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(c) 2003 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics; ISSN 1063-651X; ; CODEN PLEEE8; v. 68(4); p. 049901-049901.1
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Kishimoto, Tokunari; Totsuji, Chieko; Totsuji, Hiroo
Proceedings of the 1996 international conference on plasma physics1997
Proceedings of the 1996 international conference on plasma physics1997
[en] Behavior of dust particles in plasmas is analyzed by the molecular dynamics simulation and theoretical approaches. Dust particles are regarded as a Yukawa system in external force fields. In a one-dimensional force field, the formation of layered structure is observed at low temperatures and the number of layers and other structural properties are obtained as functions of characteristic parameters. These results obtained by simulations are reproduced to a good accuracy by a simple theoretical model. (author)
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Sugai, H. (Nagoya Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Engineering); Hayashi, T. (eds.); 2147 p; ISBN 4-9900586-1-5; ; ISBN 4-9900586-2-3; ; 1997; p. 1974-1977; ICPP96: 1996 international conference on plasma physics; Nagoya (Japan); 9-13 Sep 1996
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[en] In some substances hydrogen bonds are considered to play an important role in their ferroelectric or antiferroelectric properties. These materials usually have large isotope effects in phase transition temperatures which are expected to be closely related to the natures of hydrogen bonds. Our model describes the quantum mechanics of the electron and the proton (or deuteron) in the 0-dimensional hydrogen bond which does not form networks in the crystal structure. By a variational analyses of this model based on the adiabatic approximation, we can reproduce characteristic features of the behaviors of a proton and a deuteron in hydrogen bonds. (author)
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Numerical Data
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[en] Structure formation of dust particles in dusty plasmas under microgravity has been simulated by the molecular dynamics method. It is shown that, at low temperatures, dust particles are organized into layered spherical shells. The number of shells is a function of the system size and the strength of screening by ambient plasma particles, while the dependency on the latter is much weaker. In the simulation, the condition of the charge neutrality satisfied by the system of dust particles and plasma particles is properly taken into account
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(c) 2005 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics; ISSN 1063-651X; ; CODEN PLEEE8; v. 71(4); p. 045401-045401.3
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[en] Dusty plasmas can be regarded as assemblies of Yukawa particles in a one-dimensional potential well. We extend the analyses on dusty plasmas in two directions: the two-dimensional Yukawa system and Yukawa mixtures. (1) Under appropriate conditions at low temperatures, dust particles sit in a plane which is perpendicular to the gravitational field. When they are also confined laterally by an electrode, we have a finite two-dimensional system of Yukawa particles. The low temperature structures are obtained by molecular dynamics simulations and the results are reproduced by theoretical analyses. Through these analyses we show that the correlation energy of the Yukawa system plays an essential role in structure formations. As for dynamics of this system, a crossover from the surface freezing of Coulomb system to surface melting of systems of short-ranged interactions is observed. (2) In the case of mixtures, we have an extra parameter characterizing the difference in the gravity on each species. We obtain the low temperature structures of this system and compare them with theoretical predictions based on the results for the case of one component
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Workshop on non-neutral plasma physics III; Princeton, NJ (United States); 2-5 Aug 1999; (c) 1999 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Spherical Yukawa and Coulomb clusters are composed of charged particles interacting via the Yukawa and Coulomb potential and confined by the external potential. Melting transitions of these clusters are analyzed by Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. By MC simulations, it is found that the specific heat of relatively small clusters (100 ≤ N ≤ 400) has two peaks. The diffusion analyses by MC and MD simulations and the fluctuation analyses related to the Lindemann criteria indicate that two peaks at lower and higher temperatures reflect the losses in ordering in azimuthal and radial directions, respectively
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Non-neutral plasma physics VI: Workshop on non-neutral plasmas 2006; Aarhus (Denmark); 25-29 Jun 2006; (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The behavior of the two-component nonneutral plasma in the Penning-Malmberg trap is analyzed by simulations and theoretical approaches. The parameters expected in experiments of antiproton cooling by electrons are assumed. The relaxation of antiproton energy is followed by the rate equation with proper account taken into account for the slow transfer of energy between parallel and perpendicular components of strongly magnetized electrons. The equilibrium distribution of each species are obtained by molecular dynamics simulations for various values of parameters and the results are reproduced by theoretical calculations to a good accuracy. The condition for the centrifugal separation is obtained
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Workshop on non-neutral plasma physics III; Princeton, NJ (United States); 2-5 Aug 1999; (c) 1999 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The ground state of the system of charged particles of one species confined by the three-dimensional, isotropic, and parabolic potential is investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that, with the increase of the system size or the number of particles in the system N, the ground state changes from the shell-structured system to the finite bcc lattice with reconstructed surface. The critical value of the transition is estimated to be between N=104 and N=2x104. The nucleation of the bcc lattice in the shell-structured cluster of 2x104 ions is observed
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4. workshop on non-neutral plasmas; San Diego, CA (United States); 30 Jul - 2 Aug 2001; (c) 2002 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The lowest-energy state of spherical clusters made up of single-species charged particles in a three-dimensional confining potential is investigated by molecular dynamics simulations for a system size of 5x103 to 1.2x105 . The energy per particle is compared between shell-structured clusters and spherical finite-bcc lattices with relaxed surfaces. The shell structure in the interior is the lowest-energy configuration for ion numbers lower than about 104 , while for higher ion numbers, an interior with bcc ordering surrounded by a few shells on the outside has lower energy. The formation of a small bcc lattice (nucleation) in the shell-structured cluster of 2x104 ions is observed
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(c) 2002 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The structure of spherical clusters composed of Yukawa particles is analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical approaches as a model for dust particles in dusty plasmas in the isotropic environment. The latter condition is expected to be realized under microgravity or by active cancellation of the effect of gravity on the ground. It is found that, at low temperatures, Yukawa particles form spherical shells and, when scaled by the mean distance, the structure is almost independent of the strength of screening including the case of the Coulomb interaction. The positions and populations of shells and the conditions for the change of the number of shells are expressed by simple interpolation formulas. Shells have an approximately equal spacing close to that of triangular lattice planes in the bulk close-packed structures. It is shown that, when the cohesive energy in each shell is properly taken into account, the shell model reproduces the structure of spherical Yukawa clusters to a good accuracy
Primary Subject
(c) 2005 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics; ISSN 1063-651X; ; CODEN PLEEE8; v. 72(3); p. 036406-036406.6
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