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China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (China); 227 p; ISBN 7-5022-1559-X; ; 1996; p. 135
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[en] This thesis provides an integrated evaluation of the overall technical and economic mitigation potential in Chinese agriculture and the conditions of putting a carbon price in this sector. The research scope is cropland emissions and particularly those related to synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use. The thesis is articulated around the construction of a bottom-up marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) which offers a rational framework for combining biophysical and economic data to reflect mitigation costs and potentials. This tool allows the aggregation of mitigation potentials arising from the application of a subset of cost-effective measures above a notional baseline level. An analysis of Chinese climate policies reveals that agriculture is nearly absent in the current national mitigation strategy. We therefore intend to assess the technical, economic and political feasibility of integrating agriculture into domestic mitigation policies. In the first place, the emissions trends and calculation methods are assessed to determine a rigorous approach to build baseline scenarios from projected business-as-usual activities to 2020. Secondly, we identify nine cropland mitigation measures and evaluate their abatement rates and future applicability beyond the baseline scenario to conclude a total feasible technical mitigation potential. The economic potential of each scenario is then compared by using estimated implementation costs of different mitigation measures relative to conventional farming practices. The MACC results show that agriculture provides significant mitigation potentials and is able to offset about one-third of the baseline emissions. In addition, realisation of one-third of this mitigation potential is cost-negative for farmers. We finally examine the conditions of using economic instruments to reduce emissions at the lowest cost for the agricultural sector. Given the institutional, behavioural and social obstacles, we strongly suggest restructuring the current fertilizer subsidy regime to send a clear political signal from central planning. Scaling-up offset projects using carbon intensity as the standardized baseline is recommended and could pave the way for an experimental emission trading scheme in agriculture. In light of China's strong concern on safeguarding its food security, case studies on regional cereal production are carried out in all steps, including the analysis of provincial greenhouse gas intensity of production, regional abatement potential related to synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use as well as disparities of implementation cost among certain regions. (author)
Cette these offre une evaluation du potentiel d'attenuation technique et economique global dans l'agriculture Chinoise et des conditions necessaires a la formation d'un prix du carbone dans ce secteur. Le champ de recherche inclut les emissions venant de terres cultivees et en particulier celles liees a l'utilisation d'engrais azotes synthetiques. Il s'articule autour de la construction d'une courbe de couts marginaux de reduction (MACC), qui offre un cadre rationnel pour combiner les donnees biophysiques et economiques afin de refleter les couts et les potentiels d'attenuation. Cet outil permet d'agreger le potentiel d'attenuation decoulant de l'application d'un sous-ensemble de mesures cout-efficacite en dessus d'un niveau de reference designee. Une analyse des politiques climatiques chinoises revele que l'agriculture est presque absente de la strategie nationale d'attenuation. Nous avons donc l'intention d'examiner la faisabilite du point de vue technique, economique et politique, d'integrer l'agriculture dans les politiques domestiques d'attenuation. En premier lieu, la tendance et les methodes de calcul des emissions sont evaluees afin de determiner une approche rigoureuse permettant de construire des scenarios de reference a partir de previsions des activites 'business-as-usual' pour 2020. Deuxiemement, nous identifions neuf mesures d'attenuation des sols cultives, nous evaluons leur taux d'abattement et leur applicabilite future au-dela du scenario de base pour obtenir un potentiel total d'attenuation techniquement faisable. Leur traduction en potentiel economique est alors faite en comparant les couts de mise en oeuvre des differentes options d'attenuation relatives aux pratiques agricoles conventionnelles. Les resultats des MACC montrent que l'agriculture offre un potentiel d'attenuation important, qui pourrait compenser environ un tiers des emissions de reference et dont un tiers pourrait etre realise au cout negatif pour les agriculteurs. Nous examinons enfin l'utilisation des instruments economiques pour reduire les emissions au moindre cout dans le secteur agricole. Compte tenu des obstacles institutionnels, comportementaux et sociaux, nous suggerons fortement d'engager une reforme dans le systeme des subventions d'engrais afin d'envoyer un signal politique clair aux agriculteurs. L'utilisation de l'intensite du carbone comme reference normalisee est recommande pour ameliorer et elargir l'acces aux projets de compensation, et peut aussi preparer le terrain pour un possible programme experimental d'echange de quotas d'emissions dans l'agriculture. En coherence avec la priorite de proteger la securite alimentaire en Chine, des etudes de cas sur la production regionale de cereales sont introduites dans toutes ces etapes, y compris l'analyse de l'intensite des gaz a effet de serre de la production dans chaque province, le potentiel regional de reduction des emissions liees a l'utilisation d'engrais azotes ainsi que la disparite de couts de mise en oeuvre dans certaines regions. (auteur)Original Title
Integrer l'agriculture dans les politiques d'attenuation chinoises
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15 Jan 2015; 188 p; 172 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These Docteur en sciences economiques
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[en] Photocatalytic decomposition of gaseous benzene at room temperature was studied with a fixed-bed annular reactor using titania as the photocatalyst. The effects of humidity, UV light intensity and benzene concentration on the conversion and mineralization of benzene were presented. Experimental results can be adequately described by using the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic model. The concentration distribution of benzene in the annular reactors of various dimensions can be described by combining the reactor design equation with L-H kinetics. Deactivation of catalyst was observed and attributed to the adsorption of reaction intermediates on TiO2 surface. The deactivated TiO2 catalyst could be photochemically regenerated by ozone-purging in the presence of humidity
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S0304389403001699; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Chemically homogeneous SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) sol was synthesized using ethoxy tantalum, strontium acetate, and bismuth subnitrate as starting materials, methoxyethylene as a solvent and acetic acid (HOAc) as a catalyst. Single-phased perovskite phase SBT ferroelectric ultrafine powder was obtained after the dried gel was treated at 350 deg. C for 30 min and calcined at 800 deg. C for 1 h. FT-IR, XRD, TEM and TG-DTA were employed to investigate the transformation processes of sol to gel and gel to ultrafine SBT powder. Acetic acid not only acts as an acid catalyst, but also changes the alkoxide precursor as a ligand at a molecular level. Bidentate acetates replace OR groups and are directly bounded to the tantalum, leading to the formation of Ta (OR)x(OAc)5-x. The perovskite SBT phase formed via intermediate phase Bi3TaO7 and a Bi-deficient pyrocholore phase
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S0025540801007863; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Copper (Cu) is an essential yet potentially toxic metal, thus delicate homeostatic controls are developed in the fish. In this study, a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model was developed to simulate the homeostatic regulation of Cu in a marine fish (Terapon jarbua) under dietary and waterborne exposures. In this model, fish were schematized as a six-compartment model, with the intestine being divided into two sub-compartments (chyme and gut wall). The blood was assumed to be the “carrier” distributing Cu into different compartments. The transfer rates between different compartments were determined in fish during Cu exposure (20 d) and depuration (20 d). The differences in Cu transfer from chyme to gut wall between dietary and waterborne treatments suggested that the intestine regulated the dietary uptake and re-absorption of Cu from the chyme. The extremely low uptake rate constant (0.0013 d−1) for gills under waterborne exposure indicated that gills strongly restricted Cu uptake from the ambient water. For both treatments, the liver had considerable input rate through the enterohepatic circulation and comparably high exchange rate with the blood, suggesting that the liver can efficiently accumulate newly absorbed Cu. The differences in Cu output from the liver between dietary and waterborne treatments suggested that it can effectively regulate the redistribution of Cu. All of these observations demonstrated that the liver played the central role in Cu homeostasis by serving as the main depository and distributing center. Modeling results also indicated that renal and branchial excretion was of minor importance, whereas biliary excretion combined with defecation played the most important role in whole-body Cu elimination in marine fish. The effective regulation by the “Blood-Liver-Intestine” cycle could be the main reason for the relatively low levels of Cu in fish. - Graphical abstract: “Thickness” of arrows represents how much Cu is involved in the transfer between compartments. “Color” of arrows represents different physiological processes: Red (uptake), Black (distribution), Green (excretion) and Blue (elimination). “Excretion” involves only in the removal of metabolic waste from the body, whereas “elimination” is involved in removal of waste and indigestible food material from the body. Display Omitted - Highlights: • The intestine regulated the dietary uptake and re-absorption of Cu from the chyme. • The gills strongly restricted Cu uptake from the ambient water. • The liver served as the main depository and distributing center. • Biliary excretion coupled with feces elimination dominated in Cu elimination. • Low Cu level in fish is attributed to the regulation by “Blood-Liver-Intestine” cycle. - The relatively low levels of Cu in fish was due to the effective regulation by the “Blood-Liver-Intestine” cycle.
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S0269-7491(16)31048-X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Wang, Wen-Xiong; Zhang, Qiong, E-mail: wwang@ust.hk2013
[en] In this study, the aqueous uptake and dietary assimilation (trophic transfer) of two endocrine disrupting compounds (dioxin and phathalic acid) in the green mussel Perna viridis were quantified. During short-term exposure period, dioxin rapidly sorbed onto phytoplankton and its accumulation was much higher than that of phthalate. The uptake of these two compounds by the mussels increased with increasing temperature and salinity (for dioxin only). The dietary assimilation of the two contaminants was rather modest (10–64% for dioxin and 20–47% for phthalate), and was greatly dependent on the food species and concentration. Interestingly, dietary assimilation increased with increasing diatom food concentration. Gut passage time was partially responsible for the variable dietary assimilation. Given the high dissolved uptake rate and the modest dietary assimilation, aqueous exposure was predicted to be the dominant bioaccumulation source for both dioxin and phthalate in the green mussels under most conditions. -- Capsule: Aqueous uptake was the predominant pathway for dioxin and phthalate accumulation in marine green mussels
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S0269-7491(13)00195-4; Available from; Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles are widely used in water treatments, yet their influences on other contaminants in the water are not well studied. In this study, the aqueous uptake, assimilation efficiency, and toxicity of two ionic metals (cadmium-Cd, and zinc-Zn) in a freshwater zooplankton, Daphnia magna, were investigated following 2 days pre-exposure to nano-TiO2. Pre-exposure to 1 mg/L nano-TiO2 resulted in a significant increase in Cd and Zn uptake from the dissolved phase. After the nano-TiO2 in the guts were cleared, the uptake rates immediately recovered to the normal levels. Concurrent measurements of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and metallothioneins (MTs) suggested that the increased metal uptake was mainly due to the increased number of binding sites provided by nano-TiO2 presented in the guts. Consistently, pre-exposure to nano-TiO2 increased the toxicity of aqueous Cd and Zn due to enhanced uptake. Our study provides the evidence that nano-TiO2 in the guts of animals could increase the uptake and toxicity of other contaminants. -- Highlights: • Dissolved Cd and Zn uptake in daphnids increased significantly after nano-TiO2 pre-exposure. • Aqueous toxicity of Cd and Zn also increased after nano-TiO2 pre-exposure. • Dietary assimilation of Cd and Zn was not affected after nano-TiO2 pre-exposure. • Metal uptake recovered to normal levels after nano-TiO2 in the guts were removed. • Nano-TiO2 in the guts of animals could increase the uptake and toxicity of other contaminants. -- Nano-TiO2 accumulation in Daphnia magna facilitated the uptake and toxicity of metal contaminants
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S0269-7491(13)00604-0; Available from; Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] This study investigated the mass dependent (MDF) and independent fractionation (MIF) of stable mercury isotopes in fish during the uptake and elimination of inorganic species. Mercury accumulation during the exposure led to re-equilibration of organ isotopic compositions with the external sources, and elimination terminated the equilibrating with isotope ratios moving back to the original values. Generally, the isotopic behaviors corresponded to the changes of Hg accumulation in the muscle and liver, causing by the internal transportation, organ redistribution, and mixing of different sources. A small degree of MDF caused by biotransformation of Hg in the liver was documented during the elimination, whereas MIF was not observed. The absence of MIF during geochemical and metabolic processes suggested that mercury isotopes can be used as source tracers. Additionally, fish liver is a more responsive organ than muscle to track Hg source when it is mainly composed of inorganic species. - Highlights: • Isotopic behavior of Hg(II) during the uptake and elimination by a marine fish was studied. • Hg isotopic fractionation in the organ corresponded to the changes of Hg bioaccumulation. • Internal transportation, redistribution and mixing of different sources explained the isotopic changes. • Mass dependent fractionation in the liver was found during Hg elimination. • Liver is more responsive than muscle to track Hg sources using Hg stable isotopes. - Fish liver is a more responsive organ than muscle when mercury stable isotopes are applied to track sources that are mainly composed of inorganic species.
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S0269-7491(15)00341-3; Available from; Copyright (c) 2015 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Liu, Jie; Wang, Wen-Xiong, E-mail: wwang@ust.hk2017
[en] Aquatic environments are increasingly under environmental stress due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and potential inputs of nanoparticles with intense application of nanotechnology. In this study, we investigated the interaction between UV-B radiation and titanium nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) in a model freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. UV-B toxicity to Daphnia magna was examined when the daphnids were exposed to a range of TiO2-NPs concentrations with an initial 5 or 10 min of 200 μW/cm2 UV-B radiation. In addition, UV-B toxicity was also examined in the presence of TiO2-NPs in the body of daphnids. Our results demonstrated that the daphnid mortality under UV-B radiation decreased significantly in the presence of TiO2-NPs both in the water and in the body, indicating that TiO2-NPs had some protective effects on D. magna against UV-B. Such protective effect was mainly caused by the blockage of UV-B by TiO2-NPs adsorption. UV-B produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the water and in the daphnids, which was not sufficient to cause mortality of daphnids over short periods of radiation. Previous studies focused on the effects of TiO2-NPs on the toxicity of total UV radiation, and did not attempt to differentiate the potential diverse roles of UV-A and UV-B. Our study indicated that TiO2-NPs may conversely protect the UV-B toxicity to daphnids. - Highlights: • Interaction between UVB radiation and TiO2-NPs was studied in Daphnia magna. • Daphnid mortality under UVB decreased in the presence of TiO2-NPs both in the water and in the body. • Reactive oxygen species produced by UVB was not sufficient to cause mortality of daphnids. • TiO2-NPs may protect the UVB toxicity to daphnids.
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S0048-9697(17)30674-5; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] We study the statistical distribution of components in the non-perturbative parts of energy eigenfunctions (EFs), in which main bodies of the EFs lie. Our numerical simulations in five models show that deviation of the distribution from the prediction of random matrix theory (RMT) is useful in characterizing the process from nearly-integrable to chaotic, in a way somewhat similar to the nearest-level-spacing distribution. But, the statistics of EFs reveals some more properties, as described below. (i) In the process of approaching quantum chaos, the distribution of components shows a delay feature compared with the nearest-level-spacing distribution in most of the models studied. (ii) In the quantum chaotic regime, the distribution of components always shows small but notable deviation from the prediction of RMT in models possessing classical counterparts, while, the deviation can be almost negligible in models not possessing classical counterparts. (iii) In models whose Hamiltonian matrices possess a clear band structure, tails of EFs show statistical behaviors obviously different from those in the main bodies, while, the difference is smaller for Hamiltonian matrices without a clear band structure.
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S0960-0779(16)30208-9; Available from; Copyright (c) 2016 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals; ISSN 0960-0779; ; v. 91; p. 291-298
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