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Trueba, C.; Montero, M.; Gasco, C.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2002
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2002
[en] The final report presents the radiation protection issues for radioecological sensitivity: background to radioecological sensitivity, measures of Radioecological sensitivity andmodifying factors
Primary Subject
2002; [vp.]; Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; (Spain)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Trueba, C.; Robles, B.; Mora, J. C.
36 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct. 6-9 2010 Santiago de Compostela, Spain2010
36 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct. 6-9 2010 Santiago de Compostela, Spain2010
[en] The participation of the Radiation Protection Unit Public and Environmental CIEMAT in this project, focused on evaluating the potential radiological impact that could result in spallation target In this paper, this participation is summarized and their results and outlines future developments necessary for the licensing, operation and decommissioning of such facilities, from the point of view of radiation protection.
Original Title
Aspectos a considerar en la proteccion radiologica aplicada a la fuente de espalacin europea
Primary Subject
1550 p; 2010; 5 p; Senda Editorial; Santiago de Compostela (Spain); 36. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; Santiago de Compostela (Spain); 6-8 Oct 2010
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Perez-Sanchez, D.; Trueba, C.; Robles, B.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] Assessments of long-term safety in radioactive waste management means that the annual radiation dose due to the possible release of radionuclides to the biosphere does not exceed regulatory limits for members of the public. To quantify these doses should first develop models that describe the behavior of radionuclides in the environment that could also calculate the concentrations in different compartments of the biosphere, then estimated radiation doses to humans and the environment through the different routes of exposure. This paper describes recent results obtained by developing projects related to safety assessment of the biosphere, which include several studies.
Original Title
Estudio sobre la evaluacion radiologica y modelizacion de la biosfera en la gestion de residuos radioactivos en Espna
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 535; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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[en] The accident at the Fukushima-Daichii, NPP occurred in March 2011, has shown that an adequate protection of the population requires, along with a quick and effective action in the emergency phase, a proper planning of the possible recovery strategies, adapted to the local specificity, to be applied on the contaminated areas. In relation to recovery strategies, CIEMAT developed a methodology, based on soil properties, to estimate the relative and qualitative aptitude of Spanish soils to transfer 137Cs and 90Sr. This aptitude was defined as radiological vulnerability and its results, represented as maps, allow the identification of priority areas where recovery strategies are to be applied. In the current context, and in order to make this methodology useful in decision making during the intermediate and long term stages after an accident, an update of the maps is presented taking advantage from the improvements in the representation of European soils and of the geospatial technologies of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The appropriateness of using other methodologies of representation as well as the applicability of the maps around the NPP and future ATC, is also discussed.
El accidente de la central nuclear de Fukushima-Daichii, ocurrido en marzo de 2011, ha puesto de manifiesto que para una adecuada protección de la población, además de una rápida y eficaz actuación en la fase de emergencia, es importante disponer de una adecuada planificación, adaptada a la especificidad local, para establecer las posibles estrategias de recuperación de la zona contaminada. En el ámbito de las estrategias de recuperación, el Ciemat desarrolló una metodología, basada en las propiedades edáficas, para estimar, relativa y cualitativamente, la aptitud de los suelos españoles a transferir la contaminación debida a 137Cs y 90Sr. Esta se definió como vulnerabilidad radiológica y sus resultados, representados en forma de mapas, permiten identificar las áreas donde priorizar la recuperación. En el contexto actual y con el objetivo de que esta metodología pueda ser de utilidad en la toma de decisiones durante las fases intermedia y a largo plazo tras un accidente, se presenta una actualización de dichos mapas aprovechando las mejoras en la representación de los suelos europeos y de las tecnologías geoespaciales de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Se discute, además, la conveniencia de utilizar otras metodologías de representación, así como la aplicabilidad de los mapas en los alrededores de las centrales nucleares y del futuro ATC.Original Title
La vulnerabilidad radiológica del suelo como herramienta en la preparación local para la recuperación posaccidente. Actualización de los mapas nacionales
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Schmid, T.; Millan, R.; Lago, C; Trueba, C.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2000
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2000
[en] Radioactive contamination of the soil due to a nuclear accident is a risk for the population. A research project, within the program of Radiological Protection by Intervention in CIEMAT, has been developed to study the behaviour of radionuclides in soils. An evaluation of the radiological vulnerability considering the external irradiation and the food chain pathway for caesium and strontium has been determined using partial and global indices, which indicate the potential transfer of the radionuclides via the two mentioned pathways. A detailed study of the soils found in the Autonomous Region of Madrid was carried out with data from individual soil profiles and combining data obtained from maps with a Geographic Information System in order to obtain a spatial distribution of the results. The soil vulnerability for the external irradiation pathway of caesium and strontium is in general found to be higher in more developed soils located in the south and leading to the foothills of the Sierra of Madrid in the north. The vulnerability for the food chain pathway is found to be higher in the less developed soils in acid conditions situated in the Sierra of Madrid. (Author) 11 refs
Original Title
Caracterizacion edafologica e indices de vulnerabilidad de la comunidad autonoma de Madrid. Escala 1:200.000
Primary Subject
2000; 262 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Trueba, C.; Robles, B.; Mora, J. C.; Martinez, E.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] This paper summarizes the results obtained from analysis of the inventories for the three spallation targets and future methodological developments needed to assess the radiological impact of such facilities either for the licensing, operation or decommissioning thereof.
Original Title
Aspectos a considerar en el impacto radiologico asociado a una fuente de espalacion de neutrones
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 530; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Trueba, C; Millan, R.; Schmid, T.; Roquero, C.; Magister, M.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1998
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1998
[en] The soil vulnerability determines the sensitivity of the soil after an accidental radioactive contamination due to Cs-137 and Sr-90. The Departamento de Impacto Ambiental de la Energia of CIEMAT is carrying out an assessment of the radiological vulnerability of the different Spanish soils found on the Iberian Peninsula. This requires the knowledge of the soil properties for the various types of existing soils. In order to achieve this aim, a bibliographical compilation of soil profiles has been made to characterize the different soil types and create a database of their properties. Depending on the year of publication and the type of documentary source, the information compiled from the available bibliography is very heterogeneous. Therefore. an important effort has been made to normalize and process the information prior to its incorporation to the database. This volume presents the criteria applied to normalize and process the data as well as the soil properties of the various soil types belonging to the Comunidades Autonomas de Asturias, Cantabria and Pais Vasco. (Author) 34 refs
Original Title
Base de Datos de Propiedades Edafologicas de los Suelos Espanoles Volumen II.- Asturias, Cantabria y Pais Vasco
Primary Subject
1998; 237 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Trueba, C; Millan, R.; Schmid, T.; Lago, C.; Roquero, C; Magister, M.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1999
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1999
[en] The soil vulnerability determines the sensitivity of the soil after an accidental radioactive contamination due to Cs-137 and Sr-90. The Departamento de Impacto Ambiental de la Energia of CIEMAT is carrying out an assessment of the radiological vulnerability of the different Spanish soils found on the Iberian Peninsula. This requires the knowledge of the soil properties for the various types of existing soils. In order to achieve this aim, a bibliographical compilation of soil profiles has been made to characterize the different soil types and create a database of their properties. Depending on the year of publication and the type of documentary source, the information compiled from the available bibliography is very heterogeneous. Therefore, an important effort has been made to normalize and process the information prior to its incorporation to the database. This volume presents the criteria applied to normalize and process the data as well as the soil properties of the various soil types belonging to the Comunidad Autonoma of Cataluna. (Author) 57 refs
Original Title
Base de Datos de Propiedades Edafologicas de los Suelos Espanoles. Volumen XIV.- Cataluna
Primary Subject
1999; 222 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Robles, B.; Mora, J. C.; Trueba, C.; Corbacho, J. A.
36 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct. 6-9 2010 Santiago de Compostela, Spain2010
36 Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society, Oct. 6-9 2010 Santiago de Compostela, Spain2010
[en] This paper discusses how the methodology has been applied dose assessment to the particular case of NORM industries, as well as the peculiarities and implications that has resulted. As an application example is presented to Coal-fired.
Original Title
Aplicacion de la metodologia de calculo de dosis a industrias no nucleares (NORM)
Primary Subject
1550 p; 2010; 6 p; Senda Editorial; Santiago de Compostela (Spain); 36. Annual Meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society; Santiago de Compostela (Spain); 6-8 Oct 2010
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Aguero, A.; Perez-Sanchez, D.; Trueba, C.; Moraleda, M.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2006
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2006
[en] The evaluation of the safety of high-level radioactive wastes repositories is a requisite of the radioactive waste management policy. Criteria for the safety of those facilities [IAEA, 1995] require protection of the population and the environment over a time scale appropriate to the characteristics of the disposed wastes. In order to demonstrate compliance with the relevant principles and regulations, there is the requirement for an analysis and quantification of system behavior including the transport of radionuclides from the facility to the biosphere, their transport in the biosphere and the resulting exposure of humans, including the evaluation of radiation doses from both external and internal exposure. Realistic models to simulate the transport of radionuclides in the environment are essential. The biosphere model needs to represent the transport and accumulation of radionuclides in the different media, including characterization of the pathways through which the contaminants give rise to exposure of humans. Such modeling needs to take account of the specific characteristics of the radionuclides involved, which have different physical, chemical and biological characteristics and behaviors and could require conceptually different models to predict their transport through, and distribution in, the relevant environmental media. Key radionuclides that have been shown to contribute most to the doses estimated in high-level radioactive waste disposal performance assessments were identified in [Watkins and Smith, 1999]. The important factors that determine whether a radionuclide will be a key contributor to dose are: its total inventory, half-life, solubility and adsorption potential, and biosphere flux-to-dose conversion factor. Only a limited number of radionuclides are likely to be important for the groundwater release and transport pathway from the point of view of their contribution to annual individual dose to humans: ''237Np (and its progeny), ''129I, ''99Tc, ''36Cl and ''79Se. For gaseous releases, ''14C and ''36Cl have to be considered. For early releases due to failure of the barrier system, consideration has to be given to ''36Cl, ''79Se, ''107Pd, ''129I, ''99Tc, ''126Sn, ''135Cs and U/Pu-series radionuclides including ''237Np. For human intrusion, inhalation pathways for Pu-, Am- and U-series radionuclides and external irradiation pathways for ''94Nb and ''126Sn could be relevant. (Author)
Primary Subject
2006; 143 p; Editorial CIEMAT; Madrid (Spain); ISBN 84-7834-535-3;
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