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[en] A method for the fully computerized determination and optimization of positions of target points and collimator sizes in convergent beam irradiation is presented. In conventional interactive trial and error methods, which are very time consuming, the treatment parameters are chosen according to the operator's experience and improved successively. This time is reduced significantly by the use of a computerized procedure. After the definition of target volume and organs at risk in the CT or MR scans, an initial configuration is created automatically. In the next step the target point positions and collimator diameters are optimized by the program. The aim of the optimization is to find a configuration for which a prescribed dose at the target surface is approximated as close as possible. At the same time dose peaks inside the target volume are minimized and organs at risk and tissue surrounding the target are spared. To enhance the speed of the optimization a fast method for approximate dose calculation in convergent beam irradiation is used. A possible application of the method for calculating the leaf positions when irradiating with a micromultileaf collimator is briefly discussed. The success of the procedure has been demonstrated for several clinical cases with up to six target points. (author)
Primary Subject
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Country of input: Cuba; 19 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Physics in Medicine and Biology (Online); ISSN 1361-6560; ; v. 43(1); p. 49-64
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue