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Psaroudaki, Christina; Refael, Gil, E-mail: cpsaroud@caltech.edu2021
[en] Highlights: • We study photon frequency conversion in a driven spin coupled to a cavity mode. • Quantized frequency conversion is excpected in the strong-drive adiabatic limit. • A new photon pumping effect is established in the accessible weak drive regime. • Pumping is linked to the delocalization of the corresponding Floquet states. • Quantum coherence is preserved in both the strong and ultraweak-drive limits. We investigate the photon pumping effect in a topological model consisting of a periodically driven spin-1/2 coupled to a quantum cavity mode out of the adiabatic limit. In the strong-drive adiabatic limit, a quantized frequency conversion of photons is expected as the temporal analog of the Hall current. We numerically establish a novel photon pumping phenomenon in the experimentally accessible nonadiabatic driving regime for a broad region of the parameter space. The photon frequency conversion efficiency exhibits strong fluctuations and high efficiency that can reach up 80% of the quantized value for commensurate frequency combinations. We link the pumping properties to the delocalization of the corresponding Floquet states which display multifractal behavior as the result of hybridization between localized and delocalized sectors. Finally we demonstrate that the quantum coherence properties of the initial state are preserved during the frequency conversion process in both the strong and ultra-weak-drive limit.
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S0003491621001597; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev (SYK) model is a rare example of a strongly-interacting system that is analytically tractable. Tractability arises because the model is largely structureless by design and therefore artificial: while the interaction is restricted to two-body terms, interaction matrix elements are “randomized” and therefore the corresponding interaction operator does not commute with the local density. Unlike conventional density–density-type interactions, the SYK-interaction is, in this sense, not integrable. We here investigate a variant of the (complex) SYK model, which restores this integrability. It features a randomized single-body term and a density–density-type interaction. We present numerical investigations suggesting that the model exhibits two integrable phases separated by several intermediate phases including a chaotic one. The chaotic phase carries several characteristic SYK-signatures including in the spectral statistics and the frequency scaling of the Green’s function and therefore should be adiabatically connected to the non-Fermi liquid phase of the original SYK model. Thus, our model Hamiltonian provides a bridge from the SYK-model towards microscopic realism.
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S0003491621001093; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Feinberg, Joshua; Riser, Roman, E-mail:
[en] Disordered mechanical systems with high connectivity represent a limit opposite to the more familiar case of disordered crystals. Individual ions in a crystal are subjected essentially to nearest-neighbor interactions. In contrast, the systems studied in this paper have all their degrees of freedom coupled to each other. Thus, the problem of linearized small oscillations of such systems involves two full positive-definite and non-commuting matrices, as opposed to the sparse matrices associated with disordered crystals. Consequently, the familiar methods for determining the averaged vibrational spectra of disordered crystals, introduced many years ago by Dyson and Schmidt, are inapplicable for highly connected disordered systems. In this paper we apply random matrix theory (RMT) to calculate the averaged vibrational spectra of such systems, in the limit of infinitely large system size. At the heart of our analysis lies a calculation of the average spectrum of the product of two positive definite random matrices by means of free probability theory techniques. We also show that this problem is intimately related with quasi-hermitian random matrix theory (QHRMT), which means that the ‘hamiltonian’ matrix is hermitian with respect to a non-trivial metric. This extends ordinary hermitian matrices, for which the metric is simply the unit matrix. The analytical results we obtain for the spectrum agree well with our numerical results. The latter also exhibit oscillations at the high-frequency band edge, which fit well the Airy kernel pattern. We also compute inverse participation ratios of the corresponding amplitude eigenvectors and demonstrate that they are all extended, in contrast with conventional disordered crystals. Finally, we compute the thermodynamic properties of the system from its spectrum of vibrations. In addition to matrix model analysis, we also study the vibrational spectra of various multi-segmented disordered pendula, as concrete realizations of highly connected mechanical systems. A universal feature of the density of vibration modes, common to both pendula and the matrix model, is that it tends to a non-zero constant at vanishing frequency.
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S0003491621000622; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Tarasov, Vasily E., E-mail: tarasov@theory.sinp.msu.ru2021
[en] Highlights: • Non-Markovian master equation for open quantum system with power-law memory is proposed. • Non-Markovian dynamics of two-level quantum system with memory is described. • Solutions of non-Markovian quantum master equations are derived. • Complete positivity and bi-positivity in non-Markovian quantum dynamics with memory are described. • Exact solution of non-Markovian equations of system with memory is proposed. In this paper, non-Markovian generalization of master equation for open quantum system is proposed. Non-Markovian dynamics of two-level quantum system with memory and interaction with environment is described. To describe this system, the Gorini–Kossakowski–Sudarshan equation for open quantum states is generalized by taking into account power-law fading memory. The non-Markovian quantum processes with power-law memory are described by using integration and differentiation of non-integer orders. Complete positivity and bi-positivity in non-Markovian quantum dynamics with memory are described. An example of two-level quantum systems with power-law memory is suggested. Exact solution of the non-Markovian master equations of two-level open quantum systems with memory is derived.
Primary Subject
S0003491621002736; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Bernar, Rafael P.; Crispino, Luís C.B.; Lima, Haroldo C.D.; Higuchi, Atsushi, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] The Equivalence Principle is a key element in the development of General Relativity. In one of its formulations, the Equivalence Principle states that a reference frame at rest in a uniform gravitational field is equivalent to a reference frame in uniformly accelerated motion in the absence of any gravitation field. We analyze the spacetime surrounding a non-rotating spherically symmetric charged body, known as Reissner–Nordström geometry, and exhibit a coordinate transformation, which makes explicit its compatibility with the Equivalence Principle. We revisit the Schwarzschild case, previously analyzed in the literature. We also consider second order terms of the relevant expansion parameters in the approximate metric, which is needed for the computed curvature quantities to be correct at zeroth order.
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S0003491621002013; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Mazharimousavi, S. Habib; Halilsoy, M., E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] Highlights: • We introduce a new NED model which is comparable with the BI model in the weak-field limit. • We find an electric black hole solution in the context of Einstein’s gravity minimally coupled with the new NED model. • We study the thermal stability of the electric black hole solution. • Modified Smarr’s formula consistent with the first law of black hole thermodynamics is obtained. A new nonlinear electrodynamics (NED) model is introduced in the form of a nonpolynomial Lagrangian which admits static spherical and also plane wave solutions in a flat space. Upon coupling with gravity the electric field is finite and comparable with the Born–Infeld counterpart. The electric and magnetic black hole solutions in the Einstein’s gravity coupled with this NED model are presented. The solutions give both asymptotically and in the weak field limit Reissner–Nordström (RN) black hole and unlike the other known models our electric solution is expressed in terms of elementary functions in a closed form. We study the first law and derive the modified Smarr’s formula for the electric type extension of our model. Considerable rich structure, especially thermodynamic ones, ranging from first to the second order phase transitions are added to the RN black hole of linear electrodynamics with this NED model. Having the exact solution for the metric function at our disposal we investigate the stability of the electric black hole from both the thermodynamical and causal points of view.
Primary Subject
S0003491621001858; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Schulze-Halberg, Axel; Roy, Pinaki, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] Highlights: • We construct Darboux transformations for Dirac systems with position-dependent mass. • Our systems are either Dirac oscillators or coupled to a magnetic field. • We use our Darboux transformation to construct new solvable Dirac systems. We construct a Darboux transformation for a class of two-dimensional Dirac systems at zero energy. Our starting equation features a position-dependent mass, a matrix potential, and an additional degree of freedom that can be interpreted either as a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane or a generalized Dirac oscillator interaction. We obtain a number of Darboux-transformed Dirac equations for which the zero energy solutions are exactly known.
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S0003491621001408; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Alishahiha, Mohsen; Babaei Velni, Komeil; Reza Tanhayi, Mohammad, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: mtanhayi@ipm.ir2021
[en] Highlights: • Trying to explore a remedy to overcome the puzzle in holographic complexity by assuming a cutoff behind the horizon and the corresponding boundary term. • Holographic complexity growth obtained by the WDW patch on shell action is insensitive to the UV cutoff at the late time. Therefore one may conclude that either on shell action does not compute complexity, or the late time is not given by the physical charges, or in our computations we have missed something! • We find that one needs to carefully compute on shell action taking into account the behind the horizon and the corresponding boundary term. Doing so, one arrives at a consistent picture. • We check this consistency by evaluating the late time complexity growth for near horizon limit of the near extremal black hole using two different methods. We would have obtained non-consistent picture, if we had not considered the behind the horizon cutoff as well as the corresponding boundary term. We compute holographic complexity of charged black brane solutions in arbitrary dimensions for the near horizon limit of near extremal case using two different methods. The corresponding complexity may be obtained either by taking the limit from the complexity of the charged black brane, or by computing the complexity for near horizon limit of near extremal solution. One observes that these results coincide if one assumes to have a cutoff behind horizon whose value is fixed by UV cutoff and also taking into account a proper counterterm evaluated on this cutoff. We also consider the situation for Vaidya charged black branes too.
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S000349162100004X; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Cotler, Jordan; Wilczek, Frank; Borish, Victoria, E-mail: jcotler@fas.harvard.edu2021
[en] Highlights: • We use quantum entanglement to erase the color of photons for a new imaging method. • Can achieve higher resolution imaging by accessing hidden phase information. • We detail practical experimental designs to implement our theoretical protocols. We propose methods to perform intensity interferometry of photons having two different wavelengths. Distinguishable particles typically cannot interfere with each other, but we overcome that obstacle by processing the particles via entanglement and projection so that they lead to the same final state at the detection apparatus. Specifically, we discuss how quasi-phase-matched nonlinear crystals can be used to convert a quantum superposition of light of different wavelengths onto a common wavelength, while preserving the phase information essential for their meaningful interference. We thereby gain access to a host of new observables, which can probe subtle frequency correlations and entanglement. Further, we generalize the van Cittert–Zernike formula for the intensity interferometry of extended sources, demonstrate how our proposal supports enhanced resolution of sources with different spectral character, and suggest potential applications.
Primary Subject
S0003491620302803; Available from; Copyright (c) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Acquaviva, G.; Iorio, A.; Smaldone, L., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: smaldone@ipnp.mff.cuni.cz2021
[en] Highlights: • Spontaneous symmetry breaking at finite volume. • Disjoint phases related to topological defects. • Inequivalent quantizations via boson transformation. • Topological evasion of the Stone–von Neumann theorem. We discuss the representations of the algebra of quantization, the canonical commutation relations, in a scalar quantum field theory with spontaneously broken internal symmetry, when a topological defect of the vortex type is formed via the condensation of Nambu–Goldstone particles. We find that the usual thermodynamic limit is not necessary in order to have the inequivalent representations needed for the existence of physically disjoint, stable phases of the system. This points to a novel notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking, one where the volume can stay finite, an instance that makes our treatment substantially different from the usual semiclassical (NOLGA) approach to vortices. This new type of inequivalence is different from the well-known inequivalence occurring for the quantum particle on the circle. We finally comment on possible applications to quantum gravity.
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S0003491621002475; Available from; Copyright (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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