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Donev, Aleksandar; Torquato, Salvatore.; Stillinger, Frank H.; Connelly, Robert, E-mail: torquato@princeton.edu2004
[en] Jamming in hard-particle packings has been the subject of considerable interest in recent years. In a paper by Torquato and Stillinger [J. Phys. Chem. B 105 (2001)], a classification scheme of jammed packings into hierarchical categories of locally, collectively and strictly jammed configurations has been proposed. They suggest that these jamming categories can be tested using numerical algorithms that analyze an equivalent contact network of the packing under applied displacements, but leave the design of such algorithms as a future task. In this work, we present a rigorous and practical algorithm to assess whether an ideal hard-sphere packing in two or three dimensions is jammed according to the aforementioned categories. The algorithm is based on linear programming and is applicable to regular as well as random packings of finite size with hard-wall and periodic boundary conditions. If the packing is not jammed, the algorithm yields representative multi-particle unjamming motions. Furthermore, we extend the jamming categories and the testing algorithm to packings with significant interparticle gaps. We describe in detail two variants of the proposed randomized linear programming approach to test for jamming in hard-sphere packings. The first algorithm treats ideal packings in which particles form perfect contacts. Another algorithm treats the case of jamming in packings with significant interparticle gaps. This extended algorithm allows one to explore more fully the nature of the feasible particle displacements. We have implemented the algorithms and applied them to ordered as well as random packings of circular disks and spheres with periodic boundary conditions. Some representative results for large disordered disk and sphere packings are given, but more robust and efficient implementations as well as further applications (e.g., non-spherical particles) are anticipated for the future
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S0021999103006235; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Torquato, Salvatore, E-mail: torquato@princeton.edu2011
[en] The holy grail of tumor modeling is to formulate theoretical and computational tools that can be utilized in the clinic to predict neoplastic progression and propose individualized optimal treatment strategies to control cancer growth. In order to develop such a predictive model, one must account for the numerous complex mechanisms involved in tumor growth. Here we review the research work that we have done toward the development of an 'Ising model' of cancer. The Ising model is an idealized statistical-mechanical model of ferromagnetism that is based on simple local-interaction rules, but nonetheless leads to basic insights and features of real magnets, such as phase transitions with a critical point. The review begins with a description of a minimalist four-dimensional (three dimensions in space and one in time) cellular automaton (CA) model of cancer in which cells transition between states (proliferative, hypoxic and necrotic) according to simple local rules and their present states, which can viewed as a stripped-down Ising model of cancer. This model is applied to study the growth of glioblastoma multiforme, the most malignant of brain cancers. This is followed by a discussion of the extension of the model to study the effect on the tumor dynamics and geometry of a mutated subpopulation. A discussion of how tumor growth is affected by chemotherapeutic treatment, including induced resistance, is then described. We then describe how to incorporate angiogenesis as well as the heterogeneous and confined environment in which a tumor grows in the CA model. The characterization of the level of organization of the invasive network around a solid tumor using spanning trees is subsequently discussed. Then, we describe open problems and future promising avenues for future research, including the need to develop better molecular-based models that incorporate the true heterogeneous environment over wide range of length and time scales (via imaging data), cell motility, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and cell–cell communication. A discussion about the need to bring to bear the powerful machinery of the theory of heterogeneous media to better understand the behavior of cancer in its microenvironment is presented. Finally, we propose the possibility of using optimization techniques, which have been used profitably to understand physical phenomena, in order to devise therapeutic (chemotherapy/radiation) strategies and to understand tumorigenesis itself
S1478-3975(11)66743-X; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Biology (Online); ISSN 1478-3975; ; v. 8(1); [22 p.]
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Kim, Jaeuk; Torquato, Salvatore, E-mail: torquato@princeton.edu2017
[en] Hyperuniform many-particle systems in d-dimensional space , which includes crystals, quasicrystals, and some exotic disordered systems, are characterized by an anomalous suppression of density fluctuations at large length scales such that the local number variance within a ‘spherical’ observation window grows slower than the window volume. In usual circumstances, this direct-space condition is equivalent to the Fourier-space hyperuniformity condition that the structure factor vanishes as the wavenumber goes to zero. In this paper, we comprehensively study the effect of aspherical window shapes with characteristic size L on the direct-space condition for hyperuniform systems. For lattices, we demonstrate that the variance growth rate can depend on the shape as well as the orientation of the windows, and in some cases, the growth rate can be faster than the window volume (i.e. L d), which may lead one to falsely conclude that the system is non-hyperuniform solely according to the direct-space condition. We begin by numerically investigating the variance of two-dimensional lattices using ‘superdisk’ windows, whose convex shapes continuously interpolate between circles (p = 1) and squares (), as prescribed by a deformation parameter p, when the superdisk symmetry axis is aligned with the lattice. Subsequently, we analyze the variance for lattices as a function of the window orientation, especially for two-dimensional lattices using square windows (superdisk when ). Based on this analysis, we explain the reason why the variance for d = 2 can grow faster than the window area or even slower than the window perimeter (e.g. like ). We then study the generalized condition of the window orientation, under which the variance can grow as fast as or faster than L d (window volume), to the case of Bravais lattices and parallelepiped windows in . In the case of isotropic disordered hyperuniform systems, we prove that the large-L asymptotic behavior of the variance is independent of the window shape for convex windows. We conclude that the orientationally-averaged variance, instead of the conventional one using windows with a fixed orientation, can be used to resolve the window-shape dependence of the direct-space hyperuniformity condition. We suggest a new direct-space hyperuniformity condition that is valid for any convex window. The analysis on the window orientations demonstrates an example of physical systems exhibiting commensurate-incommensurate transitions and is closely related to problems in number theory (e.g. Diophantine approximation and Gauss’ circle problem) and discrepancy theory. (paper: interdisciplinary statistical mechanics)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2017(1); [38 p.]
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Middlemas, Timothy M; Torquato, Salvatore, E-mail: torquato@electron.princeton.edu2020
[en] Disordered stealthy many-particle systems in d-dimensional Euclidean space are exotic amorphous states of matter that suppress any single scattering events for a finite range of wavenumbers around the origin in reciprocal space. They are currently the subject of intense fundamental and practical interest. We derive analytical formulas for the nearest-neighbor functions of disordered stealthy many-particle systems. First, we analyze asymptotic small-r approximations and expansions of the nearest-neighbor functions based on the pseudo-hard-sphere ansatz. We then consider the problem of determining how many of the standard n-point correlation functions are needed to determine the nearest neighbor functions, and find that a finite number suffice. Via theoretical and computational methods, we are able to compare the large-r behavior of these functions for disordered stealthy systems to those belonging to crystalline lattices. Such ordered and disordered stealthy systems have bounded hole sizes, and thus compact support for their nearest-neighbor functions. However, we find that the approach to the critical-hole size can be quantitatively different, emphasizing the importance of hole statistics in distinguishing ordered and disordered stealthy configurations. We argue that the probability of finding a hole close to the critical-hole size should decrease as a power law with an exponent only dependent on the space dimension d for ordered systems, but that this probability decays asymptotically faster for disordered systems, with either an increase in the exponent of the power law or a crossover into a decay faster than any power law. This implies that holes close to the critical-hole size are rarer in disordered systems. The rarity of observing large holes in disordered systems creates substantial numerical difficulties in sampling the nearest neighbor distributions near the critical-hole size. This motivates both the need for new computational methods for efficient sampling and the development of novel theoretical methods for ascertaining the behavior of holes close to the critical-hole size. We also devise a simple analytical formula that accurately describes these systems in the underconstrained regime for all r. These results provide a theoretical foundation for the analytical description of the nearest-neighbor functions of stealthy systems in the disordered, underconstrained regime, and can serve as a basis for analytical theories of material and transport properties of these systems. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2020(10); [39 p.]
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Zachary, Chase E; Torquato, Salvatore, E-mail:, E-mail: torquato@princeton.edu2009
[en] Hyperuniform point patterns are characterized by vanishing infinite-wavelength density fluctuations and encompass all crystal structures, certain quasiperiodic systems, and special disordered point patterns (Torquato and Stillinger 2003 Phys. Rev. E 68 041113). This paper generalizes the notion of hyperuniformity to include also two-phase random heterogeneous media. Hyperuniform random media do not possess infinite-wavelength volume fraction fluctuations, implying that the variance in the local volume fraction in an observation window decays faster than the reciprocal window volume as the window size increases. For microstructures of impenetrable and penetrable spheres, we derive an upper bound on the asymptotic coefficient governing local volume fraction fluctuations in terms of the corresponding quantity describing the variance in the local number density (i.e., number variance). Extensive calculations of the asymptotic number variance coefficients are performed for a number of disordered (e.g., quasiperiodic tilings, classical 'stealth' disordered ground states, and certain determinantal point processes), quasicrystal, and ordered (e.g., Bravais and non-Bravais periodic systems) hyperuniform structures in various Euclidean space dimensions, and our results are consistent with a quantitative order metric characterizing the degree of hyperuniformity. We also present corresponding estimates for the asymptotic local volume fraction coefficients for several lattice families. Our results have interesting implications for a certain problem in number theory
S1742-5468(09)39440-6; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2009(12); [35 p.]
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Jiao, Yang; Torquato, Salvatore, E-mail: torquato@princeton.edu2012
[en] Biopolymer networks are of fundamental importance to many biological processes in normal and tumorous tissues. In this paper, we employ the panoply of theoretical and simulation techniques developed for characterizing heterogeneous materials to quantify the microstructure and effective diffusive transport properties (diffusion coefficient D_e and mean survival time τ) of collagen type I networks at various collagen concentrations. In particular, we compute the pore-size probability density function P(δ) for the networks and present a variety of analytical estimates of the effective diffusion coefficient D_e for finite-sized diffusing particles, including the low-density approximation, the Ogston approximation and the Torquato approximation. The Hashin–Strikman upper bound on the effective diffusion coefficient D_e and the pore-size lower bound on the mean survival time τ are used as benchmarks to test our analytical approximations and numerical results. Moreover, we generalize the efficient first-passage-time techniques for Brownian-motion simulations in suspensions of spheres to the case of fiber networks and compute the associated effective diffusion coefficient D_e as well as the mean survival time τ, which is related to nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times. Our numerical results for D_e are in excellent agreement with analytical results for simple network microstructures, such as periodic arrays of parallel cylinders. Specifically, the Torquato approximation provides the most accurate estimates of D_e for all collagen concentrations among all of the analytical approximations we consider. We formulate a universal curve for τ for the networks at different collagen concentrations, extending the work of Torquato and Yeong (1997 J. Chem. Phys. 106 8814). We apply rigorous cross-property relations to estimate the effective bulk modulus of collagen networks from a knowledge of the effective diffusion coefficient computed here. The use of cross-property relations to link other physical properties to the transport properties of collagen networks is also discussed. (paper)
Secondary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Biology (Online); ISSN 1478-3975; ; v. 9(3); [13 p.]
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[en] Hyperuniform states of matter are correlated systems that are characterized by an anomalous suppression of long-wavelength (i.e., large-length-scale) density fluctuations compared to those found in garden-variety disordered systems, such as ordinary fluids and amorphous solids. All perfect crystals, perfect quasicrystals and special disordered systems are hyperuniform. Thus, the hyperuniformity concept enables a unified framework to classify and structurally characterize crystals, quasicrystals and the exotic disordered varieties. While disordered hyperuniform systems were largely unknown in the scientific community over a decade ago, now there is a realization that such systems arise in a host of contexts across the physical, materials, chemical, mathematical, engineering, and biological sciences, including disordered ground states, glass formation, jamming, Coulomb systems, spin systems, photonic and electronic band structure, localization of waves and excitations, self-organization, fluid dynamics, number theory, stochastic point processes, integral and stochastic geometry, the immune system, and photoreceptor cells. Such unusual amorphous states can be obtained via equilibrium or nonequilibrium routes, and come in both quantum-mechanical and classical varieties. The connections of hyperuniform states of matter to many different areas of fundamental science appear to be profound and yet our theoretical understanding of these unusual systems is only in its infancy. The purpose of this review article is to introduce the reader to the theoretical foundations of hyperuniform ordered and disordered systems. Special focus will be placed on fundamental and practical aspects of the disordered kinds, including our current state of knowledge of these exotic amorphous systems as well as their formation and novel physical properties.
Primary Subject
S037015731830036X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Gevertz, Jana L; Torquato, Salvatore; Gillies, George T, E-mail: torquato@princeton.edu2008
[en] The holy grail of computational tumor modeling is to develop a simulation tool that can be utilized in the clinic to predict neoplastic progression and propose individualized optimal treatment strategies. In order to develop such a predictive model, one must account for many of the complex processes involved in tumor growth. One interaction that has not been incorporated into computational models of neoplastic progression is the impact that organ-imposed physical confinement and heterogeneity have on tumor growth. For this reason, we have taken a cellular automaton algorithm that was originally designed to simulate spherically symmetric tumor growth and generalized the algorithm to incorporate the effects of tissue shape and structure. We show that models that do not account for organ/tissue geometry and topology lead to false conclusions about tumor spread, shape and size. The impact that confinement has on tumor growth is more pronounced when a neoplasm is growing close to, versus far from, the confining boundary. Thus, any clinical simulation tool of cancer progression must not only consider the shape and structure of the organ in which a tumor is growing, but must also consider the location of the tumor within the organ if it is to accurately predict neoplastic growth dynamics
Primary Subject
S1478-3975(08)80020-9; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Biology (Online); ISSN 1478-3975; ; v. 5(3); [10 p.]
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Point processes in arbitrary dimension from fermionic gases, random matrix theory, and number theory
Torquato, Salvatore; Zachary, Chase E; Scardicchio, A, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: czachary@princeton.edu2008
[en] It is well known that one can map certain properties of random matrices, fermionic gases, and zeros of the Riemann zeta function to a unique point process on the real line R. Here we analytically provide exact generalizations of such a point process in d-dimensional Euclidean space Rd for any d, which are special cases of determinantal processes. In particular, we obtain the n-particle correlation functions for any n, which completely specify the point processes in Rd. We also demonstrate that spin-polarized fermionic systems in Rd have these same n-particle correlation functions in each dimension. The point processes for any d are shown to be hyperuniform, i.e., infinite wavelength density fluctuations vanish, and the structure factor (or power spectrum) S(k) has a non-analytic behavior at the origin given by S(k)∼|k| (k→0). The latter result implies that the pair correlation function g2(r) tends to unity for large pair distances with a decay rate that is controlled by the power law 1/rd+1, which is a well-known property of bosonic ground states and more recently has been shown to characterize maximally random jammed sphere packings. We graphically display one-and two-dimensional realizations of the point processes in order to vividly reveal their 'repulsive' nature. Indeed, we show that the point processes can be characterized by an effective 'hard core' diameter that grows like the square root of d. The nearest-neighbor distribution functions for these point processes are also evaluated and rigorously bounded. Among other results, this analysis reveals that the probability of finding a large spherical cavity of radius r in dimension d behaves like a Poisson point process but in dimension d+1, i.e., this probability is given by exp[−κ(d)rd+1] for large r and finite d, where κ(d) is a positive d-dependent constant. We also show that as d increases, the point process behaves effectively like a sphere packing with a coverage fraction of space that is no denser than 1/2d. This coverage fraction has a special significance in the study of sphere packings in high-dimensional Euclidean spaces
Primary Subject
S1742-5468(08)97235-6; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2008(11); [39 p.]
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Kim, Jaeuk; Torquato, Salvatore; Zhang, Ge; Stillinger, Frank H, E-mail: torquato@electron.princeton.edu2018
[en] Collective coordinates in a many-particle system are complex Fourier components of the local particle density , and often provide useful physical insights. However, given collective coordinates, it is desirable to infer the particle coordinates via inverse transformations. In principle, a sufficiently large set of collective coordinates are equivalent to particle coordinates, but the nonlinear relation between collective and particle coordinates makes the inversion procedure highly nontrivial. Given a ‘target’ configuration in one-dimensional (1D) Euclidean space, we investigate the minimal set of its collective coordinates that can be uniquely inverted into particle coordinates. For this purpose, we treat a finite number M of the real and/or the imaginary parts of collective coordinates of the target configuration as constraints, and then reconstruct ‘solution’ configurations whose collective coordinates satisfy these constraints. Both theoretical and numerical investigations reveal that the number of numerically distinct solutions depends sensitively on the chosen collective-coordinate constraints and target configurations. From detailed analysis, we conclude that collective coordinates at the smallest wavevectors is the minimal set of constraints for unique inversion, where represents the ceiling function. This result provides useful groundwork to the inverse transform of collective coordinates in higher-dimensional systems. (paper: disordered systems, classical and quantum)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Statistical Mechanics; ISSN 1742-5468; ; v. 2018(11); [20 p.]
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