Veeraraghavan, Swetha; Coleman, Justin L.; Bielak, Jacobo
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) (United States)2019
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) (United States)2019
[en] Mesas, which consist of an elevated area of land with a flat top and steep cliffs at the sides, are one of the common geological formations present in the Los Alamos region. Previous research has shown that geological formations such as sedimentary canyons can amplify soil response during earthquakes. There have also been parametric studies to understand the response of an idealized and isolated mountain/canyon under inclined plane waves. In this study, a 2-D linear anelastic soil domain, with topography modelled after the Los Alamos region with many mesas and canyons, is considered to understand site-specific topographic effects in the presence of non-isolated topographical features. Various earthquake sources configurations ranging from point sources to finite faults with varying rupture length, dip angles and spatial slip distributions are considered. To isolate the effect of topography, three other soil domains—a homogeneous half-space, homogeneous half-space with mesas and canyons, and a computational domain with just the soil properties from the Los Alamos region on a flat soil domain is also considered. 2-D site-response analyses of these soil domains under earthquake excitation show that the free-field response of the soil can be amplified or de-amplified depending on the topography of the region and the location of the station relative to the fault. These studies also show that even relatively small mesas with height less than 100 m can significantly amplify the response (by a factor of 2 or more), which differ from the much smaller amplification factors (≤1.2) specified by standard building codes such as Eurocode-8 (2000) for topographical features with a similar slope. De-amplifications are also fairly common, especially close to the canyons. The results from this study agree qualitatively with those from the ambient vibration study conducted by Stolte et al. on a mesa from the Los Alamos region. Furthermore, such site-specific studies provide important insights into the variability of the topographic amplification factors within a region of interest. Such knowledge is important in the design of safety-related critical infrastructure located within that region.
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OSTIID--1581141; AC07-05ID14517; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period; arXiv:1912.09396; Country of input: United States
Record Type
Journal Article
Geophysical Journal International; ISSN 0956-540X; ; v. 220(3); p. 1504
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Williamson, Richard L.; Folsom, Charles Pearson; Pastore, Giovanni; Veeraraghavan, Swetha
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2016
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2016
[en] One of the Challenge Problems being considered within CASL relates to modelling and simulation of Light Water Reactor LWR) fuel under Reactivity Insertion Accident (RIA) conditions. BISON is the fuel performance code used within CASL for LWR fuel under both normal operating and accident conditions, and thus must be capable of addressing the RIA challenge problem. This report outlines required BISON capabilities for RIAs and describes the current status of the code. Information on recent accident capability enhancements, application of BISON to a RIA benchmark exercise, and plans for validation to RIA behavior are included.
Primary Subject
1 May 2016; 42 p; OSTIID--1369377; AC07-05ID14517; Available from; PURL:
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Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology: Development of Beta 1.0 MASTODON Toolset
Bolisetti, Chandu; Veeraraghavan, Swetha; Slaughter, Andrew; Coleman, Justin L.; Kammerer, Annie M.
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2017
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2017
[en] Design of nuclear power plant (NPP) facilities to resist natural hazards has been a part of the regulatory process from the beginning of the NPP industry in the United States, but has evolved substantially over time. The original set of approaches and methods was entirely deterministic in nature and focused on a traditional engineering margins-based approach. However, over time probabilistic and risk-informed approaches were also developed and implemented in US Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidance and regulation. A defense-in-depth framework has also been incorporated into US regulatory guidance over time. As a result, today, the US regulatory framework incorporates deterministic and probabilistic approaches for a range of different applications and for a range of natural hazard considerations. Although the US regulatory framework has continued to evolve over time, the tools, methods and data available to the US nuclear industry to meet the changing requirements have not kept pace. Notably, there is room for improvement in the tools and methods available for external event probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), which is the principal assessment approach used in risk-informed regulations and risk-informed decision-making applied to natural hazard assessment and design. Development of a new set of tools and methods that incorporate current knowledge, modern best practice, and state-of-the-art computational resources would lead to more reliable assessment of facility risk and risk insights (e.g., the plant elements and accident sequences that are most risk-significant), with less uncertainty and reduced conservatisms. Development of the next generation tools and methods for external events PRA is ongoing under the Risk Informed Safety Margins Characterization (RISMC) technical pathway. The RISMC toolkit development centers on integration of the tools and methods under a common framework, MOOSE. These tools and methods make use of existing and newly developed tools and methods, coupled with the experience and data gained in the past decades, to define and analyze more realistic risk assessment models. Specific focus in this report is on the capability to model seismic risk using advanced SPRA methods. Over the last year, significant capability has been added to Mastodon to simulate 3-D wave passage effects through nonlinear soil. Verification has demonstrated the capability of Mastodon to model wave passage effects in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D. Methods have been developed to incorporate probabilistic floor response capabilities. Additional capability will be added to Mastodon over the next year to implement a robust gapping and sliding element for cyclic shaking, web-based verification and user manuals, stochastic finite elements, and frequency independent damping. Verification of added capabilities has occured in parallel with code writing activities.
Primary Subject
1 Aug 2017; 44 p; OSTIID--1466787; AC07-05ID14517; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period; DOI: 10.2172/1466787
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Coleman, Justin L.; Bolisetti, Chandu; Veeraraghavan, Swetha; Parisi, Carlo; Prescott, Steven R.; Gupta, Abhinav
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2016
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2016
[en] Design of nuclear power plant (NPP) facilities to resist natural hazards has been a part of the regulatory process from the beginning of the NPP industry in the United States (US), but has evolved substantially over time. The original set of approaches and methods was entirely deterministic in nature and focused on a traditional engineering margins-based approach. However, over time probabilistic and risk-informed approaches were also developed and implemented in US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) guidance and regulation. A defense-in-depth framework has also been incorporated into US regulatory guidance over time. As a result, today, the US regulatory framework incorporates deterministic and probabilistic approaches for a range of different applications and for a range of natural hazard considerations. This framework will continue to evolve as a result of improved knowledge and newly identified regulatory needs and objectives, most notably in response to the NRC activities developed in response to the 2011 Fukushima accident in Japan. Although the US regulatory framework has continued to evolve over time, the tools, methods and data available to the US nuclear industry to meet the changing requirements have not kept pace. Notably, there is significant room for improvement in the tools and methods available for external event probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), which is the principal assessment approach used in risk-informed regulations and risk-informed decision-making applied to natural hazard assessment and design. This is particularly true if PRA is applied to natural hazards other than seismic loading. Development of a new set of tools and methods that incorporate current knowledge, modern best practice, and state-of-the-art computational resources would lead to more reliable assessment of facility risk and risk insights (e.g., the SSCs and accident sequences that are most risk-significant), with less uncertainty and reduced conservatisms.
Primary Subject
1 Sep 2016; 157 p; OSTIID--1369534; AC07-05ID14517; Available from; PURL:
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
Coleman, Justin; Slaughter, Andrew; Veeraraghavan, Swetha; Bolisetti, Chandrakanth; Numanoglu, Ozgun Alp; Spears, Robert; Hoffman, William; Hurt, Efe
Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2017
Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Nuclear Energy - NE (United States)2017
[en] Multi-hazard Analysis for STOchastic time-DOmaiN phenomena (MASTODON) is a finite element application that aims at analyzing the response of 3-D soil-structure systems to natural and man-made hazards such as earthquakes, floods and fire. MASTODON currently focuses on the simulation of seismic events and has the capability to perform extensive ‘source-to-site’ simulations including earthquake fault rupture, nonlinear wave propagation and nonlinear soil-structure interaction (NLSSI) analysis. MASTODON is being developed to be a dynamic probabilistic risk assessment framework that enables analysts to not only perform deterministic analyses, but also easily perform probabilistic or stochastic simulations for the purpose of risk assessment.
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
5 May 2017; 33 p; OSTIID--1376857; DE-AC07-05ID14517
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue