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Ehkspress-metod opredeleniya molibdena v svintsovo-molibdatnykh kronakh
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Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Lakokrasochnye Materialy i Ikh Primenenie; (no.1); p. 48
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] For heat resistant nickel base alloys (EhI437B, EhP741, EhP962, ZhS6KP) with a volume share of hardening intermetallic γ-phase lying in the range of 15-60% are taken as examples to examine the effect of high temperature deformation and recrystallization on the nature of resulting microstructure. It is established that the most essential factor affecting the formation of microstructure is the relationship of deformation temperature and/or recrystallization annealing temperature to the temperature of complete dissolution of γ-phase (Tc.d.γ) in the alloy. At temperatures above Tc.d.γ (a single-phase γ-state of the alloy) dynamic recrystallization on deformation and static recrystallization on post-deformation holding at heat or repeated heating are progressing. At temperatures below Tc.d.γ (two-phase (γ+γ')-state of the alloy) the nature of the structure resulting from deformation and recrystallization is dependent on a γ'-phase volume share at a given temperature
На примере четырех жаропрочных никелевых сплавов (ЭИ437Б, ЭП741, ЭП962, ЖС6КП) с объемной долей упрочняющей интерметаллидной γ-фазы 15-60% рассмотрено влияние высокотемпературной деформации и рекристаллизации на характер образующейся микроструктуры. Установлено, что наиболее существенным фактором, влияющим на формирование микроструктуры, является соотношение температуры деформации и/или рекристаллизационного отжига с температурой полного растворения γ'-фазы (Тп.р.γ') в сплаве. При температурах выше Тп.р.γ' (однофазное γ- состояние сплава) развиваются динамическая рекристаллизация в процессе деформации и статическая рекристаллизация при последеформационных выдержках или повторном нагреве. При температурах ниже Тп.р.γ' (двухфазное (γ+γ')-состояние сплава) характер формирующейся просле деформации и рекристаллизации структуры зависит от объемной доли γ'-фазы при данной температуреOriginal Title
Rekristallizatsiya v nikelevykh supersplavakh. I. Rekristallizatsiya v polikristallicheskikh materialakh
Primary Subject
7 refs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] ANKB-2 ampholyte containing copper, nickel and yttrium was investigated by infrared spectroscopy. It was esrtablished in result of analysing obtained spectra that copper, nickel, yttrium interact both with carboxyl ampholyte group and heterocycle nitΩgen with formation of coordination compounds of chelate type
Original Title
Issledovanie amfoternogo ionita ANKB-2, soderzhashchego iony perekhodnykh metallov i ittriya, metodom infrakrasnoj spektroskopii
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry (UK).
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Fizicheskoj Khimii; ISSN 0044-4537; ; v. 58(11); p. 2846-2849
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Relationships of dislocation structure evolution to morphological changes of gamma'-phase at the secondary and transient stages of creep at 1000 deg C have been investigated theoretically and experimentally for heat resisting nickel base alloys. The dislocation structure which is formed at interphase boundaries under deformation of two-phase alloys is under consideration along with dislocation-induced stress fields. These latter are shown to be reponsible for formation of lamellar structure of the initial creep stage and to promote perfecting of lamellar shape at the secondary stage in the alloys with negative lattice discrepancy
Original Title
Rol' vnutrennikh napryazhenij v ehvolyutsii morfologii chastits gamma'-fazy v nikelevykh splavakh pri vysokotemperaturnoj polzuchesti
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The stability of the monocrystal microstructure in dependence on the deformation (active tension, creep rate, shift under pressure) and postdeformation thermal effects is studied by example of three heat resisting nickel alloys (EhI437B, ZhS32 and VKNA-type) with the voluminous share of the strengthening γ-phase ∼15-95%. Formation of the substructure due to the dynamic recrystallation was observed by the high-temperature deformation in the single-phase γ-area (the EhI437B alloy, active tension) in the monocrystals. Deformation in the two-phase (γ+γ) area leads to formation of significantly different structures, depending on the temperature and way of deformation
На примере трех жаропрочных никелевых сплавов (ЭИ437Б, ЖС32 и типа ВКНА) с объемной долей упрочняющей γ'-фазы -∼15-95% исследована стабильность микроструктуры монокристаллов в зависимости от деформационных (активное растяжение, ползучесть, сдвиг под давлением) и последеформационных термических воздействий. При высокотемпературной деформации в однофазной γ-области (сплав ЭИ437Б, активное растяжение) в монокристаллах наблюдали образование субструктуры в результате динамической рекристаллизации. Деформация в двухфазной (γ+γ')-области приводит к образованию существенно различных структур в зависимости от температуры и способа деформирования. На монокристаллах сплава ЖС32 установлено, что образующиеся при ползучести γ'-ламели устойчивы при нагреве до температур, более чем на 100 град С превышающих температуру их формированияOriginal Title
Rekristallizatsiya v nikelevykh supersplavakh. II. Rekristallizatsiya v monokristallakh
Primary Subject
7 refs.; 7 figs.; 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] On monocrystals of the KhN77TYuR alloy of three different orientations extented in the 1373-1473 K temperature range up to various strain degrees, peculiarities of high temperature softening including dynamic recrystallization have been studied. The structure of dynamically and postdynamically recrystallized grains is metallographically investigated. Hardening curves are plotted in true coordinates for monocrystals of all orientations. A strong effect of deformation temperature and orientation on the beginning of dynamic recrystallization is pointed out. The criterion of the beginning of dynamic recrystallization independent of the monocrystal orientation is shear stress occuring in the slip plane
Original Title
Dinamicheskaya rekristallizatsiya pri vysokotemperatdrnom rastyazhenii monokristallov splava KhN77TYuR
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Physics of Metals and Metallography (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie; ISSN 0015-3230; ; v. 54(1); p. 149-158
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] By means of electron microscopy, X-ray structure analysis, measurement of microhardness one investigated into the effect of the moderate (under creeping) and the intensive (shift under pressure) deformation on the structure and hardness of <001> monocrystals of nickel-base superalloy containing 0.16%C, 19% γ-alloying elements (Cr, Co, Mo, Re), 21% γ' - and carbidoforming elements (Ta, Nb, V, W, Al). One studied the peculiarities of recrystallization and phase transformations in the alloy upon various type deformation and heating. Deformation under creeping at 1000 deg C was determined to result information of lamellar γ/γ' - structure. At subsequent heating up to 700 deg C extra amount of γ'-phase was formed with no variation of dislocation structure. Under 1100-1200 deg C γ'-lamellas were dissolved and the dislocations were redistributed. Under 1220 deg C and higher in the volumes with complete dissolving of γ'-phase the alloy was crystallized. Shift under pressure at room temperature in monocrystals with lamellar and cubic γ'-phase resulted in variation of morphology of hardening particles. Recrystallization took place in gamma-phase at the absence of γ'-particles upon both the moderate and the intensive deformations
Методами электронной микроскопии, рентгеноструктурного анализа, измерения микротвердости исследовано влияние умеренной (в условиях ползучести) и интенсивной (сдвиг под давлением) деформации на структуру и твердость монокристаллов <001> жаропрочного сплава на никелевой основе, 0,16%C, 19% γ-легирующих элементов (Cr, Co, Mo, Re), 21% γ'- и карбидообразующих элементов (Ta, Nb, V, W, Al). Изучены особенности рекристаллизации и фазовых превращений в сплаве после деформации различными способами и нагрева. Установлено, что деформация в условиях ползучести при 1000 град. С приводит к созданию ламельной γ/γ' - структуры. При последующем нагреве до 700 град. С образуется дополнительное количество γ'- фазы без изменения дислокационной структуры. При 1100-1200 град. С происходит растворение γ' - ламелей и перераспределение дислокаций. При 1220 град. С и выше в объемах, где произошло полное растворение γ' - фазы, протекает рекристаллизация сплава. Рекристаллизация происходит в γ' - фазе при отсутствии γ' - частиц как после умеренной, так и после интенсивной деформацииOriginal Title
Struktura monokristallov nikelevogo zharoprochnogo splava posle plasticheskoj deformatsii i nagreva
Primary Subject
8 refs.; 4 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov; ISSN 0026-0819; ; CODEN MTOMAX; (no.10); p. 26-29
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Tantalum and niobium base MC primary carbides linked with matrix via cubic orientation ratios are precipitated in monocrystals of nickel base high-temperature high-alloyed superalloy with <001> growth axis orientation and 0.16% carbon content at crystallization alongside with main strengthening γ'-phase. MC carbides at crystallization, thermal treatment and creep test undergo transformations with formation of M23C6 and M6C globular carbides
Original Title
Fazovye i strukturnye prevrashcheniya v monokristallicheskom nikelevom supersplave pod vliyaniem temperatury i deformatsii
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Short communication
Original Title
Mikrostruktura bystrozakristallizovannykh nikelevykh zharoprochnykh splavov
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The structure and strength properties of monocrystals with the growth axis <100> of two heat resisting nickel-base alloys after various modes of high-temperature treatment of the melt have been investigated. By the methods of electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis and metallography, the influence of temperature of the melt on structural perfection of the monocrystals, parameters of cellular-dendritic structure, morphology and dispersion of strengthening γ'-phase, degree of coherence in γ/γ' phase interface and their interrelation with long-term rupture strength of the alloys studied, has been analyzed
Original Title
Vliyanie vysokotemperaturnoj obrabotki rasplava na strukturu monokristallov zharoprochnykh splavov
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue