Amaral, P.; Amorim, A.; Anderson, K.; Barreira, G.; Benetta, R.; Berglund, S.; Biscarat, C.; Blanchot, G.; Blucher, E.; Bogush, A.; Bohm, C.; Boldea, V.; Borisov, O.; Bosman, M.; Bromberg, C.; Budagov, J.; Burdin, S.; Caloba, L.; Carvalho, J.; Casado, P.; Castillo, M.V.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cavasinni, V.; Chadelas, R.; Chirikov-Zorin, I.; Chlachidze, G.; Cobal, M.; Cogswell, F.; Colaco, F.; Cologna, S.; Constantinescu, S.; Costanzo, D.; Crouau, M.; Daudon, F.; David, J.; David, M.; Davidek, T.; Dawson, J.; De, K.; Del Prete, T.; De Santo, A.; Di Girolamo, B.; Dita, S.; Dolejsi, J.; Dolezal, Z.; Downing, R.; Efthymiopoulos, I.; Engstroem, M.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Evans, H.; Fenyuk, A.; Ferrer, A.; Flaminio, V.; Gallas, E.; Gaspar, M.; Gil, I.; Gildemeister, O.; Glagolev, V.; Gomes, A.; Gonzalez, V.; Gonzalez De La Hoz, S.; Grabski, V.; Grauges, E.; Grenier, P.; Hakopian, H.; Haney, M.; Hansen, M.; Hellman, S.; Henriques, A.; Hebrard, C.; Higon, E.; Holmgren, S.; Huston, J.; Ivanyushenkov, Yu.; Jon-And, K.; Juste, A.; Kakurin, S.; Karapetian, G.; Karyukhin, A.; Kopikov, S.; Kukhtin, V.; Kulchitsky, Y.; Kurzbauer, W.; Kuzmin, M.; Lami, S.; Lapin, V.; Lazzeroni, C.; Lebedev, A.; Leitner, R.; Li, J.; Lomakin, Yu.; Lomakina, O.; Lokajicek, M.; Lopez Amengual, J.M.; Maio, A.; Malyukov, S.; Marroquin, F.; Martins, J.P.; Mazzoni, E.; Merritt, F.; Miller, R.; Minashvili, I.; Miralles, Ll.; Montarou, G.; Munar, A.; Nemecek, S.; Nessi, M.; Onofre, A.; Orteu, S.; Park, I.C.; Pallin, D.; Pantea, D.; Paoletti, R.; Patriarca, J.; Pereira, A.; Perlas, J.A.; Petit, P.; Pilcher, J.; Pinhao, J.; Poggioli, L.; Price, L.; Proudfoot, J.; Pukhov, O.; Reinmuth, G.; Renzoni, G.; Richards, R.; Roda, C.; Romance, J.B.; Romanov, V.; Ronceux, B.; Rosnet, P.; Rumyantsev, V.; Russakovich, N.; Sanchis, E.; Sanders, H.; Santoni, C.; Santos, J.; Sawyer, L.; Says, L.-P.; Seixas, J.M.; Sellden, B.; Semenov, A.; Shchelchkov, A.; Shochet, M.; Simaitis, V.; Sissakian, A.; Solodkov, A.; Solovianov, O.; Sonderegger, P.; Sosebee, M.; Soustruznik, K.; Spano, F.; Stanek, R.; Starchenko, E.; Stephens, R.; Suk, M.; Tang, F.; Tas, P.; Thaler, J.; Tokar, S.; Topilin, N.; Trka, Z.; Turcot, A.; Turcotte, M.; Valkar, S.; Varandas, M.J.; Vartapetian, A.; Vazeille, F.; Vichou, I.; Vinogradov, V.; Vorozhtsov, S.; Wagner, D.; White, A.; Wolters, H.; Yamdagni, N.; Yarygin, G.; Yosef, C.; Zaitsev, A.; Zdrazil, M.; Zuniga, J., E-mail: marzio.nessi@cern.ch2000
[en] The lateral and longitudinal profiles of hadronic showers detected by a prototype of the ATLAS Iron-Scintillator Tile Hadron Calorimeter have been investigated. This calorimeter presents a unique longitudinal configuration of scintillator tiles. Using a fine-grained pion beam scan at 100 GeV, a detailed picture of transverse shower behaviour is obtained. The underlying radial energy densities for the four depth segments and for the entire calorimeter have been reconstructed. A three-dimensional hadronic shower parametrisation has been developed. The results presented here are useful for understanding the performance of iron-scintillator calorimeters, for developing fast simulations of hadronic showers, for many calorimetry problems requiring the integration of a shower energy deposition in a volume and for future calorimeters design
Primary Subject
S0168900299010207; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 443(1); p. 51-70
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Akhmadaliev, S.; Albiol, F.; Amaral, P.; Ambrosini, G.; Amorim, A.; Anderson, K.; Andrieux, M.L.; Aubert, B.; Auge, E.; Badaud, F.; Baisin, L.; Barreiro, F.; Battistoni, G.; Bazan, A.; Bazizi, K.; Bee, C.; Belorgey, J.; Belymam, A.; Benchekroun, D.; Berglund, S.; Berset, J.C.; Blanchot, G.; Bogush, A.; Bohm, C.; Boldea, V.; Bonivento, W.; Borgeaud, P.; Borisov, O.; Bosman, M.; Bouhemaid, N.; Breton, D.; Brette, P.; Bromberg, C.; Budagov, J.; Burdin, S.; Caloba, L.; Camarena, F.; Camin, D.V.; Canton, B.; Caprini, M.; Carvalho, J.; Casado, P.; Cases, R.; Castillo, M.V.; Cavalli, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cavasinni, V.; Chadelas, R.; Chalifour, M.; Chekhtman, L.; Chevalley, J.L.; Chirikov-Zorin, I.; Chlachidze, G.; Chollet, J.C.; Citterio, M.; Cleland, W.E.; Clement, C.; Cobal, M.; Cogswell, F.; Colas, J.; Collot, J.; Cologna, S.; Constantinescu, S.; Costa, G.; Costanzo, D.; Coulon, J.-P.; Crouau, M.; Dargent, P.; Daudon, F.; David, M.; Davidek, T.; Dawson, J.; De, K.; Delagnes, E.; De la Taille, C.; Del Peso, J.; Del Prete, T.; De Saintignon, P.; Di Girolamo, B.; Dinkespiller, B.; Dita, S.; Djama, F.; Dodd, J.; Dolejsi, J.; Dolezal, Z.; Downing, R.; Dugne, J.-J.; Duval, P.-Y.; Dzahini, D.; Efthymiopoulos, I.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Etienne, F.; Evans, H.; Eynard, G.; Farida, F.; Fassnacht, P.; Fedyakin, N.; Troconiz, J. Fernandez De; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrer, A.; Flaminio, V.; Fournier, D.; Fumagalli, G.; Gallas, E.; Garcia, G.; Gaspar, M.; Gianotti, F.; Gildemeister, O.; Glagolev, V.; Glebov, V.; Gomes, A.; Gonzalez, V.; Hoz, S. Gonzalez De La; Gordeev, A.; Gordon, H.A.; Grabsky, V.; Grauges, E.; Grenier, Ph.; Hakopian, H.; Haney, M.; Hebrard, C.; Henriques, A.; Henry-Couannier, F.; Hervas, L.; Higon, E.; Holmgren, S.; Hostachy, J.Y.; Hoummada, A.; Huet, M.; Huston, J.; Imbault, D.; Ivanyushenkov, Yu.; Jacquier, Y.; Jezequel, S.; Johansson, E.; Jon-And, K.; Jones, R.; Juste, A.; Kakurin, S.; Karst, P.; Karyukhin, A.; Khokhlov, Yu.; Khubua, J.; Klyukhin, V.; Kolachev, G.; Kolomoets, V.; Kopikov, S.; Kostrikov, M.; Kovtun, V.; Kozlov, V.; Krivkova, P.; Kukhtin, V.; Kulagin, M.; Kulchitsky, Y.; Kuzmin, M.; Labarga, L.; Laborie, G.; Lacour, D.; Lami, S.; Lapin, V.; Dortz, O. Le; Lefebvre, M.; Leflour, T.; Leitner, R.; Leltchouk, M.; Suu, A. Le Van; Li, J.; Liapis, C.; Linossier, O.; Lissauer, D.; Lobkowicz, F.; Lokajicek, M.; Lomakin, Yu.; Lomakina, O.; Amengual, J.M. Lopez; Lottin, J.-P.; Lund-Jensen, B.; Lundquist, J.; Maio, A.; Makowiecki, D.; Malyukov, S.; Mandelli, L.; Mansoulie, B.; Mapelli, L.; Marin, C.P.; Marrocchesi, P.; Marroquin, F.; Martin, L.; Martin, O.; Martin, Ph.; Maslennikov, A.; Massol, N.; Mazzanti, M.; Mazzoni, E.; Merritt, F.; Michel, B.; Miller, R.; Minashvili, I.; Miralles, L.; Mirea, A.; Mnatsakanian, E.; Monnier, E.; Montarou, G.; Mornacchi, G.; Mosidze, M.; Moynot, M.; Muanza, G.S.; Nagy, E.; Nayman, P.; Nemecek, S.; Nessi, M.; Nicod, D.; Nicoleau, S.; Niculescu, M.; Noppe, J.M.; Onofre, A.; Pallin, D.; Pantea, D.; Paoletti, R.; Park, I.C.; Parrour, G.; Parsons, J.; Pascual, J.; Pereira, A.; Perini, L.; Perlas, J.A.; Perrodo, P.; Petroff, P.; Pilcher, J.; Pinhao, J.; Plothow-Besch, H.; Poggioli, L.; Poirot, S.; Price, L.; Protopopov, Y.; Proudfoot, J.; Pukhov, O.; Puzo, P.; Radeka, V.; Rahm, D.; Reinmuth, G.; Renardy, J.F.; Renzoni, G.; Rescia, S.; Resconi, S.; Richards, R.; Richer, J.-P.; Riu, I.; Roda, C.; Roldan, J.; Romance, J.; Romanov, V.; Romero, P.; Russakovich, N.; Sala, P.; Sanchis, E.; Sanders, H.; Santoni, C.; Santos, J.; Sauvage, D.; Sauvage, G.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Sawyer, L.; Says, L.-P.; Schaffer, A.; Schwemling, P.; Schwindling, J.; Seguin-Moreau, N.; Seidl, W.; Seixas, J.M.; Sellden, B.; Seman, M.; Semenov, A.; Senchishin, V.; Serin, L.; Shaldaev, E.; Shchelchkov, A.; Shochet, M.; Sidorov, V.; Silva, J.; Simaitis, V.; Simion, S.; Sissakian, A.; Soloviev, I.; Snopkov, R.; Soderqvist, J.; Solodkov, A.; Sonderegger, P.; Soustruznik, K.; Spano', F.; Spiwoks, R.; Stanek, R.; Starchenko, E.; Stavina, P.; Stephens, R.; Studenov, S.; Suk, M.; Surkov , A.; Sykora, I.; Taguet, J.P.; Takai, H.; Tang, F.; Tardell, S.; Tas, P.; Teiger, J.; Teubert, F.; Thaler, J.; Thion, J.; Tikhonov, Y.; Tisserand, V.; Tisserant, S.; Tokar, S.; Topilin, N.; Trka, Z.; Turcotte, M.; Valkar, S.; Varanda, M.J.; Vartapetian, A.; Vazeille, F.; Vichou, I.; Vincent, P.; Vinogradov, V.; Vorozhtsov, S.; Vuillemin, V.; Walter, C.; White, A.; Wielers, M.; Wingerter-Seez, I.; Wolters, H.; Yamdagni, N.; Yarygin, G.; Yosef, C.; Zaitsev, A.; Zitoun, R.; Zolnierowski, Y.P., E-mail:
[en] A new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon accordion calorimeter and a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter was carried out at the CERN SPS. These devices are prototypes of the barrel calorimeter of the future ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The energy resolution of pions in the energy range from 10 to 300 GeV at an incident angle θ of about 12 deg. is well described by the expression σ/E=((41.9±1.6)%/√E+(1.8±0.1)%)+(1.8±0.1)/E, where E is in GeV. The response to electrons and muons was evaluated. Shower profiles, shower leakage and the angular resolution of hadronic showers were also studied. Results are compared with those from the previous beam test
Primary Subject
S0168900200001534; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Ukraine
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 449(3); p. 461-477
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue