Buitrago, Miriam; Departe, Alba; Eglin, Thomas; Machefaux, Emilie; Mousset, Jerome; Fischer, Clarisse; Fiquepron, Julien; Sevrin, Eric; Vuillermoz, Morgan; Khatib, Sarah; De Saint Palais, Aldric; Cacot, Emmanuel; Grenier, Jonathan; Schrepfer, Lucas; Landmann, Guy; Augusto, Laurent; Gosselin, Marion; Augeard, Benedicte; Akroume, Emila; Deleuze, Christine; Pilard Landeau, Brigitte; Pischedda, Didier; Pousse, Noemie; Richter, Claudine; Cazes, Pauline; Noe, Armelle; Van De Maele, Elisabeth; Duhalde, Michel; Pagnac Fabiaz, Elisabeth; Salmona, Marie-Christine; Flajollet Millan, Johanna; BERWICK, Caroline; DHIER, Geoffroy; Helou, Tammouz Enaut; Bissonnier, Laurent; Francois, Damien; Guitton, Vincent; Guyader, Sylvie; Castagnon, Gana; Zeller, Audrey
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20 avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); Terre-eCOS, 3 Rue Lespagnol, Paris, France (France)2020
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20 avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France); Terre-eCOS, 3 Rue Lespagnol, Paris, France (France)2020
[en] This practical guide (collectively developed with representatives of forestry professionals and timber industries, the academic world and environmental associations) summarizes the main issues for a sustainable harvest of wood for the production of wood-chips. It presents operational decision support tools and good practices aimed at maintaining the chemical fertility and physical integrity of soils, conserving habitats for biodiversity and preserving wetlands and courtyards of water. It also recalls that consultation between owners, forest stakeholders and representatives of civil society is the key to implementing and adapting these recommendations to each situation
Ce guide pratique a ete elabore collectivement avec des representants des professionnels forestiers et des filieres bois, du monde academique et des associations environnementales. Il synthetise les principaux enjeux pour une recolte durable de bois destinee a la production de plaquettes forestieres. Ce guide presente des outils d'aide a la decision operationnels et des bonnes pratiques dont l'objectif est de maintenir la fertilite chimique et l'integrite physique des sols, de conserver des habitats pour la biodiversite et de preserver les zones humides et les cours d'eau. Il rappelle aussi que la concertation entre proprietaires, intervenants forestiers et representants de la societe civile est la cle pour mettre en oeuvre et adapter ces recommandations a chaque situationOriginal Title
Recolte durable de bois pour la production de plaquettes forestieres. Enjeux et bonnes pratiques: focus sur la preservation des sols
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Dec 2020; 40 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Augusto, Laurent; Bastien, Catherine; Breda, Nathalie; Carnus, Jean-Michel; Collet, Catherine; Deconchat, Marc; Dhote, Jean-Francois; Dreyer, Erwin; Garcia, Serge; Guehl, Jean-Marc; Guyon, Dominique; Houllier, Francois; Jactel, Herve; Lefevre, Francois; Rigolot, Eric; Saint-Andre, Laurent; Wigneron, Jean-Pierre; Bailly, Alain; Barbier, Jean-Marc; Berthelot, Alain; Bonfils, Pierre; Cacot, Emmanuel; Cornilier, Claire; De Morogues, Francis; Deroubaix, Gerard; Faye, Carole; Fraysse, Jean-Yves; Golja, Robert; Gourves, Valerie; Guinard, Ludovic; Harveng, Luc; Kleinschmitt Von Lengefeld, Andreas; Labat, Gilles; Lanvin, Jean-Denis; Le Neve, Serge; Maire, Louis; Molinie, Patrick; Monchaux, Philippe; Petit-Conil, Michel; Rouger, Frederic; Roux, Marie-Lise; Vial, Estelle; Vuillermoz, Morgan; BELOUARD, Thierry; PIOU, Dominique; Berger, Frederic; Callois, Jean-Marc; Durrieu, Sylvie; Gosselin, Frederic; Blanc, Nicolas; Cattiau, Thomas; Pichon, Vincent; Chartier, Michel; Girard, Sabine; Gonin, Pierre; Heois, Bernard; Merzeau, Dominique; Paillassa, Eric; Perrier, Celine; Picard, Olivier; Vidal Christophe; Deleuze, Christine; Jolly, Anne; Legay, Myriam; Delisee, Christine; Esparon, Stephane; Florentin, Georges-Henri; Fournier, Meriem; Gerardin, Philippe; Grelier, Stephane; Gril, Joseph; Hagolle, Olivier; Hameury, Stephane; Herve, Jean-Christophe; Vega, Cedric; Landmann, Guy; Peyron, Jean-Luc; Lenon, Gilles; Mortier, Frederic; Orazio, Christophe; Triboulot, Pascal; D'Amecourt, Antoine; Houllier, Francois; Lemas, Pierre-Rene; Seve, Jean-Claude; Bailly, Alain; Blanc, Nicolas; Carnus, Jean-Michel; Dhote, Jean-Francois; Florentin, Georges-Henri; Formery, Thomas; Guehl, Jean-Marc; Heois, Bernard; Picard, Olivier; Pichon, Vincent; Vedele, Francoise
Alliance Nationale de Recherche pour l'Environnement - AllEnvi (France); Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA (France); Centre National de la Propriete Forestiere - CNPF (France); Foret Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement - FCBA (France); Groupe Caisse des Depots (France)2016
Alliance Nationale de Recherche pour l'Environnement - AllEnvi (France); Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA (France); Centre National de la Propriete Forestiere - CNPF (France); Foret Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement - FCBA (France); Groupe Caisse des Depots (France)2016
[en] The forest-based sector, like the regions where it is a symbolic feature, is currently central to challenges that are not only specifically national but also of a global nature. As a major carbon sink that is currently affected by climate change, forests are acknowledged as supplying a large number of products and services. Both economically and socially important - representing a turnover of euros 60 billion and 440,000 direct and indirect jobs -, the 14. ranking strategic industrial sector in France remains vulnerable, with a marked trade deficit of around euros 1 billion per year for timber alone, and nearly euros 5.5 billion per year if the imported materials used by the furniture, paper and board sectors are added. Faced with these challenges, support for the competitiveness of the forest-based sector, and improvements to its global, economic, environmental and social performance, necessitate a reinforcement of the research-development innovation (RDI) continuum. Work on this assignment combined various pre-existing sources (studies by the National Forest Wood Programme (PNFB) and the Strategic Committee for Forestry and Wood Sector (CSFB)), with individual or collective consultations with different actors in the sector. This approach generated two series of proposals: - 13 RDI projects grouped according to three central and complementary priorities: (a) to improve performance in all parts of the sector through systemic approaches, (b) to develop uses for wood in a future bio-economic context, and (c) to adapt forests and prepare forest resources for the future; - an analysis of RDI mechanisms and funding instruments in the sector, supplemented by recommendations: (a) mapping of these mechanisms, and (b) the characterisation and development of innovative funding modes
Original Title
Plan recherche et innovation 2025, filiere foret-bois + Synthese pour decideurs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Apr 2016; 223 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue