitter trigger with an accurate charge measurement. Citiroc is a 32-channel front-end ASIC designed to readout silicon photo-multipliers (SiPM). It allows triggering down to 1/3 pe and provides the charge measurement with a good noise rejection. Moreover, Citiroc outputs the 32-channel triggers with a high accuracy (100 ps). Each channel of both ASICs combines a trigger path with an accurate charge measurement path. An adjustment of the SiPM high voltage is possible using a channel-by-channel input DAC. That allows a fine SiPM gain and dark noise adjustment at the system level to correct for the non-uniformity of SiPMs. Timing measurement down to 16 ps RMS jitter for Petiroc and 100 ps RMS for Citiroc is possible along with 1% linearity energy measurement up to 2500 pe. The power consumption is around 3.5 mW/channel for Petiroc and 3 mW/channel for Citiroc, excluding ASICs outing buffer
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 9(01); p. C01049
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Borg, J.; Callier, S.; Dulucq, F.; Taille, C. de La; Raux, L.; Thienpont, D.; Coko, D.; Sculac, T., E-mail: taille@in2p3.fr2017
[en] SKIROC2-CMS is a chip derived from CALICE SKIROC2 that provides 64 channels of low noise charge preamplifiers optimized for 50 pF pin diodes and 10 pC dynamic range. They are followed by high gain and low gain 25 ns shapers, a 13-deep 40 MHz analog memory used as a waveform sampler at 40 MHz. and 12-bit ADCs. A fast shaper followed by discriminator and TDC provide timing information to an accuracy of 50 ps, in order to test TOT and TOA techniques at system level and in test-beam. The chip was sent to fabrication in January 2016 in AMS SiGe 0,35 μm and was received in May. It was tested in the lab during the summer and will be mounted on sensors for beam-tests in the fall.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 12(02); p. C02019
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Cizel, J.-B.; Cornat, R.; Ahmad, S.; Fleury, J.; Callier, S.; Dulucq, F.; Martin-Chassard, G.; Raux, L.; Taille, C. de La; Thienpont, D., E-mail: jean-baptiste.cizel@weeroc.com2015
[en] This work has been done in order to study a new technology provided by X-FAB named xt018. It is an SOI (Silicon On Insulator) technology with a minimal gate length of 180 nm. Building blocks have been done to test the advantages and drawbacks of this technology compared to the one currently used (AMS SiGe 0.35 μm). These building blocks have been designed to fit in an existing experience housed by the CALICE collaboration: the read-out chip for the Electromagnetic CALorimeter (ECAL) of the foreseen International Linear Collider (ILC). Performances will be compared to those of the SKIROC2 chip designed by the OMEGA laboratory, trying to fit the same requirements. The chip is being manufactured and will be back for measurements in December, the displayed results are only simulation results and thus the conclusions concerning the performances of these building blocks are subject to change
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 10(02); p. C02007
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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