[en] It is proved by theory analysis and some tests relative to inherent safety that the 5 MW LPR (Low Power Reactor) has favourable inherent safety. When loss-of-pump power accident take place and the reactor scrammed simultaneously, the reactor safety can be ensured, and the decay heat is removed out of the reactor core only by natural circulation
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Journal Article
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Cao Junru; Duan Tianyuan; Zhao Zengqiao; Xing Rujun; Xia Guanghua; Jiang Yiqun
China Nuclear Information Centre, Beijing (China)2001
China Nuclear Information Centre, Beijing (China)2001
[en] The author emphasizes the presentation of the quality control and management of implement process. Owing to the strict and scientific organizing, the field implement was completed only in 4 months, and comprehensive operation test of reactor was successful at one go. The management target that is safety, high efficiency and high quality, success at one go, was hit
Primary Subject
China Nuclear Science and Technology Report; 2001; 11 p; SINRE--0093; ISBN 7-89998-073-9; ; Data in PDF format: Acrobat Reader for r for Windows 9x; CNIC/CD/2001-3
Record Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The theory and method of rapid auto-startup for large diesel generator unit with low frequency and low voltage are briefly presented. The improvements of auxiliary accessories are introduced. Finally, the test results are discussed
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue