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[en] Energetic electrons are produced in the interaction of a petawatt laser with a plasma near the critical surface. The propagation of an intense electron beam through an ionized solid-density slab using a hybrid fluid-kinetic electromagnetic simulation code is examined. These calculations transport 250-1000 J of electrons with 1-5 MeV directed energy. The electrons are produced in a spot diameter of 30 microns with duration of 5 ps. The simulations ran for up to 33 ps. The background material remains fully-ionized and dissociated CH2 (or fully-ionized Al) with an initial 5-eV temperature. All coulomb collisions are followed. All species are modeled with kinetic equations except for the fluid electrons laid down at the start of the calculation. These simulations neglect all inelastic collisions, including ionization and excitation. Results from both two and three-dimensional simulations of electron transport in solid-density plasma and in vacuum are presented
Secondary Subject
BEAMS 2002: 14. international conference on high-power particle beams; Albuquerque, NM (United States); 23-28 Jun 2002; (c) 2002 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Debonnel, Christophe S.; Welch, Dale R.; Rose, David V.; Yu, Simon S.; Peterson, Per F.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director. Office of Science. Fusion Energy Sciences (United States)2002
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director. Office of Science. Fusion Energy Sciences (United States)2002
No abstract available
Primary Subject
LBNL--51467; HIFAN--1182; AC03-76SF00098; Journal Publication Date: May 2003
Record Type
Journal Article
Fusion Technology; ISSN 0748-1896; ; v. 43(3); [10 p.]
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[en] The effective propagation and focusing of heavy-ion beams in the final-focus magnet region of inertial fusion target chambers require controlling the background gas density and pressure in the beam tubes. Liquid vortexes will coat the inside of the tubes next to the beam ports and will help eliminate the need for mechanical shutters to mitigate the venting of target chamber background gas into the final-focus magnet region. Before the neutralizing region, the beam space charge is high, and ablation and target debris deposition in the final-focus magnet region may cause voltage breakdown. Previous studies focused on evaluating the amount of target chamber debris reaching the entrance of the beam ports. The TSUNAMI code has now been used to assess the density, temperature, and velocity of the vortex debris transported ∼3 m up the beam tubes and reaching the final-focus magnet region, assuming that the liquid vortexes are perfectly absorbing surfaces. To further mitigate debris deposition in the final-focus magnet region, and prevent voltage breakdown, a 'magnetic shutter' has been envisaged to divert the debris out of the final-focus region. This shutter will prevent the hot ablation debris from reaching the magnet region and, coupled to some ionizing scheme, will conveniently suppress early ingression of debris into the final-focus magnet region
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2006 American Nuclear Society (ANS), United States, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Fusion Science and Technology; ISSN 1536-1055; ; v. 43(3); p. 408-413
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Welch, Dale R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Mehlhorn, Thomas Alan; Campbell, Robert B.
Sandia National Laboratories (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2005
Sandia National Laboratories (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2005
[en] We examine the scaling to ignition of the energy deposition of laser generated electrons in compressed fast ignition cores. Relevant cores have densities of several hundred g/cm3, with a few keV initial temperature. As the laser intensities increase approaching ignition systems, on the order of a few 1021W/cm2, the hot electron energies expected to approach 100MeV. Most certainly anomalous processes must play a role in the energy transfer, but the exact nature of these processes, as well as a practical way to model them, remain open issues. Traditional PIC explicit methods are limited to low densities on current and anticipated computing platforms, so the study of relevant parameter ranges has received so far little attention. We use LSP to examine a relativistic electron beam (presumed generated from a laser plasma interaction) of legislated energy and angular distribution is injected into a 3D block of compressed DT. Collective effects will determine the stopping, most likely driven by magnetic field filamentation. The scaling of the stopping as a function of block density and temperature, as well as hot electron current and laser intensity is presented. Sub-grid models may be profitably used and degenerate effects included in the solution of this problem.
Primary Subject
1 Jul 2005; 1 p; 47. Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics; Denver, CO (United States); 24-28 Oct 2005; AC04-94AL85000; Available from Sandia National Laboratories (US)
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Davidson, Ronald C.; Dorf, Mikhail A.; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Qin, Hong; Startsev, Edward A.; Rose, David V.; Lund, Steven M.; Welch, Dale R.; Sefkow, Adam
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: Accelerator and Fusion Research Division (United States)2008
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: Accelerator and Fusion Research Division (United States)2008
[en] This paper presents a survey of the present theoretical understanding based on advanced analytical and numerical studies of collective processes and beam-plasma interactions in intense heavy ion beams for applications to ion-beam-driven high energy density physics and heavy ion fusion. The topics include: discussion of the conditions for quiescent beam propagation over long distances; and the electrostatic Harris instability and the transverse electromagnetic Weibel instability in highly anisotropic, intense one-component ion beams. In the longitudinal drift compression and transverse compression regions, collective processes associated with the interaction of the intense ion beam with a charge-neutralizing background plasma are described, including the electrostatic electron-ion two-stream instability, the multispecies electromagnetic Weibel instability, and collective excitations in the presence of a solenoidal magnetic field. The effects of a velocity tilt on reducing two-stream instability growth rates are also discussed. Operating regimes are identified where the possible deleterious effects of collective processes on beam quality are minimized
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
19 Jun 2008; 33 p; HIF08: Heavy Ion Fusion Symposium 2008; Tokyo (Japan); 2-9 Aug 2008; AC02-05CH11231; Also available from OSTI as DE00946737; PURL:
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Evans, Eugene S.; Cohen, Samuel A.; Welch, Dale R.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), Princeton, NJ (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE (United States)
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2018
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), Princeton, NJ (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE (United States)
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2018
[en] We report on 3D-3V particle-in-cell simulations of fast-ion energy-loss rates in a cold, weakly-magnetized, weakly-coupled plasma where the electron gyroradius, ρe, is comparable to or less than the Debye length, λDe, and the fast-ion velocity exceeds the electron thermal velocity, a regime in which the electron response may be impeded. These simulations use explicit algorithms, spatially resolve ρe and λDe, and temporally resolve the electron cyclotron and plasma frequencies. For mono-energetic dilute fast ions with isotropic velocity distributions, these scaling studies of the slowing-down time, τs, versus fast-ion charge are in agreement with unmagnetized slowing-down theory; with an applied magnetic field, no consistent anisotropy between τs in the cross-field and field-parallel directions could be resolved. Scaling the fast-ion charge is confirmed as a viable way to reduce the required computational time for each simulation. In conclusion, the implications of these slowing down processes are described for one magnetic-confinement fusion concept, the small, advanced-fuel, field-reversed configuration device.
Primary Subject
OSTIID--1440976; AC02-09CH11466; Available from; DOE Accepted Manuscript full text, or the publishers Best Available Version will be available free of charge after the embargo period; DOE-OR--23177-4356' arXiv:1802.00266
Record Type
Journal Article
Physics of Plasmas; ISSN 1070-664X; ; v. 25(4); vp
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[en] New numerical techniques for simulating the formation and evolution of cathode and anode plasmas have been successfully implemented in a hybrid code. The dynamics of expanding electrode plasmas has long been recognized as a limiting factor in the impedance lifetimes of high-power vacuum diodes and magnetically insulated transmission lines. Realistic modeling of such plasmas is being pursued to aid in understanding the operating characteristics of these devices as well as establishing scaling relations for reliable extrapolation to higher voltages. Here, in addition to kinetic and fluid modeling, a hybrid particle-in-cell technique is described that models high density, thermal plasmas as an inertial fluid which transitions to kinetic electron or ion macroparticles above a prescribed energy. The hybrid technique is computationally efficient and does not require resolution of the Debye length. These techniques are first tested on a simple planar diode then applied to the evolution of both cathode and anode plasmas in a high-power self-magnetic pinch diode. The impact of an intense electron flux on the anode surface leads to rapid heating of contaminant material and diode impedance loss.
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
(c) 2009 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Davidson, Ronald C.; Dorf, Mikhail A.; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Qin Hong; Sefkow, Adam; Startsev, Edward A.; Welch, Dale R.; Rose, David V.; Lund, Steven M., E-mail: rdavidson@pppl.gov2009
[en] This paper presents a survey of the present theoretical understanding based on advanced analytical and numerical studies of collective processes and beam-plasma interactions in intense heavy ion beams for applications to ion-beam-driven high energy density physics and heavy ion fusion. The topics include: discussion of the conditions for quiescent beam propagation over long distances; and the electrostatic Harris instability and the transverse electromagnetic Weibel instability in highly anisotropic, intense one-component ion beams. In the longitudinal drift compression and transverse compression regions, collective processes associated with the interaction of the intense ion beam with a charge-neutralizing background plasma are described, including the electrostatic electron-ion two-stream instability, the multispecies electromagnetic Weibel instability, and collective excitations in the presence of a solenoidal magnetic field. The effects of a velocity tilt on reducing two-stream instability growth rates are also discussed. Operating regimes are identified where the possible deleterious effects of collective processes on beam quality are minimized.
Primary Subject
17. international symposium on heavy ion inertial fusion; Tokyo (Japan); 4-8 Aug 2008; S0168-9002(09)00541-5; Available from; Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 606(1-2); p. 11-21
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[en] This paper presents a survey of the present theoretical understanding of plasma neutralization of intense heavy ion beams. Particular emphasis is placed on determining the degree of charge and current neutralization. We previously developed a reduced analytical model of beam charge and current neutralization for an ion beam pulse propagating in a cold background plasma. The model made use of the conservation of generalized fluid vorticity. The predictions of the analytical model agree very well with numerical simulation results. The model predicts very good charge neutralization during quasi-steady-state propagation, provided the beam pulse duration is much longer than the electron plasma period. In the opposite limit, the beam pulse excites large-amplitude plasma waves. If the beam density is larger than the background plasma density, the plasma waves break, which leads to electron heating. The reduced-fluid description provides an important benchmark for numerical codes and yields useful scaling relations for different beam and plasma parameters. This model has been extended to include the additional effects of a solenoidal magnetic field, gas ionization and the transition regions during beam pulse entry and exit from the plasma. Analytical studies show that a sufficiently large solenoidal magnetic field can increase the degree of current neutralization of the ion beam pulse. However, simulations also show that the self-magnetic field structure of the ion beam pulse propagating through background plasma can be complex and non-stationary. Plasma waves generated by the beam head are greatly modified, and whistler waves propagating ahead of the beam pulse are excited during beam entry into the plasma. Accounting for plasma production by gas ionization yields a larger self-magnetic field of the ion beam compared to the case without ionization, and a wake of the current density and self-magnetic field are generated behind the beam pulse. Beam propagation in a dipole magnetic field configuration and background plasma has also been studied
Primary Subject
HIF 06: 16. international symposium on heavy ion inertial fusion; Saint Malo (France); 9-14 Jul 2006; S0168-9002(07)00332-4; Copyright (c) 2007 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 577(1-2); p. 93-102
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[en] In a typical thick-liquid-wall scenario for heavy-ion fusion (HIF), between 70 and 200 high-current beams approach the target chamber in entry pipes and propagate ∼3 m to the target. Since molten-salt jets are planned to protect the chamber wall, the beams move through vapor from the jets, and collisions between beam ions and this background gas both strip the ions and ionize the gas molecules. Radiation from the preheated target causes further beam stripping and gas ionization. Because of this stripping, beams for HIF are expected to require substantial neutralization in a target chamber. Much recent research has, therefore, focused on beam neutralization by electron sources that were neglected in earlier simulations, including emission from walls and the target, photoionization by the target radiation, and preneutralization by a plasma generated along the beam path. When these effects are included in simulations with practicable beam and chamber parameters, the resulting focal spot is approximately the size required by a distributed radiator target
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2006 American Nuclear Society (ANS), United States, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Fusion Science and Technology; ISSN 1536-1055; ; v. 43(3); p. 393-400
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
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