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Zaikin, P.N.; Kritski , V.G.; Ufimtsev, M.V.
Conference on programming and mathematical methods for solving the physical problems1978
Conference on programming and mathematical methods for solving the physical problems1978
[en] A new approach towards comparing two spectra based on preliminary identification of line positions is considered. It is implemented in a program, IDENT, written in FORTRAN, which checks setting of dispersions and prints out information on the nature of spectra coincidence
Original Title
Voprosy sravneniya spektrov
Primary Subject
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR); p. 246-249; 1978; p. 246-249; Conference on programming and mathematical methods for solving the physical problems; Dubna, USSR; 20 - 23 Sep 1977; 5 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Consideration is being given to calculation aspects of founding probabilities of rare event registra ion when studying multiple processes. Recurrent expression for determining probabilities in registration model with constant intensities of primary events as well as in their fluctuations according to the truncated-normal law are constructed. The question about calculation stability to initial values was investigated. Computer calculations were conducted for characteristic values of distribution parameter
Original Title
O vychislenii pary diskretnykh raspredelenij, svyazannykh s registratsiej redkikh sobytij
Primary Subject
Galkina, V.Ya.; Zaikina, P.N. (eds.); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (USSR); p. 99-110; 1984; p. 99-110; Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta; Moscow (USSR); 2 refs; 6 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Varlamov, V.V.; Kapitonov, I.M.; Ufimtsev, M.V.; Chernyaev, A.P.
Summaries of reports of 23. Conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure1983
Summaries of reports of 23. Conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure1983
No abstract available
Original Title
Uchet vliyaniya parametrov monokhromaticheskogo ß-izlucheniya na kharakteristiki sechenij fotoyadernykh reaktsij
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; Ministerstvo Vysshego i Srednego Spetsial'nogo Obrazovaniya SSSR, Moscow; Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. (USSR); p. 353; 1983; p. 353; 23. Conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure; Moscow (USSR); 19-21 Apr 1983; Short note.
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Detail comparison of results of experiments on studying photonuclear reaction cross sections using bremsstrahlung (BS) and quasimonochromatic radiation arising during annihilation of accelerated positrons in flight testify to the presence of systematic differences; main of them are the following: markedly lesser distinct manifestation of structural peculiarities in QMR cross sections as compared with BS cross sections and little lesser (by 10-20%) values of QMR cross sections. The Tichonov method was used to restore (γn) reaction cross section by 12C proceeding from dependence of reaction yield on energy. The following conclusions have been drawn. Difference of a real shape of QMR spectrum from delta function is one of main reasons of QMR- and BS-cross sections. Halfwidth of monoline (200-400 keV) reached during modern QMR experiments doesn't permit to separate all cross section peculiarities. Difference of real QMR spectrum shape from delta function permits actually to obtain during QMR experiment data only on yield (but not on cross section) of reaction which raises a question of solution of corresponding integral equations with kernel of rather complex shape. The investigations performed testify that a more correct processing of QMR experiments data can promote considerable convergence of these data with BS experiment data
Original Title
Forma spectra kvazimonokhromaticheskikh fotonov i parametry sechenij fotoyadernykh reaktsij
Primary Subject
35. All-union conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure; Leningrad (USSR); 16-18 Apr 1985; For English translation see the journal Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Physical Series (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya; ISSN 0367-6765; ; CODEN IANFA; v. 50(1); p. 192-195
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Melnikov, A.V.; Eliseev, L.G.; Lysenko, S.E.; Zenin, V.N.; Ufimtsev, M.V., E-mail: melnikov_07@yahoo.com2017
[en] New findings in study of geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) on the T-10 tokamak since the last IAEA FEC 2014 are described. The broadband fluctuations of potential φ and electron density n e in Ohmic and ECRH regimes are analyzed with Heavy Ion Beam Probing along with fluctuations of poloidal magnetic field B pol. At the edge, at ρ > 0.8, the dominated GAM peak with frequency 17 kHz in potential fluctuations, and noticeable peak of quasi-coherent density and potential fluctuations with frequency 40–100 kHz and HFHM ∼30 kHz are observed. During ECRH of high density ∼ 4 × 1019 m−3 plasmas, the level of broadband fluctuations decreases, but the energy confinement degrades and the GAM amplitude on φ rises. The bi-spectral analysis of φ and n e fluctuations demonstrates the existence of statistically significant auto- and cross-bicoherence at the GAM frequency that points out to three-wave interaction between GAM and broadband electrostatic turbulence, while the cross-bicoherence for φ, n e and B pol indicates three-wave interaction between GAM and broadband electromagnetic turbulence. These three-wave interactions may be explained by quadratic character of nonlinear GAM generation, e.g. owing to Reynolds stress. (special topic)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Krupnik, L.I.; Ufimtsev, M.V.; Melnikov, A.V.; Eliseev, L.G.; Lysenko, S.E.
10th International Conference and School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Book of Abstracts2004
10th International Conference and School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Book of Abstracts2004
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Anon; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv (Ukraine); Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv (Ukraine); National Science Center 'Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology', Kharkov (Ukraine); 236 p; 2004; p. 215; 10. International Conference and School on Plasma Physics and Controlled fusion; Alushta (Ukraine); 13-18 Sep 2004
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Eliseev, L.G.; Mel'nikov, A.V.; Mavrin, V.A.; Zimeleva, L.G.; Perfilov, S.V.; Ufimtsev, M.V.; Krupnik, L.I.
Theses of the reports of the XXXI Zvenigorod conference on the plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear synthesis2004
Theses of the reports of the XXXI Zvenigorod conference on the plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear synthesis2004
No abstract available
Original Title
Issledovanie kolebanij s chastotami vblizi 20 kGts s pomoshch'yu zondirovaniya puchkom tyazhelykh ionov (ZPTI) na T-10
Primary Subject
Kovrizhnykh, L.M.; Ivanov, V.A.; Nagaeva, M.L.; Aleksandrov, A.F.; Vorob'ev, V.S.; Ivanenkov, G.V.; Meshcheryakov, A.I. (comps.); Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Fizike Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Kompleksnoj Probleme Fizika Nizkotemperaturnoj Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); RAN, Inst. Obshchej Fiziki im. A.M. Prokhorova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Tekhnologicheskij Tsentr PLASMAIOFAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Teplofiziki Ehkstremal'nykh Sostoyanij OIVT RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); 276 p; ISBN 5-94688-001-2; ; 2004; p. 115; XXXI Zvenigorod conference on the plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear synthesis; XXXI konferentsiya po fizike plazmy i UTS; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 16-20 Feb 2004; 2 refs., 3 figs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Melnikov, A.V.; Eliseev, L.G.; Lysenko, S.E.; Krupnik, L.I.; Ufimtsev, M.V.
INTAS Strategic Workshop 'Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement in Stellarators and Tokamaks' adjoint to 10th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Abstracts2004
INTAS Strategic Workshop 'Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement in Stellarators and Tokamaks' adjoint to 10th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Abstracts2004
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Anon; National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv (Ukraine); National Science Center 'Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology', Kharkov (Ukraine); International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the NIS of the FSU (INTAS), (Belgium); 28 p; 2004; p. 9; 10. International Conference and School on Plasma Physics and Controlled fusion; Alushta (Ukraine); 13-18 Sep 2004
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[en] Efforts to design the InterSONG device to be used in the experiments to be carried out with involvement of the InterHelios automatic interplanetary station operating at up to 25 solar radii distances are in progress now to improve essentially sensitivity in the experiments to investigate into solar neutrons via measurements in the Sun vicinity. The mentioned device is designed on the basis of LiI scintillation crystal enriched with 6Li and a plastic scintillator with boron additive used as a fast neutron moderator. The device is designed to record 0.1-100 MeV energy neutrons and electromagnetic radiation within 0.03-10 MeV range
С целью значительного повышения чувствительности в экспериментах по изучению нейтронов солнечного происхождения путем проведения измерений непосредственно вблизи Солнца разрабатывается прибор ИнтерСОНГ, который планируется использовать в эксперименте на автоматической межпланетной станции ИнтерГелиос, работающей на расстояниях до 25 солнечных радиусов. Прибор создан на основе сцинтилляционного кристалла LiI, обогащенного 6Li, и пластмассового сцинтиллятора с добавкой бора, использующегося также в качестве замедлителя быстрых нейтронов. Прибор предназначен для регистрации нейтронов с энергиями 0.1-100 МэВ, а также электромагнитного излучения в диапазоне 0.03-10 МэВOriginal Title
Prototip spektrometra nejtronov i gamma-kvantov dlya issledovaniya solnechnoj aktivnosti na rasstoyaniyakh ot 0.5 astronomicheskikh edinits do 25 solnechnykh radiusov
Primary Subject
19 refs., 17 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Specific oscillations within a range of 20 kHz ('20 kHz-mode') were investigated on the T-10 and TEXT tokamaks using Heavy Ion Beam Probe (HIBP) diagnostic. Regimes with ohmic heating on both machines, and with off-axis ECRH in T-10 were studied. It was shown that '20 kHz-modes' are mainly the potential oscillations. The power spectrum of the oscillations has the form of a solitary quasi-monochromatic peak with a contrast range of (3-5). They are the manifestation of torsional plasma oscillations with poloidal wavenumber m=0, called zonal flows. It was shown that in TEXT the radial electric field oscillations exist in a limited radial range of 0.65<ρ<0.95. The frequency of '20 kHz-mode' varies with local Te: f∼Te1/2, which is consistent with theoretical scaling for geodesic acoustic modes (GAM): fGAM∼cs/R∼Te1/2, where cs is the speed of sound. The absolute frequencies are close to GAM values within a factor of unity. (author)
Primary Subject
EFSREP'04 - Workshop on Electric Fields, Structures and Relaxation in Edge Plasmas; Nice (France); 26-27 Oct 2004; GRANT RFBR 02-02-17727; NSH-1608.2003.2; INTAS 2001-2056; NWO-RFBR 047.016.015; 10 refs., 14 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics; ISSN 0011-4626; ; v. 55(3); p. 349-360
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