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[en] Spectra of creation, stimulation and the spectral composition of activated optical flashes KJ-Sn at low temperatures as well as its polarization properties are measured. It is established that maximum in the spectra of creation corresponds to the D-region of absorption of an activator (224 nm at 80 K), the spectrum of stimulation consists of two bands 620 and 820 nm. In the basis of polarization investigations the conclusion about the mechanism of activator flash is made: accumulation of aperture ratio corresponds to excitation of near-the-activator iodine ion with electron transfer by the nearest cation (potassium or activator), illumination corresponds to reverse electron transition to iodine atom with excitation transfer to the activator
Original Title
Nizkotemperaturnaya opticheskaya vspyshka v kristalle KJ-Sn, sozdannaya oblucheniem v D-oblasti pogloshcheniya
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Matrix of anisotropic collision relaxation of polarization moments of atomic states J=3/2 and 2 and for collisions of the atom investigated with neutral atoms or ions is calculated by numerical intedration of equations of the impact parameter method. Comparison of characteristics of anisotropic collision relaxation (mutual transformation of polarization moments of different ranks, dependences of a relaxation rate on the projections of polarization moments at the anisotropy axis, multiexponentiality of transition relaxation processes) for atomic states with J=1, 3/2 and 2 is carried out
Original Title
Relaksatsiya polyarizatsionnykh momentov atomnykh sostoyanij J=3/2 i 2 pod dejstviem anizotropnykh stolknovenij
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The nature of centers responsible for the 370 nm absorption band in MgF2 monocrystals is investigated by the UV spectroscopy method under the action of nanosecond, optical and electron beams. Data obtained on phototransformation of F-centers to 370 nm centers and the reverse process of transformation in electron irradiation during >5 ns and ∼ 1 μs, as well as the presence of a charge in centers investigated and absence of Va+ migration in the temperature range from 200 to 430 K permitted to conclude that F'-centers are responsible for absorption in the 370 nm region
Original Title
UF spektroskopiya monokristallov MgF2 pri vozdejstvii nanosekundnykh opticheskikh i ehlektronnykh puchkov
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Stepped ionization with excitation (SIE) in neon in case of electron collision with metastable 3s-atoms of NeI has been studied. The investigation of SIE processes was carried out by the optical method of beam emission in a gas cell with an electron beam. Cross section of ion stepped excitation has been measured for the first time. Like stepped excitation of atom levels it is characterized by a large value of cross section, for 2P03/2 level it is 2.5x10-15cm2
Original Title
Ehffektivnoe sechenie stupenchatoj ionizatsii s vozbuzhdeniem 2P3/2-urovnya Ne2 pri stolknoveniyakh ehlektronov s metastabil'nymi 3s-atomami Ne1
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The fact and the reason for decrease in spin-orbital (SO) interactions with increase in the number of chlorine atoms in molecules of dibenzo-n-dioxine derivatives are ascertained. Quantitative evaluation of the influence of a heavy atom on components of phosphorescence rate constant κph = κSO + κVSO, determined by SO and vibron-spin-orbital (VSO) interactions, are made. It is ascertained that increase in the number of heavy atoms in molecules results in increase of VSO interaction (solely component κVSO in rate constant κph being increased)
Установлены факт и причина уменьшения спин-орбитальных (SO) взаимодействий при увеличении количества атомов хлора в молекулах производных дибензо-n-диоксина. Даны количественные оценки влияния тяжелого атома на компоненты константы скорости фосфоресценции κph = κSO + κVSO, определяемые SO и вибронно-спин-орбитальными (VSO) взаимодействиями. Установлено, что увеличение тяжелых атомов в молекулах приводит к возрастанию лишь взаимодействий VSO (увеличивается лишь компонент κVSO константы скорости κph)Original Title
O vliyanii tyazhelogo atoma na fotofizicheskuyu dezaktivatsiyu tripletnykh sostoyanij molekul
Primary Subject
16 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Mathematical expectations of crossing electron pulse products between each other and products of electron pulses on the nucleus pulse, describing the particles pulse correlation in the atom, are considered with an account of the law of the summarized pulse preservation and electrons identity. It is shown that these mathematical expectations are expressed through average values of the electrons and nucleus pulse squares, determining the atom kinetic energy. The mathematical expectations of the particles pulse products for the T-, D- and H-, μ- and Ps- negative ions, helium atom and hydrogen molecular iona rae calculated. The character of angular correlation in the electron motion, depending on the nucleus mass, is discussed
С учетом закона сохранения суммарного импульса и тождественности электронов рассматриваются математические ожидания перекрестных произведений импульсов электронов между собой и произведений импульсов электронов на импульсе ядра, описывающих корреляцию частиц в атоме. Показывается, что эти математические ожидания выражаются через средние значения квадратов импульсов электронов и ядра, определяющие кинетическую энергию атома. Вычислены математические ожидания произведений импульсов частиц для отрицательных ионов T-, D- и H-, μ- и Ps-, атома гелия и молекулярного иона водорода. Обсужден характер угловой корреляции в движении электронов в зависимости от массы ядраOriginal Title
Korrelyatsiya impul'sov ehlektronov i yadra v atomakh
Primary Subject
3 refs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The theoretical study on multielectron effects in processes of electrons photodetachment from the Cu- and Cr- negative ions is carried out. The calculations were accomplished within the frames of the model, based on the approximation of random phases with exchange with simultaneous account for impact of the static polarization potential and the shell static rearrangement. The calculational results of photodetachment cross sections of the external 4s-electrons from Cu- and Cr- are presented and comparison with the available experimental data and the results of other calculations is carried out
Original Title
Fotootryv ot otritsatel'nykh ionov s ns2-podobolochkami
Primary Subject
22 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Study on radiation spectral composition and spatial distribution under bombarding beryllium by Ar+ and H2+ (20 keV) ions is carried out. The quantum yield and rate composition of sputtered and scattered excited particles are measured. Analysis of the obtained results from the viewpoint of impact of non-radiating resonance processes on the probability of maintaining the excitation by the particles take-off from the beryllium surface is performed. The passivating role of nitrogen through bombarding the beryllium surface by Ar+ ions in the nitrogen atmosphere is shown
Original Title
Osnovnye kharakteristiki ionno-fotonnoj ehmissii raspylennykh i rasseyannykh chastits pri bombardirovke berilliya ionami Ar+ i H2+
17 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Based on the simplest plasma model in the divertor region the polarization of atomic radiation is estimated assuming that atomic excitation is realized by electron impact mainly
Original Title
Fotoionizatsiya polyarizovannykh ridbergovskikh atomov
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Multiconfiguration calculations of potentials of Ca interaction is performed by Ne pseudopotential method
Original Title
Potentsialy vzaimodejstviya Ca*-He, Ne. Izmenenie spinovogo i orbital'nogo sostoyanij pri stolknoveniyakh Ca(31D, 41P, 51P, 43D)+He, Ne
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Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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