Dolya, S.N.; Sviridov, V.A.; Tokarskij, V.P.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1981
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Dept. of New Acceleration Methods1981
[en] A new type of calorimeter designed for measuring parameters of low energy ion beams is proposed. The calorimeter represents a thermoresistor of a thin conducting wire reeled up on the frame and absorbing a part of a beam. Tungsten is chosen as a thermoresistor. The calorimeter has been tested on electron pulsed beams, α particles and deuterons as well as quasicontinuous nitrogen and neon ion beams. The dependence of frame resistance on ion beam power obtained at the Y-300 cyclotron is given. It is concluded that the measurement error is determined mainly by the accuracy of measurement of the frame resistance and beam current constituting about 10 %
Original Title
Termosoprotivlenie dlya kalorimetrii puchka ionov
Secondary Subject
1981; 5 p; 3 refs.; 3 figs.; submitted to the journal Instrum. Exp. Tech.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dolya, S.N.; Tokarskij, V.P.
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1980
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR)1980
[en] The invention is related to detectors of elementary particles and atomic nuclei and can be used at physical laboratories of experimental investigations into elementary particles and atomic nuclei. The described device for measuring kinetic energy of ion beam contains an energy absorber made of wire in the net form. Wire diameter is comparable with ion path length. A sensitive ohmmeter connected with the net is incorporated into the device. The device suggested measures accelerated ion energy at high accuracy. Due to effect linearity the device is slightly sensitive to the form of beam distribution which is espearcially important during stt-up and adjustment of heavy-ion accelerators. As the frame resistance is measured, the device is insensitive to different types of noises and it is useful when operating the accelerator in pulsed operation
Original Title
Ustrojstvo dlya izmereniya kineticheskoj ehnergii puchka ionov
Primary Subject
29 Apr 1980; 3 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 856295/A/
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A calorimeter is described which is designed for measuring the parameters of low-energy ion beam. The calorimeter is a thermistor of a thin (10 to 50 mcm dia.) tungsten filament wound over a frame. It serves at the same time as a beam current sensor. The capacity time lag of the instrument provides for measurements with a high noninterference of electromagnetic noise. The calorimeter has a good linearity relative to the beam current variation and pulse duration. The accuracy of the particle energy measurement is about 10 %. The results are presented of the calorimeter testing with ion beams. The calorimeter sensitivity attains 200 deg C/J
Original Title
Termosoprotivlenie dlya kalorimetrii puchka ionov
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Instruments and Experimental Techniques (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Pribory i Tekhnika Ehksperimenta; ISSN 0032-8162; ; (no.6); p. 117-118
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bespalova, T.V.; Golutvin, I.A.; Golovin, V.M.; Kirilov, S.S.; Kiryushin, Yu.T.; Kolesnikov, Yu.M.; Komogorova, L.V.; Kondrashov, V.D.; Lustov, N.M.; Popov, A.A.; Sarantsev, V.P.; Sviridov, V.A.; Smolin, D.A.; Sotnikov, V.N.; Tokarskij, V.P.; Fedunov, A.G.; Khabarov, V.S.
Proceedings of the 7. international symposium on nuclear electronics, Budapest, September 17-23, 19731974
Proceedings of the 7. international symposium on nuclear electronics, Budapest, September 17-23, 19731974
No abstract available
Original Title
Ustanovka dlya issledovaniya povedeniya ehlektronnogo puchka v adgezatore kollektivnogo uskoritelya, rabotayushchaya na linii s EhVM
Primary Subject
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); p. 11-22; 1974; 7. international symposium on nuclear electronics; Budapest, Hungary; 17 Sep 1973
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bespalova, T.V.; Golutvin, I.A.; Zamyatin, N.I.; Kirilov, S.S.; Kiryushin, Yu.T.; Komogorova, L.V.; Kondrashov, V.D.; Lustov, N.M.; Mel'nichenko, I.M.; Nevskaya, N.A.; Perel'shtejn, Eh.A.; Popov, A.A.; Sarantsev, V.P.; Sviridov, V.A.; Smolin, D.A.; Sotnikov, V.N.; Tokarskij, V.P.; Fedunov, A.G.; Khabarov, V.S.; Yatsunenko, Yu.A.
Abstracts of reports presented at 4. all-union conference on charged particle accelerators, Moscow, 18-20 November 19741974
Abstracts of reports presented at 4. all-union conference on charged particle accelerators, Moscow, 18-20 November 19741974
No abstract available
Original Title
Ustanovka dlya opredeleniya osnovnykh parametrov puchka, inzhektiruemogo v adgezator (kompressor) kollektivnogo uskoritelya, i uslovij prokhozhdeniya pervogo oborota
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow. Nauchnyj Sovet po Problemam Uskoreniya Zaryazhennykh Chastits; Tsentral'nyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Informatsii i Tekhniko-Ehkonomicheskikh Issledovanij po Atomnoj Nauke i Tekhnike, Moscow (USSR); p. 10-11; 1974; 4. all-union conference on charged particle accelerators; Moscow, USSR; 18 Nov 1974; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue