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[en] Purpose: To quantify the dosimetric impact of interfractional shoulder motion on targets in the low neck for head and neck patients treated with volume modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Methods: Three patients with head and neck cancer were selected. All three required treatment to nodal regions in the low neck in addition to the primary tumor. The patients were immobilized during simulation and treatment with a custom thermoplastic mask covering the head and shoulders. One VMAT plan was created for each patient utilizing two full 360° arcs. A second plan was created consisting of two superior VMAT arcs matched to an inferior static AP supraclavicular field. A CT-on-rails alignment verification was performed weekly during each patient's treatment course. The weekly CT images were registered to the simulation CT and the target contours were deformed and applied to the weekly CT. The two VMAT plans were copied to the weekly CT datasets and recalculated to obtain the dose to the low neck contours. Results: The average observed shoulder position shift in any single dimension relative to simulation was 2.5 mm. The maximum shoulder shift observed in a single dimension was 25.7 mm. Low neck target mean doses, normalized to simulation and averaged across all weekly recalculations were 0.996, 0.991, and 1.033 (Full VMAT plan) and 0.986, 0.995, and 0.990 (Half-Beam VMAT plan) for the three patients, respectively. The maximum observed deviation in target mean dose for any individual weekly recalculation was 6.5%, occurring with the Full VMAT plan for Patient 3. Conclusion: Interfractional variation in dose to low neck nodal regions was quantified for three head and neck patients treated with VMAT. Mean dose was 3.3% higher than planned for one patient using a Full VMAT plan. A Half-Beam technique is likely a safer choice when treating the supraclavicular region with VMAT
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(c) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: To verify the accuracy of total body irradiation (TBI) measurement commissioning data using the treatment planning system (TPS) for a wide range of patient separations. Methods: Our institution conducts TBI treatments with an 18MV photon beam at 380cm extended SSD using an AP/PA technique. Currently, the monitor units (MU) per field for patient treatments are determined using a lookup table generated from TMR measurements in a water phantom (75 × 41 × 30.5 cm3). The dose prescribed to an umbilicus midline point at spine level is determined based on patient separation, dose/ field and dose rate/MU. One-dimensional heterogeneous dose calculations from Pinnacle TPS were validated with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) placed in an average adult anthropomorphic phantom and also in-vivo on four patients with large separations. Subsequently, twelve patients with various separations (17–47cm) were retrospectively analyzed. Computed tomography (CT) scans were acquired in the left and right decubitus positions from vertex to knee. A treatment plan for each patient was generated. The ratio of the lookup table MU to the heterogeneous TPS MU was compared. Results: TLD Measurements in the anthropomorphic phantom and large TBI patients agreed with Pinnacle calculated dose within 2.8% and 2%, respectively. The heterogeneous calculation compared to the lookup table agreed within 8.1% (ratio range: 1.014–1.081). A trend of reduced accuracy was observed when patient separation increases. Conclusion: The TPS dose calculation accuracy was confirmed by TLD measurements, showing that Pinnacle can model the extended SSD dose without commissioning a special beam model for the extended SSD geometry. The difference between the lookup table and TPS calculation potentially comes from lack of scatter during commissioning when compared to extreme patient sizes. The observed trend suggests the need for development of a correction factor between the lookup table and TPS dose calculations.
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(c) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: Develop a matching VMAT field technique and investigate planning feasibility for treating the entire central nervous system (CNS) using Cranio-Spinal Irradiation (CSI) . Methods: Two patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) presented with CNS involvement, received CSI, and were included in this study. The patients were treated with the traditional CSI technique: prone position, opposing lateral brain fields, two posterior fields (upper and lower spine), and 5mm junction shifts to improve dose uniformity. The patients were retrospectively re-planned using volumetric arc therapy (VMAT). The spine and brain were contoured to create the clinical target volume (CTV) as well as normal tissues including kidneys, lung and heart for optimization. Three isocenters were used for planning: brain, upper and lower spine. The beams were allowed to overlap by approximately 10cm. Entire 360 degree rotations were used for the brain fields and posterior 120 degree arcs were used for the spine fields. The dosimetric coverage of the target between the VMAT and traditional plans was compared, as well as the dose to normal tissues. Results: Both VMAT plans achieved improved dose uniformity in the CTV (standard deviation < 2%), and reduced hot spots (<110%). Dose to the heart was reduced, with the V10 being 12.7% and 28.2%, compared to 44.6% and 50.2%, respectively, for the traditional plan. Dose to the total lung V5 increased for the VMAT plans for both patients (21.6% and 27.8% compared to 12% and 13% respectively). The results for the kidneys were mixed with the mean dose increasing for one patient and decreasing for the other . Conclusion: The efficacy of planning CSI treatments using a matching VMAT technique was demonstrated. The developed technique has the potential to improve dose uniformity to the target while at the same time reduce the risk of under or over dosing the spine
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(c) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: Treatment planning for Head and Neck(HN) re-irradiation is a challenge because of ablative doses to target volume and strict critical structure constraints. PlanIQ(Sun Nuclear Corporation) can assess the feasibility of clinical goals and quantitatively measure plan quality. Here, we assess whether incorporation of PlanIQ in our SBRT treatment planning process can improve plan quality and planning efficiency. Methods: From 2013–2015, 35 patients (29 retrospective, 6 prospective) with recurrent HN tumors were treated with SBRT using VMAT treatment plans. The median prescription dose was 45 Gy in 5 fractions. We retrospectively reviewed the treatment plans and physician directives of our first 29 patients and generated score functions of the dosimetric goals used in our practice and obtained a baseline histogram. We then re-optimized 12 plans that had potential to further reduce organs-at-risk (OAR) doses according to PlanIQ feasibility DVH and plan quality analysis and compared them to the original plans. We applied our new PlanIQ-assisted planning process for our 6 most recently treated patients and evaluated the plan quality and planning efficiency. Results: The mean plan quality metric(PQM) and feasibility adjusted PQM(APQM) scores of our initial 29 treatment plans were 77.1±13.1 and 88.7±11.9, respectively (0–100 scale). The PQM and APQM scores for the 12 optimized plans improved from 75.9±11.0 and 85.1±10.2 to 80.7±9.3 and 90.2±8.0, respectively (p<0.005). Using our newly developed PlanIQ-assisted planning process, the PQM and APQM scores for the 6 most recently treated patients were 93.6±6.5 and 99.1±0.6, respectively. The planning goals were more straightforward to minimize OAR doses during optimization, thus less planning and revision time were used than before. Conclusion: PlanIQ has the potential to provide achievable planning goals and also improve plan quality and planning efficiency.
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(c) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Purpose: A simple Field-in-Field technique for Total Body Irradiation (TBI) was developed for traditional AP/PA TBI treatments to improve dosimetric uniformity in patients with large separation. Methods: TBI at our institution currently utilizes an AP/PA technique at an extended source-to-surface distance (SSD) of 380cm with patients in left decubitus position during the AP beam and in right decubitus during the PA beam. Patients who have differences in thickness (separation) between the abdomen and head greater than 10cm undergo CT simulation in both left and right decubitus treatment positions. One plan for each CT is generated to evaluate dose to patient midline with both AP and PA fields, but only corresponding AP fields will be exported for treatment for patient left decubitus position and PA fields for patient right decubitus position. Subfields are added by collimating with the x-ray jaws according to separation changes at 5–7% steps to minimize hot regions to less than 10%. Finally, the monitor units (MUs) for the plans are verified with hand calculation and water phantom measurements. Results: Dose uniformity (+/−10%) is achieved with field-in-field using only asymmetric jaws. It is dosimetrically robust with respect to minor setup/patient variations inevitable due to patient conditions. MUs calculated with Pinnacle were verified in 3 clinical cases and only a 2% difference was found compared to homogeneous calculation. In-vivo dosimeters were also used to verify doses received by each patient with and confirmed dose variations less than 10%. Conclusion: We encountered several cases with separation differences that raised uniformity concerns — based on a 1% dose difference per cm separation difference assumption. This could Resultin an unintended hot spot, often in the head/neck, up to 25%. This method allows dose modulation without adding treatment complexity nor introducing radiobiological variations, providing a reasonable solution for this unique TBI situation
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(c) 2014 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Sensing sheets based on large-area electronics consist of a dense array of unit strain sensors. This new technology has potential for becoming an effective and affordable monitoring tool that can identify, localize and quantify surface damage in structures. This research contributes to their development by investigating the response of full-bridge unit strain sensors to thermal variations. Overall, this investigation quantifies the effects of temperature on thin-film full-bridge strain sensors monitoring uncracked and cracked concrete. Additionally, an empirical formula is developed to estimate crack width given an observed strain change and a measured temperature change. This research led to the understanding of the behavior of full-bridge strain sensors installed on cracked concrete and exposed to temperature variations. It proves the concept of the sensing sheet and its suitability for application in environments with variable temperature. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The accuracy of dose calculations from a pencil-beam algorithm developed specifically for arc electron beam therapy was evaluated at 10 and 15 MeV. Mid-arc depth-doses were measured for 0o and 90o arcs using 12 and 15 cm radius cylindrical water phantoms. Calculated depth-doses for the 90o arced beams in the build-up region were as much as 3% less than measured values; the maximum dose was similar in magnitude but at a greater depth; and the therapeutic depth, R80, was 2-4 mm deeper. Calculated values of output (dose per monitor unit) at the depth of the maximum calculated dose were compared with measured values; for arcs ranging from 0-90o, 12 and 15 cm radius water phantoms, and collimator widths of 4, 5 and 6 cm, results showed differences as great as 7%. Isodose countours for a 90o arc were also measured in a 15 cm radius PMMA phantom. (author)
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[en] Purpose: Following the method of in-phantom measurements of reference air kerma rate (Ka) at 100cm and absorbed water dose rate (Dw1) at 1cm of high-dose-rate 192Ir brachytherapy source using 60Co absorbed-dose-to-water calibrated (ND,w,60Co) ionization chamber (IC), we experimentally determined the in-phantom correction factors (kglob) of the PTW30013 (PTW, Freiburg, Germany) IC by comparing the Monte Carlo (MC)-calculated kglob of the other PTW30016 IC. Methods: The Dw1 formalism of in-phantom measurement is: M*ND,w,60Co*(kglob)Dw1, where M is the collected charges, and (kglob)Dw1 the in-phantom Dw1 correction factor. Similarly, Ka is determined by M*ND,w,60Co*(kglob)ka, where (kglob)ka the in-phantom Ka correction factor. Two thimble ICs PTW30013 and another PTW30016 having a ND,w,60Co from the German primary standard laboratory (PTB) were simultaneously exposed to the microselectron 192Ir v2 source at 8cm in a PMMA phantom. A reference well chamber (PTW33004) with a PTB transfer Ka calibration Nka was used for comparing the in-phantom measurements to derive the experimental (kglob)ka factors. We determined the experimental (kglob)Dw1 of the PTW30013 by comparing the PTW30016 measurements with MC-calculated (kglob)Dw1. Results: Ka results of the PTW30016 based on ND,w,60Co and MC-calculated (kglob)ka differ from the well chamber results based on Nka by 1.6% and from the manufacturer by 1.0%. Experimental (kglob)ka factors for the PTW30016 and two other PTW30013 are 0.00683, 0.00681 and 0.00679, and vary <0.5% with 1mm source positioning uncertainty. Experimental (kglob)Dw1 of the PTW30013 ICs are 75.3 and 75.6, and differ by 1.6% from the conversion by dose rate constant from the AAPM report 229. Conclusion: The 1.7% difference between MC and experimental (kglob)ka for the PTW30016 IC is within the PTB 2.5% expanded uncertainty in Ka calibration standard. Using a single IC with ND,w,60Co to calibrate the brachytherapy source and dose output in external radiotherapy is feasible. MC validation of the PTW30013(kglob)Dw1 is warranted.
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(c) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Background: Commercial treatment planning system Pinnacle3 (Philips, Fitchburg, WI, USA) employs a convolution-superposition algorithm for volumetric-modulated arc radiotherapy (VMAT) optimization and dose calculation. Study of Monte Carlo (MC) dose recalculation of VMAT plans for advanced-stage nasopharyngeal cancers (NPC) is currently limited. Methods: Twenty-nine VMAT prescribed 70Gy, 60Gy, and 54Gy to the planning target volumes (PTVs) were included. These clinical plans achieved with a CS dose engine on Pinnacle3 v9.0 were recalculated by the Monaco TPS v5.0 (Elekta, Maryland Heights, MO, USA) with a XVMC-based MC dose engine. The MC virtual source model was built using the same measurement beam dataset as for the Pinnacle beam model. All MC recalculation were based on absorbed dose to medium in medium (Dm,m). Differences in dose constraint parameters per our institution protocol (Supplementary Table 1) were analyzed. Results: Only differences in maximum dose to left brachial plexus, left temporal lobe and PTV54Gy were found to be statistically insignificant (p> 0.05). Dosimetric differences of other tumor targets and normal organs are found in supplementary Table 1. Generally, doses outside the PTV in the normal organs are lower with MC than with CS. This is also true in the PTV54-70Gy doses but higher dose in the nasal cavity near the bone interfaces is consistently predicted by MC, possibly due to the increased backscattering of short-range scattered photons and the secondary electrons that is not properly modeled by the CS. The straight shoulders of the PTV dose volume histograms (DVH) initially resulted from the CS optimization are merely preserved after MC recalculation. Conclusion: Significant dosimetric differences in VMAT NPC plans were observed between CS and MC calculations. Adjustments of the planning dose constraints to incorporate the physics differences from conventional CS algorithm should be made when VMAT optimization is carried out directly with MC dose engine.
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(c) 2016 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Increasing concerns regarding the conditions of civil structures and infrastructure give rise to the need for efficient strategies to identify and repair structural anomalies. ‘Sensing sheets’ based on large-area electronics consist of a dense array of unit strain sensors. These are an effective and affordable structural health monitoring tool that can identify and continuously monitor the growth of cracks in structures. This paper presents a study on the quantitative relationship between crack width and strain, the latter measured by an individual sensor that would be part of a sensing sheet. We investigate the sensitivity of thin-film full-bridge strain sensors to concrete cracks by conducting laboratory experiments in temperature-controlled settings. The results show a distribution of near-linear relationships with an average sensitivity of 31 µε µm"−"1. Experiments were also conducted to investigate the effect of crack position and orientation with respect to the sensor, and it appears that both variables affect the sensitivity of strain sensors to cracks. Overall, this study confirms that full-bridge resistive strain sensors can successfully detect and quantify cracks in structural materials and are therefore appropriate as part of a dense array of sensors on a sensing sheet. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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