Golovin, I.N.; Ivanov, D.P.; Kirillov, V.D.; Petrov, D.P.; Razumova, K.A.; Yavlinsky, N.A.
Proceedings of the second United Nations international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. V. 32. Controlled fusion devices1958
Proceedings of the second United Nations international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. V. 32. Controlled fusion devices1958
[en] The results of the experimental study of a pulse discharge between two electrodes in a straight tube in the presence of a longitudinal magnetic field are presented in this paper. The following conclusions may be made, based on the experimental material: 1. In straight gas discharge tubes when the distance between the electrodes exceeds the tube diameter appreciably and also in the absence of a coaxial damping conductor, the discharge column in a longitudinal magnetic field can be stable for more than a thousand microseconds. 2. After the breakdown, the region occupied by the discharge expands and the rate of this expansion increases with increase in the derivative of the current and decreases with increase in the intensity of the longitudinal magnetic field. 3. At large H0/Hφ ratios, the discharge column does not reach the walls and remains stable while the current flows. 4. If the condition for H0/Hφ is not satisfied, the discharge fills the whole tube volume and the stability fails. 5. The ionization in the stable plasma column exceeds 20 per cent. 6. The longitudinal field within the plasma column increases up to the value sufficient to ensure equality in the magnetic pressures (neglecting the insignificant pressure of the plasma heated to 10-100 eV)
Primary Subject
United Nations, Geneva (Switzerland); 474 p; 1958; p. 72-81; 2. United Nations international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy; Geneva (Switzerland); 1-13 Sep 1958; P--2226-USSR; Translated from Russian; 3 refs, 17 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Translation
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Dolgov-Saveliev, G.G.; Ivanov, D. P.; Mukhovatov, V.S.; Razumova, K.A.; Strelkov, V.S.; Shepelyev, M.N.; Yavlinsky, N.A.
Proceedings of the second United Nations international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. V. 32. Controlled fusion devices1958
Proceedings of the second United Nations international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. V. 32. Controlled fusion devices1958
[en] Some results of investigations of electrodeless discharges in deuterium are reported in the present paper. The experiments were carried out with tubes of various dimensions under conditions involving a great variety of discharge parameters
Primary Subject
United Nations, Geneva (Switzerland); 474 p; 1958; p. 82-91; 2. United Nations international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy; Geneva (Switzerland); 1-13 Sep 1958; P--2527-USSR; Translated from Russian; 7 refs, 16 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Translation
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue