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[en] A role of inelastic interaction in generation of complex radiation defects in silicon by protons irradiation was evaluated. It was shown that the contribution of inelastic channels into the total cross section are close to 40 % for defect formation with a threshold of 25-40 keV under 30 MeV proton influence. (author)
Original Title
O vklade neuprugikh kanalov vzaimodejstviya protonov 30 MehV v obrazovanie slozhnykh kompleksov radiatsionnykh defektov v kremnii
13 refs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(3); p. 21-27
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An analytical solution of problem on optimal head level determination on injection wells at different schemes of productive horizons development is given. The mathematical model by criterion of uranium concentrate cost including a sorption columns is realized. It is demonstrated, that mathematical compression optimum on the different wells exceeds the maximum permissible head pressure which with some reliability coefficient are suggested in the capacity of optimal solution. (author)
Original Title
K optimizatsii naporov na tekhnologicheskikh skvazhinakh pri dobyche urana
Primary Subject
1 ref.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 1(6); p. 65-70
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The paper is devoted to discussion of important questions of atomic power engineering which could be solved by means of hybrid nuclear units based on two methods of super-intensive neutron flux production: the spallation of heavy nuclei in the reaction with charged particles and the fusion of light nuclei. Their schematic arrangement, multipurpose application, scientific and technical problems arising at their construction are presented. (author)
Original Title
Atomnaya ehnergetika budushchego: gibridnye yadernye ustanovki
Primary Subject
33 refs., 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(1); p. 19-31
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Some experimental results allowing to judge about possibilities of unusual structural phase states formation during use irradiation and high temperature treatment of metallic crystals are considered. During study of pure (99.99 %) and especially pure (99.999 %) aluminium it was established, that after heating of preliminary irradiated samples in reactor, and non-irradiated ones up to temperatures above melting point (660 deg C), but not higher than 820 deg C, and cooling an microstructure and substructure of both irradiated and non-irradiated metals have been essentially distinguished with each other. If first of them had typically polycrystal construction, that second one was monocrystal with good developed initial substructure. Radiation effects have been preserved even in liquid metal if it was not overheated higher critical point, which is determined by phase transition from quasi-liquid state to true liquid one. During study of irradiation and postradiation treatment of structure and properties of intermetallides Fe3Al it was revealed, that in initially irradiated regulated alloys the radiation effect is preserving at heating of above 0.85 Tmelt (that essentially exceed order-disorder transition temperature) (550 deg C) in non-irradiated alloys of prolonged exposure and hardening. At that, irradiated-hardened alloy distinguishing from not hardened one by lattice parameter (on 0.1 %), by configuration of nearest surrounding of iron atoms in elementary cell, by regulating extent of different kind of atoms in lattice knocks. It was revealed, that at fluence (5·1024 n·m2) an appearance of new phases, distinguishing from matrix by component content. It was shown, that irradiation and post-radiation treatment are methods for creation unusual structural-phase states and attach to metals and alloys new properties
Original Title
Radiatsionnaya nasledstvennost': neobychnye strukturno-fazovye sostoyaniya i svojstva metallicheskikh kristallov
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
15 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(6); p. 53-57
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Several ways of radioactive wastes (RAW) burial are considered and characterized: - burial in geological formation deeply under ground; - dispatch RAW to cosmos; - transmutation of highly active and long-living radionuclides into short-living ones by means of nuclear transformation during irradiation of RAW with protons or neutrons; - burial RAW in mountains isolated from environment. Especial attention to RAW self-burial method on depth not less 1 km in Earth crust is paid. Self-burial (i. e. moving of whole RAW object down) is possible when temperature of object is above 1000 deg C and density ρp is larger than density of surrounding it earth rock ρr. Two methods of for maintaining of high temperature (>1000-1500 deg C) during quate large period (few hundreds years) are proposed : 1) Creation high temperature by means of residual energy emission by itself of RAW object. 2) Adaptation of reactor assembly ensuring high temperature during prolonged period (more hundred years) to RAW object
Original Title
Dolgovremennoe zakhoronenie radioaktivnykh otkhodov
Primary Subject
2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(3); p. 48-53
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Electrothermal complex Vulcan intended to heavy reactor accidents final stages out-reactor research is worked out. Complex consists of 3 experimental facilities: Slava, Lava, Lava M and systems ensuring its operating. Main part of all these facilities is electro-melting furnace of induction type. Complex allows to conduct 3 groups of researches: - on study of melt fall in dry trap; - on study of interaction of melt with water; - on study of interaction of melt with water and concrete under cooling water feed on melt surface situating in concrete trap, and residual power imitation in melt. With help of experiments conducted in complex has been created contrivance for melt confinement with temperature 3000 deg C and above. Time of melt with reactor constructive materials interaction down to the vessel melting that is final stage of catastrophic accident is determined
Original Title
Sozdanie stendovoj bazy dlya issledovaniya posledstvij tyazhelykh avarij AEhS v Natsional'nom yadernom tsentre Respubliki Kazakhstan
Primary Subject
6 figs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(5); p. 32-43
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Soils of neighboring to Semipalatinsk test site territories is examined. Plutonium-239, 240 determination has been carried out by X-ray spectral fluorescence analysis (XFA). It was established, that 239,240 Pu concentrates in general soil layer (0-15 cm). 80 % of Pu situated in top soil layer (0-8 cm) and its activity makes up 5·103 Bq/m2 in those places where ground processing after explosions was not carrying out . Plutonium activity from global falls makes up 50-100 Bq/m2. It was shown, that in soils there is weapon plutonium exceeding global falls in 50-100 times. Distribution of 239,240 Pu and 241 Am by depth is presented. In last time established, that plutonium keeping in top layer due to iron-containing compounds, which don't allow plutonium diffuse on deeper depth of ground. At present expecting dose of irradiation of man is forming at the expense ionizing radiation of following radionuclides: 137 Cs, 9'0 Sr, 3 H, 14 C, 235,238 U, 239,241 Pu, 241 Am. Contribution of last three ones in common dose makes up few percents
Original Title
Plutonij-239, 240 v pochvakh territorij, prilegayushchikh k Semipalatinskomu ispytatel'nomu poligonu
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
29 refs., 1 tab., 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(6); p. 58-67
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Institute of Cosmic Researches of Ministry of Science and Academy of Science of Republic of Kazakhstan since 1996 is carrying out operative monitoring of vegetation and snow covers of Kazakhstan territory with use of data from Noaa series satellites. The AVHRR/2 modernized radiometer is located on the satellites. This radiometer provides a remote sensing of Earth in five spectral ranges. Sizeable anomalies on the distribution of snow cover and temperature of earth surface have been found near Semipalatinsk test site (STS) during space monitoring of Kazakhstan territory. Analysis of temperature field structure allows to distinguish centres where temperature exceeds common background of surrounding districts more than 10 deg C. Temperature anomalies in this regions have been kept and in warm time of year. The nearly complete absence of vegetation cover on territory of STS has been marked. It was suggested that causes of this phenomena are as follows: - local peculiarities of the site; - radioactive and tectonic processes initiated by numerous nuclear explosions. 4 figs
Original Title
Distantsionnoe zondirovanie temperaturnykh anomalij v rajone Semipalatinskogo yadernogo poligona
Primary Subject
This record replaces 29064011
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 6(2); p. 51-54
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this article the analytical dependence are given to prognosticate metal assay in productive solution, coefficient of its recovery from block, reagent consumption as a time function of uranium in-situ leaching and any other metals. (author)
Original Title
O fundamental'nykh zavisimostyakh geotekhnologicheskikh parametrov ot vremeni protsessov podzemnogo vyshchelachivaniya metallov cherez skvazhiny
Primary Subject
Former journal title: Dolkady Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (ISSN 1029-8665)
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; v. 4(6); p. 86-91
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Ecological situation in Tengiz region still the day of starting first turn of complex may be considered as normal. It means that antropogenous load on the environment from the Tengiz gas refinery is insignificant little. Regime observation for purpose of sanitation carry out by TengizChevrOil J V. (author)
Original Title
Ehkologicheskoe sostoyanie Tengizskogo mestorozhdeniya i puti ego ozdorovleniya
Primary Subject
3 refs., 3 figs. Suppl. Neft' i gaz Kazakhstana
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Ministerstva Nauki - Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1029-8665; ; CODEN DMRKFZ; v. 2; p. 119-121
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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