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[en] Referring to the principles stated in the European Council Directive 82/501 EEC. also known as 'Seveso Directive', and to the targets of health and environment prevention and protection and same conditions of competition among nations, established by this Council Resolution, authors analyse difficulties in applying these principles and in finding criteria, parameters and reference levels for the definition of a 'tolerable risk situation'. From this analysis considerations on the new Directive and on prospects there of derive
Original Title
La direttiva Seveso: aspettative e realta'
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Aqueous micellar systems formed upon aggregation of surfactant molecules have some peculiar properties which make them attractive as non conventional solvents and well suitable for environmental remediation treatments. The effective and selective removal of organic and inorganic pollutants from waste waters are contaminated solid phases can be, in particular, performed by coupling micellar solubilization with ultrafiltration techniques. Various examples of these surfactant-based treatments, together with the analysis of the experimental parameters which control the process efficiency are presented and discussed in this review
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The competition of the DNA sequence of several genomes, including human, has opened completely new scientific and technological frontiers. The huge amount of genetic information available requires the development of faster and cheaper analytical tools. This can be possible by miniaturizing the analytical system itself and by the development of proper analytical procedures
Il completamento del sequenziamento di numerosi genomi incluso quello umano ha aperto frontiere scientifiche e tecnologiche senza precedenti. La quantita' di informazione genetica disponibile rende necessario lo sviluppo di sistemi di anlasi sempre piu' veloci, paralleli ed economici. Questo e' possibile solo attraverso la miniaturizzazione dei sistemi stessi e lo sviluppo di metodiche adeguateOriginal Title
Microtecnologie per l'analisi molecolare
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The proposed disposal of carbon dioxide in the oceans should be considered with great care, by studying all CO2 equilibria. In fact, many studies and projects are forgetting the CO2 solubility into water. To date, the most safe way to dispose CO2 into the oceans includes the formation of CO2-hydrates into the sediments below the ocean floor: carbon dioxide is kept in solid form and it is not in contact with sea water which could solubilise it
Al momento sembra che la via piu' sicura per realizzare lo stoccaggio di CO2 negli oceani sia quella di indurre la formazione degli idrati della CO2 all'interno dei sedimenti che si trovano sotto ai fondali marini. La CO2 resta cosi' stabilizzata sotto forma solida senza essere in contatto con l'acqua marina che potrebbe discioglierla e reimmetterla nell'atmosferaOriginal Title
Lo stoccaggio della CO2 negli oceani
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Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] It is more than a decade since Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) film technology became the subject of a world-wide scientific and industrial research and development for commercial applications as large-area reflective displays and electrooptical windows, for privacy, security and light transmission control. In view of current interest and intensive fundamental and industrial research on PDLC, the authors attempt to provide a review of the state-of-art of this technology, from concept to its industrial production, in a series of articles. In the present introductory part, the authors discuss the basic concept, the principle of operation, the materials and the preparation techniques of a PDLC device by phase separation method
E' da piu' di dieci anni che la tecnologia dei film a cristalli liquidi dispersi in un polimero (PDLC) e' diventato un argomento internazionale di ricerca scientifica ed industriale e di sviluppo per applicazioni commerciali come display a riflessione di grandi dimensioni e finestre elettro-ottiche per la privacy, la sicurezza ed il controllo della trasmissione della luce. In considerazione del notevole interesse suscitato da questi materiali innovativi e delle attivita' di ricerca di base ed industriale in atto, viene illustrato lo stato dell'arte della tecnologia dei film PDLC, dal loro concetto-base alla produzione su scala industriale. In questa prima parte, vengono introdotti inoltre, il principio di funzionamento, i materiali ed i metodi di preparazione dei film PDLC con la tecnica della separazione di fasePrimary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Vibrational spectroscopy offers unique possibilities to investigate the most different aspects of chemical interactions between solids and gases. This paper presents a synthetic picture of the issue obtained by describing very different experiments performed in drastic reaction conditions
Original Title
Metodi spettroscopici per lo studio di zone inter-fase in condizioni di reazione
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Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Supercritical fluids technology is among the emerging 'clean' technologies, that allows the minimization in the use of chemical and thermic treatments and products irradiation, diminishing the quantity of liquid wastes to be treated. In this first article phase equilibria thermodynamics and fluid mechanics of transport phenomena are reviewed
La tecnologia a fluidi supercritici e' una delle tecnologie pulite emrgenti che consente minimi trattamenti chimici, termici di irragiamento dei prodotti e diminuisce la quantita' di reflui liquidi da trattare. In questa prima nota vengono rivisitati gli aspetti della termodinamica degli equilibri di fase e della fluidodinamica dei fenomeni di trasportoOriginal Title
Tecnologie con fluidi supercritici Parte 1. Aspetti generali
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this paper is briefly report on one of the many investigations concerning the interaction process in hydrogen/deuterium-transition metal system and it is discuss the existence and nature of the various surprising effects occasionally observed. The origin of the lack of reproducibility of these effects is attributed to the complexity of the phenomena involved. The possibility of an experimental approach aiming to remove the static and dynamic structural instabilities of the system in also examined
Oltre al breve rapporto su una delle tante ricerche riguardanti i processi di interazione nei sistemi di idrogeno/deuterio-metalli di transizione, nell'articolo, viene valutata l'esistenza e la natura dei vari inattesi effetti sporadicamante osservati. Vengono inoltre attribuite alla complessita' del fenomeno, le cause principali della non riproducibilita' di questi effetti e si discutono possibili interventi di carattere sperimentale che rimuoverebbero le incertezze strutturali sia statiche sia dinamiche del sistemaOriginal Title
Fusione fredda. Un dibattito che prosegue
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In magnetic resonance imaging, the contrast may be further enhanced by the use of suitable contrast agents, which act by enhancing the proton relaxation rates where they distribute. The design of new contrast agents requires a good understanding of the factors which determine the relaxation enhancement of the water protons in the inner and outer sphere of the paramagnetic metal ion
Nelle immagini della risonanza magnetica, il contrasto puo' essere ulteriormente aumentato mediante l'uso di adatti mezzi di contrasto che agiscono aumentando le velocita' di rilassamento dei tessuti nei quali vengono a distribuirsi. La progettazione di nuovi agenti di contrasto richiede una buona comprensione dei fattori che influenzano il rilassamento dei protoni dell'acqua nella sfera di coordinazione dello ione metallico paramagneticoOriginal Title
Mezzi di contrasto per MRI: stato dell'artye e prospettive
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Environmental impacts studies on industrial plants such as petroleum refineries or gasification plants would be incomplete without the inclusion of assessments of risks of significant damage to the environment. This paper considers the analysis of risk according to the provisions of Italian normatives. The study takes into account aspects such as the concept of overall area risk as opposed to specific individual risk; methods and standardized terminology related to risk measurement; as well as, various risk analysis techniques
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Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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