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Wang, Yilong
Universite de Paris-Saclay Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 55 avenue de Paris 78035 Versailles cedex (France); CEA, DRF-LSCE (France)2016
Universite de Paris-Saclay Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 55 avenue de Paris 78035 Versailles cedex (France); CEA, DRF-LSCE (France)2016
[en] Climate change has prompted nations, provinces, and cities to take actions to reduce anthropogenic sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Accurate and consistent quantification of the emissions is required for both scientists and policy makers. Inventories of the CO2 emissions due to fossil fuel combustion are based on statistical data collected and reported by the emitters themselves and their quality is highly variable between countries. In principle, atmospheric measurements and inverse modeling could provide independent information to verify and evaluate these emissions. However, there are difficulties to separate the fossil fuel CO2 signal (FFCO2) from the signal of natural CO2 fluxes, in the atmospheric CO2 measurements from ground based continental networks. In this thesis, I aimed to improve the understanding of the potential of atmospheric 14CO2 measurements, one of the few tracers helping to separate FFCO2 from the signal of other CO2 sources, for the objective estimate of the fossil fuel emissions at national or provincial scales based on atmospheric inversion.I developed global inversion systems based on the global coarse-resolution (2.5-3.75 degrees) LMDZ atmospheric transport model, and on continental networks of atmospheric observations of CO2 and 14CO2, solving for the fossil fuel emissions at sub-continental/monthly scales in Europe and in China. In Chapter 2, I defined and quantified critical sources of modeling errors and their impact on the inversion of large-scale budget of the fossil fuel emissions when using a global inversion system and assuming FFCO2 data can be directly derived from 14CO2 measurements. The analysis highlighted the impact of ignoring the spatial distribution of the emissions and FFCO2 at a resolution higher than that of the transport model. In Chapter 3, I applied inversions with the system, assumptions and diagnostics of the modeling error from Chapter 2 in a series of Observing System Simulation Experiments to evaluate the skill of such an inversion system and of different virtual observation networks for estimating regional budgets of fossil fuel emissions in Europe. Results indicate that if assimilating continuous 2-week mean FFCO2 data from 17 existing 14CO2 European sites, the inversion would reduce the uncertainties in monthly fossil fuel emissions of western Germany by 30% compared to the assumed uncertainty in the inventories used as a prior knowledge in the Bayesian framework of the inversion. Using a larger network of 43 European sites that may be available in the future, up to 47% uncertainty reduction could be achieved for annual budgets of fossil fuel emissions for regions where the network would be the densest. In Chapter 4, I implemented a global isotopic inversion system that jointly assimilates atmospheric observations of CO2 and 14CO2 to simultaneously solve for fossil fuel emissions and natural CO2 fluxes over Europe and China. The purpose is to move beyond the assumption that variations in 14CO2 relate only to FFCO2 by accounting for non-fossil 14CO2 fluxes. The results confirm that 14CO2 data are useful to separate FFCO2 from the signal of natural fluxes at sites close to large emission regions, making 2-week mean 14CO2 data more efficient than daily CO2 data for estimating the emissions. (author)
Dans le contexte du rechauffement climatique, des etats et des villes s'engagent a reduire leurs emissions de gaz a effet de serre et en particulier celles de CO2. Une quantification precise des emissions est necessaire aux scientifiques et aux decideurs politiques. La qualite des inventaires des emissions dues a la consommation des combustibles fossiles, qui reposent sur des donnees statistiques compilees et rapportees par les emetteurs, reste tres variable selon les pays. Les mesures atmospheriques et la modelisation inverse pourraient fournir une information independante pour la verification de ces emissions. Il est cependant difficile de separer le signal de CO2 fossile (CO2CF) du signal des flux naturels dans les mesures atmospheriques fournies par les reseaux continentaux de mesure au sol. L'objectif de ma these est d'ameliorer la comprehension du potentiel des donnees de 14CO2, un des traceurs permettant de separer le signal de CO2CF des autres sources de CO2, pour l'estimation objective des emissions fossiles aux echelles nationales par inversion atmospherique. J'ai developpe des systemes d'inversions mondiaux bases sur le modele de transport atmospherique LMDz a basse resolution (2.5 - 3.75 degres), et reposant sur des reseaux de mesure du CO2 et du 14CO2, resolvant les emissions fossiles a l'echelle subcontinentale/mensuelle en Europe et en Chine. Dans le Chapitre 2, j'ai defini et quantifie les sources d'erreurs de modelisation principales, puis analyse leur impact pour l'estimation des bilans d'emissions fossiles a grande echelle avec un systeme d'inversion mondial en faisant l'hypothese que les donnees de CO2CF peuvent etre directement deduites des donnees de 14CO2. Les analyses soulignent l'impact de la meconnaissance de la distribution spatiale des emissions de CO2 et du CO2CF aux resolutions spatiales plus fines que celle du modele de transport.Dans le Chapitre 3, j'ai utilise le systeme, les hypotheses et les diagnostics d'erreurs de modelisation du Chapitre 2 dans une serie d'experiences avec des donnees synthetiques pour evaluer le potentiel d'un tel systeme d'inversion et de differents reseaux d'observation virtuels pour l'estimation les bilans regionaux d' emission fossile en Europe. Les resultats indiquent qu'en assimilant des moyennes sur 2 semaines de mesures CO2CF issues du reseau actuel de 17 sites 14CO2 en Europe, l'inversion reduirait l'incertitude sur les emissions mensuelles pour l'Ouest de l'Allemagne de 30% par rapport a l'incertitude supposee sur les inventaires utilises comme connaissance a priori dans le cadre du formalisme Bayesien de l'inversion. En utilisant un reseau plus dense en Europe, constitue de 43 futurs sites, des reductions d'incertitude de 47% pourraient etre realisees pour les bilans annuels des emissions pour les regions ou le reseau serait le plus dense.Dans le Chapitre 4, j'ai implemente un systeme d'inversion global isotopique permettant d'assimiler conjointement des donnees atmospheriques de CO2 et de 14CO2 pour resoudre simultanement les emissions fossiles et les flux naturels de CO2 en Europe et en Chine. L'objectif est de depasser l'hypothese que les variations de 14CO2 ne sont liees qu'au CO2CF, en tenant compte ses flux de 14CO2 non fossiles. Les resultats confirment que les donnees de 14CO2 sont utiles pour separer le CO2CF du signal des flux naturels pres des regions fortement emettrices, rendant les donnees de 14CO2 moyennes sur 2 semaines plus efficaces que les donnees journalieres de CO2 pour l'estimation des emissions.Original Title
Le potentiel des mesures du radiocarbone du CO2 atmospherique pour l'inversion des emissions fossiles de CO2 a l'echelle regionale
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30 Nov 2016; 194 p; 290 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Also available from Bibliotheques et Information Scientifique et Technique, Campus des Sciences - Bibliotheque Universitaire 45 avenue des etats-Unis 78000 Versailles (France); Meteorologie, Oceanographie, Physique de l'Environnement
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[en] March 11, 2011, a huge earthquake and tidal waves in Japan lead to dangerous levels of nuclear leakage at Fukushima nuclear plant, the nuclear accident also cause public panic m many countries. To investigate the reason of the public panic, we employ the theories of sociology and psychology, analyzed that the public panic come from Ignorant Panic. Herd Behavior, Primacy Effect, Stereotype Activation Effect, and the superposition of these effects. In addition, we proposed three measures to the public panic: First, we should emphasize the safety of nuclear power and establish the positive image of nuclear power Second, we should emphasize the popular science of nuclear power so that nu clear power can be accepted in the public; Third, we should enhance the psychological intervention system for nuclear safe emergency and improve the effect of psychological intervention
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Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing (China); 621 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-5601-2; ; Oct 2012; p. 692-697; 2011 academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society; Beijing (China); 11-14 Oct 2011; 8 refs.
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[en] Objective To investigate the connection between the understanding of basic knowledge of nuclear power and whether to accept the changes in attitude with Fukushima nuclear accidents for college students who were education in public. Methods 3000 questionnaires were distributed for college students by anonymity before and after the accident in the Fukushima nuclear power plant, respectively. Results the results of investigation showed that Fukushima nuclear accidents have influenced on the mental of college students, there significant differences between the two investigations. Conclusion college students have a little knowledge of nuclear power, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and education efforts for college students. (authors)
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Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing (China); 621 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-5601-2; ; Oct 2012; p. 1029-1032; 2011 academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society; Beijing (China); 11-14 Oct 2011; 3 tabs., 7 refs.
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Du, Zuokai; Wang, Yilong; Li, Junsheng; Liu, Jinping, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] Development of high-performance electrocatalysts in basic electrolyte is of significance for the decrease in unnecessary energy consumption for production of hydrogen. Herein, we have demonstrated one-step chemical reduction strategy to fabricate platinum–nickel alloy nanoparticle–supported reduced graphene oxide (rGO) as excellent electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in basic condition. Graphene-supported alloy nanocatalysts are achieved by simply controlling the molar ratios of bimetallic precursors. We confirm that nickel species on the surface of as-synthesized nanocatalysts tend to be oxidized as nickel hydroxide during the fabrication. Our nanocatalysts synthesized at the equivalent molar ratios of platinum and nickel salts exhibit much higher electrocatalytic activity for HER than the commercial Pt/C and graphene-supported Pt counterparts in same conditions. The performance improvement is not only attributed to nickel hydroxide layer on our nanocatalysts facilitating the decomposition of water in basic media but also ascribed to the partial replacement of Pt atoms by Ni ones decreasing the Pt–H bond energy and improving desorption of hydrogen atoms on Pt–Ni alloy nanocatalysts. Furthermore, our nanocatalysts present excellent HER catalytic stability. Our results will provide a facile and effective strategy on the development of the excellent Pt-containing composite nanocatalysts for applications in electrocatalysis. .
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Copyright (c) 2019 Springer Nature B.V.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Journal of Nanoparticle Research; ISSN 1388-0764; ; v. 21(1); p. 1-15
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[en] Objective: To evaluate the value of MR angiography in thrombolytic therapy of acute ischemic stroke. Methods: According to inclusion criteria, 65 patients who also having large vessel occlusion were selected, and they were performed rt-PA treatment (38 patients) and routine treatment (27 patients) within 3-6 hours of onset of symptoms, respectively. Mann-Whitney U test and chi square test were performed to compare the clinical and MR imaging baseline index and the clinical outcome between the two groups respectively. Clinical outcome was assessed after 3 months using a dichotomized modified Rankin scale score. Data were also compared with the combined analysis of the ATLANTIS, ECASS, NINDS rt-PA trials. Results: The difference of clinical outcome in 3 months between the two groups was significant (P<0.05) and the median of the two group was 1 and 3, respectively. The ratio of favorable outcome (mRS 0-1) in the two groups was 52.6% (20/38) and 33.3% (9/27), respectively. Conclusion: MR angiography plays an important role in thrombolytic therapy of acute ischemic stroke and it should be used to consummate the conventional inclusion criteria, the patients with large vessel occlusion should be treated by rt-PA. (authors)
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12 figs., 2 tabs., 12 refs.
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Journal Article
Chinese Journal of Radiology; ISSN 1005-1201; ; v. 42(7); p. 697-701
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[en] The use of dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) to estimate CO2 emissions from land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) offers a new window to account for spatial and temporal details of emissions and for ecosystem processes affected by LULCC. One drawback of LULCC emissions from DGVMs, however, is lack of observation constraint. Here, we propose a new method of using satellite-and inventory-based biomass observations to constrain historical cumulative LULCC emissions (E-LUC(c)) from an ensemble of nine DGVMs based on emerging relationships between simulated vegetation biomass and E-LUC(c). This method is applicable on the global and regional scale. The original DGVM estimates of E-LUC(c) range from 94 to 273 PgC during 1901-2012. After constraining by current biomass observations, we derive a best estimate of 155 ± 50 PgC (1 σ Gaussian error). The constrained LULCC emissions are higher than prior DGVM values in tropical regions but significantly lower in North America. Our emergent constraint approach independently verifies the median model estimate by biomass observations, giving support to the use of this estimate in carbon budget assessments. The uncertainty in the constrained Ec LUC is still relatively large because of the uncertainty in the biomass observations, and thus reduced uncertainty in addition to increased accuracy in biomass observations in the future will help improve the constraint. This constraint method can also be applied to evaluate the impact of land-based mitigation activities. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France
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Journal Article
Biogeosciences; ISSN 1726-4170; ; v. 14(no.22); p. 5053-5067
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[en] National annual inventories of CO2 emitted during fossil fuel consumption (FFCO2) bear 5-10% uncertainties for developed countries, and are likely higher at intra annual scales or for developing countries. Given the current international efforts of mitigating actions, there is a need for independent verifications of these inventories. Atmospheric inversion assimilating atmospheric gradients of CO2 and radiocarbon measurements could provide an independent way of monitoring FFCO2 emissions. A strategy would be to deploy such measurements over continental scale networks and to conduct continental to global scale atmospheric inversions targeting the national and one-month scale budgets of the emissions. Uncertainties in the high-resolution distribution of the emissions could limit the skill for such a large-scale inversion framework. This study assesses the impact of such uncertainties on the potential for monitoring the emissions at large scale. In practice, it is more specifically dedicated to the derivation, typical quantification and analysis of critical sources of errors that affect the inversion of FFCO2 emissions when solving for them at a relatively coarse resolution with a coarse grid transport model. These errors include those due to the mismatch between the resolution of the transport model and the spatial variability of the actual fluxes and concentrations (i.e. the representation errors) and those due to the uncertainties in the spatial and temporal distribution of emissions at the transport model resolution when solving for the emissions at large scale (i.e. the aggregation errors). We show that the aggregation errors characterize the impact of the corresponding uncertainties on the potential for monitoring the emissions at large scale, even if solving for them at the transport model resolution. We propose a practical method to quantify these sources of errors, and compare them with the precision of FFCO2 measurements (i.e. the measurement errors) and the errors in the modelling of atmospheric transport (i.e. the transport errors). The results show that both the representation and measurement errors can be much larger than the aggregation errors. The magnitude of representation and aggregation errors is sensitive to sampling heights and temporal sampling integration time. The combination of these errors can reach up to about 50% of the typical signals, i.e. the atmospheric large-scale mean afternoon FFCO2 gradients between sites being assimilated by the inversion system. These errors have large temporal auto-correlation scales, but short spatial correlation scales. This indicates the need for accounting for these temporal auto-correlations in the atmospheric inversions and the need for dense networks to limit the impact of these errors on the inversion of FFCO2 emissions at large scale. More generally, comparisons of the representation and aggregation errors to the errors in simulated FFCO2 gradients due to uncertainties in current inventories suggest that the potential of inversions using global coarse-resolution models (with typical horizontal resolution of a couple of degrees) to retrieve FFCO2 emissions at sub-continental scale could be limited, and that meso-scale models with smaller representation errors would effectively increase the potential of inversions to constrain FFCO2 emission estimates. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France
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Journal Article
Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology (Online); ISSN 1600-0889; ; v. 69; p. 1-26
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[en] Objective: To detect and analyze the influence of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) on radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis and explore whether the anti-fibrosis effect of transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3) is mediated by EMT. Methods: C57BL/6 female mice were randomly divided into three groups:control group, irradiation group only (irradiated group), and irradiation and TGF-β3 group (TGF-β3 group). The irradiation group received intraperitoneal injections of 0.5 ml saline, and the TGF-β3 group received intraperitoneal injections of 1 μg/kg human recombinant TGF-β3 every week after single dose of 20 Gy irradiation to their thoraxes. The mice in each group were sacrificed for 1, 3, and 6 months after irradiation. The mouse lung pathological changes were evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome. The expression of EMT epithelium-marked protein zonula occludens-l (ZO-1) and interstitial-marked protein N-cadherin were measured by immunohistochemistry. The results were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher's exact probability. Results: Alveolar walls thickened, collagen fibers were deposited, and other typical fibrosis changed after irradiation. Unlike those in the irradiation group, pulmonary fibrosis lesions were significantly reduced (Z = -2.562, -2.807, both P < 0.05) and collagen deposition was obviously decreased (Z = 2.442, 2.529, both P < 0.05) in the TGF-β3 group. The expression of ZO-l was markedly decreased (Z = 4.492, 5.831, 6.064, all P < 0.05) and the expression of N-cadherin was significantly increased (Z = -3.269, -5.520, -6.063, all P < 0.05) in the lung tissues of mice at 1, 3, and 6 months after irradiation. Unlike the irradiation group, the expression of ZO-1 was increased (Z = -2.881, -4.220, -5.695, all P < 0.05) and the expression of N-cadherin was decreased (Z = 4.546, 3.560, 4.919, all P < 0.05) in the TGF-β3 group. The differences were significant. Conclusion: TGF-β3 may antagonize radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis by inhibiting EMT. (authors)
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3 figs., 18 refs.;
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine; ISSN 1673-4114; ; v. 42(2); p. 129-134
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[en] Highlights: • An efficient reverse genetics system for Chinese MV-Hu191 strain was developed. • rMV-Hu191 mutants in SAM binding site are attenuated in vitro and in vivo. • rMV-Hu191 mutants in SAM binding site enhance the safety and immunogenicity of MV vaccine. The live-attenuated measles virus (MV) vaccine based on the Hu191 strain has played a significant role in controlling measles in China. However, it has considerable adverse effects that may cause public health burden. We hypothesize that the safety and efficacy of MV vaccine can be improved by altering the S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) binding site in the conserved region VI of the large polymerase protein. To test this hypothesis, we established an efficient reverse genetics system for the rMV-Hu191 strain and generated two recombinant MV-Hu191 carrying mutations in the SAM binding site. These two mutants grew to high titer in Vero cells, were genetically stable, and were significantly more attenuated in vitro and in vivo compared to the parental rMV-Hu191 vaccine strain. Importantly, both MV-Hu191 mutants triggered a higher neutralizing antibody than rMV-Hu191 vaccine and provided complete protection against MV challenge. These results demonstrate its potential for an improved MV vaccine candidate.
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S0042682218300655; Available from; Copyright (c) 2018 Elsevier Inc.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Objective: To investigate the ability of dendritic cells to activate regulatory T cells (Tregs) after 60Co-γ ray irradiation, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) induced by Tregs. Methods: Immuno magnetic beads were sorted into mouse CD4+ CD25-conventional T cells (Tcons) and co-cultured with 60Co-γ-ray 6 Gy dosed dendritic cells. Flow cytometry was performed after 72 hours of co-culture to detect the proportion of CD4+ CD25+ Tregs cells. The Tregs after magnetic bead sorting were co-cultured with the mouse lung epithelial cell line MLE-12. After 72 hours of co-culture, MLE-12 cells were detected by immunofluorescence and Western blotting to detect the expression of epithelial marker proteins and interstitial markers. Results: The percentage of spleen Tregs cells in the immuno magnetic beads method exceeded 90%, and the effect was good. The antigen-presenting function of dendritic cells was enhanced, which could significantly induce Tcons to differentiate into Tregs cells. Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays simultaneously proved that Tregs could significantly promote EMT in lung epithelial cells. Conclusion: Dendritic cells can significantly induce the differentiation of Tregs after irradiation, and Tregs can induce EMT in lung epithelial cells. (authors)
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5 figs., 18 refs.;
Record Type
Journal Article
Military Medical Sciences; ISSN 1674-9960; ; v. 42(7); p. 502-506
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