[en] The know-how in the field of solar radiation distribution in forests is important for basic ecological investigations and silvicultural practice. Three methods of solar radiation assessment based on hemispherical canopy photography are compared in the present article: a hemispherical photography by means of a fish-eye lens, a horizontoscope and the ALI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. Experiences, improved methods and a drawing of a horizontoscope stand which was elaborated at the Chair of Silviculture are presented. Fairly good results with some limitations can be achieved with the improved stable horizontoscope in silvicultural work. Hemispherical photography is appropriate for the assessment of light conditions in all stand types and can thus be used in research work. The method has recently been undergoing intensive development. Digitalization of the entire system will speed up standardization. The ALI-2000 instrument is highly suitable for regeneration research in conditions of abundant plant vegetation, in reach sites and modified stands
Poznavanje porazdelitve sevanja v gozdu je pomembno za temeljna ekolo{ka prou~evanja in za prakso gojenja gozdov. V ~lanku primerjamo tri metode ocenjevanja son~nega sevanja na osnovi preslikave svoda neba in kro{enj: fotografijo hemisfere z objektivom ''ribje oko'', horizontoskop in LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. Prikazujemo izku{nje, izbolj{ave metod ter na~rt za podstavek horizontoskopa, ki smo ga razvili na Katedri za gojenje gozdov. Izbolj{ani stabilni horizontoskop daje, z nekaterimi omejitvami, povsem zadovoljive rezultate za neposredno gojitveno delo. Fotografija hemisfere je primerna za oceno svetlobnih razmer v vseh tipih sestojev in je zato uporabna pri raziskovalnem delu. V zadnjem ~asu se metoda intenzivno razvija. Digitalizacija celotnega sistema bo pospe{ila standardizacijo. Instrument LAI-2000 je posebej primeren za raziskave pomlajevanja v razmerah bujne zeliščne vegetacije na bogatih rastiščih in v spremenjenih sestojihOriginal Title
Meritve sončnega sevanja v gozdu - II. Metode na osnovi projekcij hemisfere neba in krošenj
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: SI2000010181; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research Reports Forest and Wood Science and Technology; ISSN 0351-3114; ; (no.60); p. 177-210
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Natural regeneration of altimontane spruce forests at Jelendol is retarded due to many factors. In autumn 2003, gaps of different size and parts of the surrounding stand were covered with a 5 x 5 grid m to define sampling plots. A total of 227 plots with 1,5 x 1,5 m in size were installed to analyse general regeneration conditions and inhibitors. The following ecological parameters were estimated on each plot: micro relief, inclination, soil depth,ground cover, direct and diffuse solar radiation. Woody regeneration (density, height, height increment) and ground vegetation were recorded at each plot. Considering that N-S and E-W radiation asymmetry was explicit, the distribution of direct and diffuse radiation was divided into four groups among the plots. Spruce regeneration (28.,605 per ha) was mainly found at the edge of the large gap, though total regeneration density and radiation were not correlated. However, in both the stand and the small gaps, the lack of radiation hindered further development. This study showed that light conditions were not the only factors affecting the regeneration success at an altitude of 1,500 m. The presence of woody debris was important, while the influence of the herb layer (predominant species were Festuca altissima All. and Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth.) and soil depth proved to be negative. The impact of browsing, however, remained the main problem. (author)
Original Title
Pomladitvena ekologija drugotnih visokogorskih smrekovih gozdov v Jelendolu
Primary Subject
Available on-line: http://petelin.gozdis.si/zbgl/2008/zbgl-85-3.pdf; FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: SI2010000101; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research reports forest and wood science and technology; ISSN 0351-3114; ; (no.85); p. 27-38
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Norway spruce trees from the sub alpine stand are exposed not only to high UV-B radiation but also to a complex of other environmental factors, such as high photosynthetically active radiation, extreme temperature conditions, deficient water and mineral supply, which might cause stress responses. Current year needles from the sub alpine stand exhibited lower photochemical efficiency and total chlorophyll content compared to samples from lower altitudes. The result suggested that young needles were most vulnerable to stress factors, since the protective mechanisms were not fully developed. Current+1 year needles from the sub alpine stand exhibited lower ETSvalues and higher total UV-B absorbing compounds, which may be interpreted as most successful protection against UVB radiation of current+1 year needles among the three needle age classes.Despite the obtained results, the effect of a single stress factor on spruce could not be easily drawn out. Still, we may assume that the spruce is quite tolerant to high UV-B radiation and other extreme environmental factors in the mountains
Original Title
UčInek Ultravijoličnega Sevanja Na Smreko (Picea Abies (L.) Karst.) In Posledice Za Gorski Gozdni Ekosistem
Primary Subject
Available on-line: http://petelin.gozdis.si/zbgl/2005/zbgl-78-1.pdf; FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: SI2007000009; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research reports forest and wood science and technology; ISSN 0351-3114; ; (no.78); p. 5-27
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Hemispherical photography represents one of the most appropriate methods of estimating averages of solar radiation over extended periods of time. This method is based upon the use of extremely wide-angle fisheye lenses, which produce large projection distortion. To correctly interpret hemispherical photography we have to know the projection characteristics of the fisheye lens in combination with a camera body. This can be achieved through lens calibration. The first part of the article explains in detail the calibration method for fisheye lenses which are used to assess the solar radiation in forest ecology research. In the second part the results of calibration for fisheye lens Sigma 8 mm, f/4 (MF, N) are presented. The lens was used on a Nikon F50 camera body
Original Title
Umerjanje objektiva ''ribje oko'' za fotografijo hemisfere
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: SI2001010354; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research reports forest and wood science and technology; ISSN 0351-3114; ; (no.61); p. 5-25
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Solar energy sustains ecosystems on earth, therefore solar radiation measurements are the basis for ecological research in forests. Silviculturists in particular should be aware at least of the basic principles of radiation distribution in forest vegetation. There has been a rapid development of methods and devices in the field of solar radiation measurement. In the paper, solar radiation is presented as one of the most important ecological resources and factors. The author demonstrates how significant this knowledge is in silviculture. The main topic is the presentation of recognized methods for solar radiation measurement and estimation in forests. Comparing these different methods we find Photosynthetically Usable Radiation (PUR) sensors to be very appropriate for complex research in forest vegetation. It is advantageous to use multiple PUR sensors connected to a computer for data processing. Another method for estimating radiation which has great potential is the one using hemispherical photography. The same principle is applied in a fixed horizontoscope which is particularly appropriate in silvicultural practice
Energija sonca napaja ekosisteme na zemlji, zato so meritve sevanja temelj ekoloških raziskav v gozdovih. Vsaj osnovne zakonitosti porazdelitve sevanja v vegetaciji mora poznati tudi praktik gojitelj. Na področju meritev sončnega sevanja smo priča hitremu razvoju metod in instrumentov. Prispevek uvodoma predstavlja sončno sevanje kot enega najpomembnejših ekoloških dejavnikov ter njegov pomen za gojenje gozdov. Osrednji del članka predstavlja in ocenjuje uveljavljene metode za merjenje in ocenjevanje sončnega sevanja v gozdovih. Na podlagi primerjave metod ugotavljamo, da je za zahtevnej{e raziskave gozdne vegetacije zelo primerna uporaba več PUR (Photosynthetically Usable Radiation - fotosintetsko uporabno sevanje) tipal, krmiljenih z računalnikom. Obetavno bodočnost ima tudi metoda ocenjevanja sevanja z analizo fotografije nebesnega svoda. Na tem principu deluje tudi stabilni horizontoskop, katerega uporaba je še posebej priporočljiva za praktično gojenje gozdovOriginal Title
Meritve sončnega sevanja v gozdu - I. presoja metod in instrumentov
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: SI2000010165; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research Reports Forest and Wood Science and Technology; ISSN 0351-3114; ; (no.58); p. 105-138
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue