[en] Probability of associative production of Higgs and Z boson by charged lepton in the field of plane electromagnetic wave of arbitrary intensity is calculated. It is shown that logarithmic growth of a cross section of the studied process in the area of superhigh energies up to the value, essentially exceeding the cross section e+ + e- → Z + H under conditions, takes place in the particular case of frontal collisions of electron with a low intensity wave with absorption of one photon
Original Title
Assotsiativnoe rozhdenie khiggsovskikh bozonov leptonami v pole ehlektromagnitnoj volny
Primary Subject
7 refs., 1 fig.
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 3. Fizika, Astronomiya; ISSN 0579-9392; ; CODEN VMUFAO; (no.2); p. 56-58
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] One-loop radiative shift of electron energy in the ground state in the magnetic field within the (2 + 1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics, the Lagrangian whereof includes the Cherna-Simons member of topological nature, is calculated. Asymptotic behaviour of the energy shift as the function of the field intensity and topological mass parameter is studied
Original Title
Radiatsionnyj sdvig ehnergii osnovnogo sostoyaniya ehlektrona v postoyannom magnitnom pole v (2 + 1)-mernoj kvantovoj ehlektrodinamike
Primary Subject
12 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 3. Fizika, Astronomiya; ISSN 0579-9392; ; CODEN VMUFAO; (no.1); p. 71-72
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We calculate the cross section of the reaction γ+e→e+a in the constant crossed electromagnetic field via the Primakoff process which is due to the direct axion-photon interaction. We point out the effect of the resonant axion production in the kinematic region where the virtual photon emitted by an electron goes off to the mass shell. We obtain the resonance contribution to the total cross section of the process and on this basis we estimate an upper bound on the axion mass: ma< or approx.10-2 eV. 19 refs
Original Title
Fotorozhdenie aksionov na ehlektronakh v postoyannom vneshnem pole: effekt Primakova
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] One-loop photon polarization operator in a constant magnetic field is calculated. An exact expression for the photon elastic scattering amplitude is found. Asymptotic expansions for the radiative shift of the photon mass and for the probability of a pair production by a photon, obtained in various limiting cases, are compared to similar results of the (3 + 1) QED. 17 refs
Original Title
Polyarizatsionnyj operator i amplituda uprugogo rasseyaniya fotona v (2+1)-mernoj KEhD v postoyannom magnitnom pole
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Probabilities of process of associative production of Higgs bosons with Z-boson by charged lepton in the field of plane electromagnetic wave of arbitrary intensity and in the constant crossed field are obtained. Behaviour of the process cross section as a function of energy of particles and external fields intensity at different values of Higgs boson's mass is investigated. It is shown that there is logarithmic growth of photo-process cross section in the range of superhigh energies up to the value, essentially exceeding the reaction e+ + e- → Z + H cross section considered up todays as the most probable channel of Higgs bosons production
Original Title
Assotsiativnoe rozhdenie khiggsovskikh bozonov s Z-bozonom, zaryazhennym leptonom v sil'nykh vneshnikh polyakh
Primary Subject
20 refs., 1 fig.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0044-4510; ; v. 113(6); p. 1979-1990
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue