[en] The degree of hydration of stable hydrates is discussed on the basis of early literature results and our determination of the phase diagrams for the systems InCl3-KCl-H2O and InBr3-KBr-H2O at 210C. The existing double salts are formulated: 3KCl.InCl3.H2O and 2KCl.InCl3.H2O in the chloride system, and 3KBr.InBr3.1.5H2O, 2KBr.InBr3.H2O, KBr.InBr3.2H2O, and 3KBr.2InBr3 in the bromide system. All of them are incongruently saturating at 210C. A summary of their crystallographic and Raman spectroscopic data is given
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Canadian Journal of Chemistry; ISSN 0008-4042; ; v. 60(13); p. 1747-1750
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We present different compounds existing in the potassium bromoindates family, where the CN of the central atom vary from six to four. The crystal structures have been refined from their isomorphous chlorinated homologues. We propose a comparison of In-Br bond lengths as a function of the central atom CN and of the substitutional degree of halide ligands by water molecule
Nous presentons les differents composes rencontres dans la famille des bromoindates de potassium, ou la coordinence de l'atome central passe de six a quatre. Nous resumons dans cette etude, les caracteristiques cristallographiques dont les structures ont ete affinees par isotypie avec leurs homologues chlores. Nous proposons une comparaison des longueurs des liaisons In-Br en fonction de la coordinence de l'atome central d'une part, et en fonction du degre de substitution des ligands halogenes par des ligands neutres H2O d'autre partOriginal Title
Investigations structurales des composes K3-x[InX6-x(H2O)x,nH2O] I. Etude cristallographique (X=Br); comparaison des distances indium-ligand (X=Cl, Br)
Primary Subject
REMCES-4: 1. Seminar on Physical Chemistry of solid materials; REMCES-4: 1. Seminaire Francophone sur la Physico-Chimie des materiaux solides; Fes (Morocco); 1-4 Nov 1989
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique; ISSN 0021-7689; ; CODEN JCPBA; v. 88(10); p. 2041-2055
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In Raman spectrometry, the potassium halogenoindate compounds have very low frequency vibrational spectra which allows nevertheless an unambiguous identification. Knowing the X-Ray structure of the potassium bromoindates associated with the similar studies realized on the chloride homologous as well as the depolarization ratio measurements of the bands on K3InBr6,1,5H2O and K2(InBr5H2O) single crystals, the assignment of the observed vibrational modes has been detailed. For the other stable hydrated forms of the InBr3-KBr-H2O diagram, a localization of the principal internal modes is proposed
Les halogenoindates de Potassium ont en spectrometrie Raman, des spectres vibrationnels de tres basses frequences, permettant neanmoins une identification formelle. La connaissance de la structure X des bromoindates de potassium associee aux etudes similaires sur leurs homologues chlores, ainsi qu'aux mesures de taux de depolarisation des bandes sur des monocristaux de K3InBr6,1,5H2O et de K2(InBr5H2O), facilitent l'attribution des modes de vibration observes. Pour les autres formes hydratees du diagramme InBr3-KBr-H2O, une localisation des principaux modes internes est proposeeOriginal Title
Investigations structurales des composes K3-x[InX6-x(H2O)x,nH2O] II. Etude spectroscopique par diffusion Raman (X=Br)
REMCES-4: 1. Seminar on Physical Chemistry of solid materials; REMCES-4: 1. Seminaire Francophone sur la Physico-Chimie des materiaux solides; Fes (Morocco); 1-4 Nov 1989
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique; ISSN 0021-7689; ; CODEN JCPBA; v. 88(10); p. 2057-2065
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An enhancement of the intensity of Eu3+ luminescence is observed when arsenic replaces vanadium in bismuth europium orthovanadates. This is connected to the progressive crystallographic modification induced by the cation substitution in the studied compounds. The optical spectroscopies of luminescence and Raman scattering bring out further information and improve X-ray diffraction results. For the most efficient substitution, corresponding to the Eu0.10Bi0.90V0.60As0.40O4 chemical formula, the energy level scheme is derived from the emission spectrum recorded at 77 K. A determination of the phenomenological crystal field parameters in a C2v symmetry is performed with a good r.m.s. deviation of 4.3 cm-1. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
3. international conference on f elements (ICFE-3) and exposition; 3. Conference Internationale sur les Elements f et exposition; Paris (France); 14-18 Sep 1997; 8 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue