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Anderson RA; Clark, Robert E; Corcoran, PA; Douglas, John W; Gilliland, TL; Horry, ML; Hughes, Thomas P; Ives, HC; Long, FW; Martin, TH; McDaniel, DH; Milton, Osborne; Mostrom, Michael A; Seamen, JF; Shoup, RW; Smith, ID; Smith, JW; Spielman, RB; Struve, KW; Stygar, WA; Vogtlin, George E; Wagoner, TC; Yamamoto, Osamu
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE (United States)1999
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE (United States)1999
[en] We have demonstrated successful operation of a 3.35- m-diameter insulator stack at 158 kV/cm on five consecutive Z-accelerator shots. The stack consisted of five +45 deg;-profile 5.715-cm-thick cross-linked-polystyrene (Rexolite- 1422) insulator rings, and four anodized- aluminum grading rings shaped to reduce the field at cathode triple junctions. The width of the voltage pulse at 89% of peak was 32 ns. We compare this result to a new empirical flashover relation developed from previous small-insulator experiments conducted with flat unanodized electrodes. The relation predicts a 50% flashover probability for a Rexolite insulator during an applied voltage pulse when Emaxe-0.27/d(teffC)1/10 = 224, where Emax is the peak mean electric field (kV/cm), d is the insulator thickness (cm), teff is the effective pulse width (ps), and C is the insulator circumference (cm). We find the Z stack can be operated at a stress at least 19% higher than predicted. This result, and previous experiments conducted by Vogtlin, suggest anodized electrodes with geometries that reduce the field at both anode and cathode triple junctions would improve the flashover strength of +45 deg; insulators
Primary Subject
30 Jun 1999; 6 p; 12. IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 1999; Monterey, CA (United States); 27-30 Jun 1999; CONTRACT AC04-94AL85000; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE00008475; NTIS; US GOVT. PRINTING OFFICE DEP
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