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[en] The article gives some guidelines for the choice of the most suitable energy vectors distributed in petrochemical plants and refineries for auxiliary services and for processes (mainly distillation). Conclusions are summed up in a diagram showing the most suitable heat sources and sinks for the various temperature ranges
L'articolo ha lo scopo di dare orientamenti per la scelta di vettori energetici piu' convenienti distribuiti negli stabilimenti petrolchimici e nelle raffinerie per i servizi ausiliari e per i processi (principalmente distillazione). Le conclusioni sono sintetizzate in una mappa in cui per i vari campi di temperatura sono indicati i ricevitori e le sorgenti di calore piu' convenientiOriginal Title
Servizi ausiliari per la petrolchimica: cogenerazione, termocompressione, reti vapore
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This article describes research and test activities on small power air conditioning appliances for residential use carried out in the United States, Japan and Europe. The absorption technology aims at the following objectives: to develop appliances requiring reduced maintenance and having a size comparable with electric units of the same output; to reduce production costs and therefore the final prince by adopting special manufacturing technologies such as welded plate exchangers; to obtain appliances which operate both in summer and winter ( as heat pumps), allowing to minimize management and installation costs in southern European climates. The final aim is to offer the customer one appliance only for the following purposes: hot water production for sanitary use, water refrigeration for summer air conditioning, hot water production production for winter heating. This kind of appliance should have management and maintenance costs similar to current individual boilers
Original Title
La climatizzazione ambientale con macchine di piccola potenza
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Within the framework of studies to correlate the use of fossil fuels with urban area thermal pollution, this article examines the local microclimate of Milan, describing the main features of the so-called 'heat island' phenomenon and analyzing the evolution of ambient temperatures. Two different kinds of data on urban temperatures were employed: the hourly measurements taken by the Multinational Presidium for Hygiene and Prevention, run by the Local Sanitary Unit No. 75 of Milan, in the period ranging from 1985 to 1990, and the maximum and minimum daily values referring to the period between 1909 and 1991 (data supplied by the Meteorologic Observatory of Brera-Duomo). The standard year, worked out in the framework of the C. N. R. (National Research Centre) Finalized Energy Project and referring to the meteorological station of Linate Airport, was employed in order to highlight the difference between the thermal behaviour of the urban and the extra-urban area
Original Title
Evoluzione del microclima milanese nel corso del secolo XX
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Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The use of the natural gas in the rational combined production of electrical energy and heat for space heating or industrial processes allows a relevant energy saving and a decrease in the air pollution level as a direct consequence of lower fuel consumption. This article surveys natural gas fired cogeneration systems marketed in Italy and provides brief notes on their relevant technical/economic and normative aspects
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[en] Governing the change is the challenge for the next future of gas industry. This change is due not only to the passage from the development phasis of '70s-'90s to the maturity, but to the passage from the public policies to the relationships between State and market, and to the creation of a unique European market as well. The evolutive dynamics which characterize the gas sector, shape a scenary where uncertainty is the most critical variable. As a consequence, the company tasks, the strategies and the organizational aspects will change as well. Gas companies growth will depend on their capability to understand the coming changes and to adapt them-selves. Production efficiency, quality and diversification of service will be the objectives to reach. The change is going on through the whole Europe and new principles are imposing: the removal of exclusive rights, the access to networks, the gradual opening of markets. The reference framework which will allow the companies to take the risks related to the realization of new infrastructure or to draw up new import contracts in order to ensure to Europe the energetic resources necessary to guarantee an adequate development, will derive from the right balance of liberalisation and market regulation
Governare il cambiamento e' la sfida che si prospetta nel prossimo futuro all'industria del gas. Cambiamento dovuto non soltanto al passaggio dalla fase dello sviluppo degli anni '70-'90 a quella, attuale, della maturita', ma anche e, forse soprattutto, dall'evoluzione delle politiche pubbliche e dei rapporti tra Stato e mercato, nonche' dalla creazione del mercato unico europeo. Le dinamiche evolutive che caratterizzano il settore gas, configurano uno scenario in cui l'incertezza appare come la variabile centrale e piu' critica. Cambiano, di conseguenza, le missioni aziendali e, coerentemente, dovranno cambiare le strategie, gli assetti, gli aspetti organizzativi. Dalla capacita' delle imprese di comprendere e di adattarsi ai cambiamenti, dipenderanno le loro possibilita' di crescita; l'efficienza produttiva, la qualita' e la diversificazione del servizio costituiranno gli obiettivi da raggiungere. Il cambiamento sta attraversando l'intera Europa e si stanno affermando nuovi principi: l'eliminazione dei diritti esclusivi, l'accesso alle reti, la graduale apertura dei mercati. Il quadro di riferimento che consentira' alle imprese di assumere i rischi connessi alla realizzazione di nuove infrastrutture o alla conclusione di nuovi contratti di importazione per assicurare all'Europa le risorse energetiche necessarie per mantenere in futuro un adeguato sviluppo, derivera' dal sapiente dosaggio di liberalizzazione e di regolamentazione del mercatoOriginal Title
L'industria del mercato e la sfida del cambiamento
Primary Subject
Presented at the 6. National ATIG Congress, Bari (Italy) 11-13 November 1997
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this paper, after an exhaustive analysis of the metrological problems connected with the measurement of natural gas consumption, a comprehensive survey of gas flow rate instrumentation is presented. The main advantages and limitations for each type of flowmeter are reviewed. The Italian market situation relative to gas flowmeters is reported, and an assessment is made of probable future trends in research and development in the gas measurement field
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The technology of compressed natural gas (CNG) for road vehicles originated 50 years ago in Italy, always able to adapt itself to changes in energy supply and demand situations and national assets. Now, due to the public's growing concern for air pollution abatement and recent national energy policies calling for energy diversification, the commercialization of natural gas road vehicles is receiving new momentum. However, proper fuel taxation and an increased number of natural gas distribution stations are required to support this growing market potential. Operators of urban bus fleets stand to gain substantially from conversion to natural gas automotive fuels due to natural gas being a relatively cheap, clean alternative
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Among the latest measures on health and safety (H and S) at work, Legislative Decree 626/94 is the most important step ever taken until now. Following the implementation of a long series of European Directives, the Decree gives the guidelines to be followed in order to safeguard the workers' H and S. Since gas distribution companies are deeply involved in these activities, the Italian Technical Gas Association (ATIG) has issued a paper on D and S focused on the activities of construction, maintenance and management of gas distribution networks. In a series of tables, the article summarizes a long list of the possible actions to be taken during various interventions, detects the sources of potential risks and suggests the main operational precautions. Besides, criteria for risk assessment, a scale of occurrence probabilities and a scale for damage evaluation are given
Il Decreto Legislativo 626/94 rappresenta, tra i provvedimenti piu' recenti riguardanti la sicurezza dei lavoratori, l'intervento di maggior rilievo in quanto, in attuazione di una numerosa serie di direttive europee, definisce le misure generali di tutela della salute e della sicurezza dei lavoratori. Le aziende distributrici di gas sono ovviamente coinvolte in tali operazioni. Muovendo da questa considerazione, ATIG, al fine di fornire un supporto alle aziende distributrici, ha elaborato, attraverso l'attivita' di un apposito gruppo di lavoro, un documento guida., focalizzato sulle attivita' di realizzazione, di manutenzione e di gestione della rete di distribuzione. L'articolo riporta, sotto forma di tabelle, un ampio elenco delle possibili operazioni da effettuare nel corso di una serie di interventi, individua le sorgenti di potenziali fattori di rischio e suggerisce le principali precauzioni operative da attuare. Vengono inoltre forniti criteri quantitativi per la valutazione del rischio, una scale delle probabilita' dell'accadimento ed una scala per la valutazione dell'entita' del dannoOriginal Title
La valutazione del rischio nelle attivita' gasistiche ai sensi del decreto legislativo 626/94
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The effort made by Gas Distribution Companies to improve the quality of services rendered to its customers has resulted in their commitment to carry out feasibility studies, aiming at assessing both economic conditions and reliability of technical renewal programmes concerning gas networks. In this article are described: a) an analysis procedure on economic conditions and reliability, in order to detect and classify 'areas' where interventions take priority; b) the results of analyses carried out on a network prototype described and operated by a local computing system. In the above mentioned analysis reference was made both to test results and criteria currently adopted by international Companies with a long experience in a gas distribution
Original Title
Analisi economica ed affidabilistica per il rinnovamento tecnologico delle reti
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The so-called 'Environmental Report' is a document containing data and information on the environmental impact of a company; it is being voluntary adopted by a growing number of companies as a tool for environmental management and as a transparent communication protocol between companies and customers. Methodologies and contents of environmental reports are shown, as well as the relevant advantages for companies. Although its activities have a low environmental impact, the gas industry is engaged in further reducing such an impact, by taking voluntary actions such as the adoption of codes of practice and the issue of environmental reports. The contents of SNAM's 1995 Environmental Report are presented, along with the activities carried out, the environmental data and the initiatives adopted for environmental protection
Original Title
I rapporti ambientali di impresa nell'industria del gas: il caso SNAM
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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