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Dambasuerehn, D.
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
[en] The unhomogeneous Bogolyubov transformations are proposed for any fermonic and bosonic systems. In this case the unhomogeneous terms of transformation is Grassmann variables and c11-number functions accordingly for fermonic and bosonic systems. The correlation functions of unhomogeneous terms will depend on properties of systems
Original Title
Bogolyubovyn nehgehn toerlijn bus khuvirgalt
Primary Subject
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 75-78
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the Nuclear Research Laboratory of the Mongolian State University we have been using the American Perkin Elmer corporation's equipment which is called ''The Atomic Absorption Spectro-Photometer'' (AAS) since 1981. Our task was to connect Perkin Elmer equipment to an IBM/PC compatible computer and to automate the manual operations. We describe a new design of the instruments which allows us to connect the Perkin Elmer equipment ot the IBM PC/XT type computer and consequently to automate its manual operations that are necessary during the measurements of each sample on it. A timing diagram of date signals which should appear on the AAS display and the general principle to operate of the instrument have been reviewed. Finally authors draw your attention to the opto-isolator which is necessary to protect the Perkin Elmer equipment, the IBM/PC/XT computer and the new equipment in case of any accident. In other words the new equipment is connected by the optical isolator link to the computer. 3 figs
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 101-108
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Norov, N.; Otgonsuerehn, O.; Perelygin, V.P.; Ehnkhzhin, L.
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
[en] The experiments on improving track technique of uranium and thorium content determination in natural specimens have been performed. For uranium concentration measurements a thermal neutrons beam was used, and thorium content in specimens was determined with the aid of gamma-rays/18 and 20 MeV/. For gamma-rays energy interval 6-23.5 MeV the ratio of fission fragment tracks densities NU/NTh for thick targets of these elements has been obtained. The ratio ranges from 1.7 to 3.2 with the maximum at gamma-rays energy at ∼15 MeV. The determined uranium and thorium concentrations in the calibrated standards agree within experimental error bar with the known values. For 9.1 MeV/nucl alpha-particles the track density ratio NU/NTh has been found to be equal (1.06+-0.07) but the thorium content was lowered down possibly due to the vertical unhomogeneity of alpha-particle beam and also due to partial thermal fading of the tracks in mica. 1 tab.; 2 figs
Original Title
Trekovyj metod opredeleniya soderzhaniya urana i toriya v prirodnykh obraztsakh
Primary Subject
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 121-130
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bayar, V.; Basankhueue, O.; Ganzorig, J.; Dushan, P.; Lodoisamba, S.; Otgooloi, B.; Tsehlmehg, A.; Shagjjamba, D.
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
[en] A new equipment 'Fluorite-III' is described which is used to register and analyze three kinds of following informations: 1. Pulse count for determination of ore's concentration which is transferring by the factory conveyor. 2. Pulse count for determination of ore's thickness which is transferring also by the factory conveyor. 3. Information about that: Is the conveyor moving or not during our measurements. First and second kinds of information are registered by two detectors which is established on the different places from the factory conveyor. Constraction of these detectors are the same. Every one of them consists of a ''photo multiplier tube'' and a scintillator of ''sodium-iodine''. The third information is corresponding to the ''transistor and transistical logic'' level. Every counters data and the information about the conveyor should be transferred every time to the computer which is compatible with the IBM/PC for further treatment through the following devices: 1. Three State Buffer which is made from ''Generic Array Logic'' device. 2. Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) which is of type (AY 3-1015). 3. 20 milli-ampere current interface with optical isolators. Also in this way but in reverse order by these devices we can control all processes of the measurements from the computer. 1 fig
Primary Subject
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 116-120
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Dalkhsuerehn, B.; Ehrdehv, B.
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
[en] The research on the composition of the chemical elements in atmosphere and monitoring of industrial and technigenic wastes are of special significance in connection with the possibility connection of gobal environmental pollution. The present paper shows the results of investigation on studies of pollution in radioactivity fallout, in soil at some areas of Ulaanbaatar city, carried out through the gamma activation method and alpha, beta radiometrical analysis at the Nuclear Research Laboratory, the State University (Mongolia). Received results enable us to estimate seasonal, monthly and daily variations of weight concentration and elemental structure in aerosol during the period of investigation. 2 tabs
Original Title
Opredelenie nekhotorykh ehlementov v probakh vypadenij i radioaktivnosti v pochvakh
Primary Subject
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 94-97
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Tsookhuu, Kh.; Janlav, T.; Rinchinbazar, R.
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
[en] Coulomb two-center problem with opposite charge Z1=1, Z2=2 is considered. The system of equations in spheroidal coordinates is solved by continuous analogy of Newtons method and method spline-collection. Energy spectrum and wave function of the electron in ground and some excited states are calculated. A continuous spectrum of problems are considered. A connection between one and two center phase shifts are examined. 2 tabs.; 5 figs. (Au)
Original Title
Ehlektron v pole dvukh kulonovskikh tsentrov s zaryadami Z1=-1, Z2=2
Primary Subject
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 84-93
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Toemoerbaatar, D.; Kukshkin, A.
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Tsoemijn Fizikijn Lab1992
[en] We have studied the effect of preliminary lighting and breach of intensity of red and blue light on delayed fluorescence induction curves. Different lights render different influence on delayed fluorescence. Different influence of red and blue light on delayed fluorescence can be explained by changes of electron-transport-chain state under the preliminary lighting and action of light. The results allow to choose necessary condition of exciting light and register delayed fluorescence. 2 figs
Original Title
Izucheniya vliyaniya intensivnosti i spektral'nogo sostava osveshcheniya na induktsionnye krivye poslesvecheniya
Primary Subject
Available from Tsoemijn Fizikijn Laboratori, Mongol Ulsyn Ikh Surguul', Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; (1992 issue); p. 79-83
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The contents of silikon, aluminium and iron are determined in 60 samples of coal from different points of the technological tube for fuel preparing. It was shown that contents of above mentioned elements were increased during the fuel preparing process. It notifies that such increasing of contents of elements is the worst part of fuel preparing process at Power Station-4. 4 figs.; 1 tab
Original Title
Issledovanie prichiny proryva pyletransportnykh trub TES-4 c.Ulaanbaatar yadernofizicheskimi metodami
Primary Subject
Available from the Mongolian National University's Library, Ulaanbaatar, Monoglia
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; v.1 (no.103); p. 12-19
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] At present, much attention has been paid to the measurement of concentration of radon in water, soil and atmosphere as radon-222 is decay product of uranium and can give information on the pollution of atmosphere, geophysical and geochemical process taking place in earth. Alpha activity of radon is registered by the different method including dielectric detector. This method differs simplicity and economical utilization. Irradiated detectors etched in 20 per cent solution Na OH at temperature 60 degrees centigrade during 80 minutes
Original Title
Izucheniya vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya diehlektricheskikh detektorov dlya izmereniya aktivnosti radona
Primary Subject
Available from the Library of Mongolian National University, Ulan Bator (Mongolia)
Record Type
Journal Article
Ehrdehm Shinzhilgehehnij Bichig; CODEN ESHBA6; v. 1(no.104); p. 120-122
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Khuukhenkhuu, G.; Chadraabal, I.; Unenbat, G.
Funding organisation: Mongolian National Univ., Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Nuclear Research Lab1996
Funding organisation: Mongolian National Univ., Ulan Bator (Mongolia). Nuclear Research Lab1996
[en] The possibilities of applications of the 200 KeV Cockcroft-walton accelerator for D-D neutron measurements, ion implantation, Rutherford backscattering analysis, ion channeling and proton induced X-ray analysis are discussed
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Laboratory for Nuclear Research, State University of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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