Altamirano Valencia, Alfonso Ali
Universidad de Costa Rica, Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (Costa Rica)2015
Universidad de Costa Rica, Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado (Costa Rica)2015
[en] The cellular biocompatibility processes on a biocomposite in the form of a nanofibrillar scaffold were synthesized and evaluated with a concentration of 10% of Polylactic Acid and the presence of Hydroxyapatite crystals. PLA and HA were combined as membranes spun in nanometer ranges of fibers. The gas propulsion technique was used to allow the synthesis of polymeric nanofibers that can mimic the structure of the cellular matrix. Cultures of mesenchemial cells derived from bone marrow were used for biological characterization. A triazole blue (MTT) assay was used to evaluate the effect of the spun scaffolds on cell viability. The cells were seeded at a concentration of 1x105 cells/ml on the PLA/HA scaffolds. The cell-material interaction was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, they were washed with phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and they were dehydrated in series. increasing levels of PBS ethanol (25, 50, 75, 70 and 100%). The acquired morphology in the cells was observed by the Scanning Electron Microscopy technique at low voltage. An increased biological response was shown in both adhesion and cellular viability of the scaffold, as well as a better cell-material interaction. The membranes were produced by the gas propulsion technique and lack cytotoxic character. More studies were recommended to confer the application towards mineralized tissues, evaluating the bioactivity potential of these membranes. nanofibrillars in cellular biomineralization models
Los procesos de biocompatibilidad celular sobre un biocomposite en forma de andamio nanofibrilar fueron sintetizados y evaluados con una concentracion de 10% de Acido Polilactico y la presencia de cristales de Hidroxiapatita. El PLA y la HA fueron combinados a manera de membranas hiladas en rangos nanometricos de fibras. La tecnica de propulsion a gas fue utilizada para permitir la sintesis de nanofibras polimericas que pueden imitar la estructura de la matriz celular. Los cultivos de celulas mesenquemiales derivadas de la medula osea fueron empleados para la caracterizacion biologica. Un ensayo de azul de triazol (MTT) fue utilizado para evaluar el efecto de los andamios hilados sobre la viabilidad celular. Las celulas fueron sembradas a una concentracion de 1x105 celulas/ml sobre los andamios de PLA/HA. La interaccion celulas-material fue fijada con 4% de paraformaldehido, fueron lavadas con solucion amortiguadora de fosfatos (PBS) y fueron deshidratadas en series crecientes de etanol PBS (25, 50, 75, 70 y 100%). La morfologia adquirida en las celulas fue observada por la tecnica de Microscopia Electronica de Barrido en bajo voltaje. Una respuesta biologica aumentada fue mostrada tanto en la adhesion como en la viabilidad celular del andamio, asi como una mejor interaccion celula-material. Las membranas fueron producidas producidas por la tecnica de propulsion de gas carecen de caracter citotoxico. Mas estudios fueron recomendados para conferirle la aplicacion hacia tejidos mineralizados evaluando el potencial de bioactividad de estas membranas nanofibrilares en modelos de biomineralizacion celularOriginal Title
Sintesis y evaluacion de la biocompatibilidad de un andamio de fibras de PLA/Hidroxiapatita
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2015; 49 p; Available from Biblioteca Luis Demetrio Tinoco, Universidad de Costa Rica; Charts., figs., refs.; Tesis (maestria profesional en odontologia con enfasis en prostodoncia)
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Literature Type
Thesis/Dissertation; Numerical Data
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[en] Recently, several members of a vertebrate protein family containing a six trans-membrane (6TM) domain and involved in apoptosis and cancer (e.g. STEAP, STAMP1, TSAP6), have been identified in Golgi and cytoplasmic membranes. The exact function of these proteins remains unknown. We related this 6TM domain to distant protein families using intermediate sequences and methods of iterative profile sequence similarity search. Here we show for the first time that this 6TM domain is homolog to the 6TM heme binding domain of both the NADPH oxidase (Nox) family and the YedZ family of bacterial oxidoreductases. This finding gives novel insights about the existence of a previously undetected electron transfer system involved in apoptosis and cancer, and suggests further steps in the experimental characterization of these evolutionarily related families
Primary Subject
Available from; Available from; PMCID: PMC546010; PUBLISHER-ID: 1471-2407-4-98; PMID: 15623366; OAI:; Copyright (c) 2004 Sanchez-Pulido et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
BMC cancer (Online); ISSN 1471-2407; ; v. 4; p. 98
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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