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Wooldridge, A.B.; Chapman, R.K.; Woodcock, G.S.; Munns, I.J.; Georgiou, G.A.
European-American workshop: Determination of reliability and validation methods on NDE. Proceedings1997
European-American workshop: Determination of reliability and validation methods on NDE. Proceedings1997
[en] Demonstrating the capability of radiography is important for justifying the integrity of certain nuclear power plant components. In particular, Magnox Electric plc has been investigating the reliability of the radiography performed on Magnox steel reactor pressure vessel welds during construction. This work has concentrated on planar defects of structurally significant size. This paper describes an extensive series of experimental studies of radiographic capability, for material thicknesses in the range 50-114 mm. These studies have been supported by surveys of the relevant parameters of real metallurgical defects to confirm the realism of the defects used. The results have been interpreted using a well-established, albeit simplified, theoretical model of the radiographic process, but further work on a more comprehensive theoretical model is in progress to provide more precise comparisons of theoretical and experimental results. Considerable care has been taken to produce planar defects which realistically simulate those which might conceivably occur during welding of thick-section ferritic steel pressure vessels. One key feature is the orientation of the defect relative to the radiographic beam, and this can be controlled reasonably precisely when inducing defects in test specimens. Another crucial parameter for radiographic detection is the crack face separation (gape), which can only be measured by sectioning. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V., Berlin (Germany); Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin (Germany); National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO (United States); 355 p; ISBN 3-931381-18-8; ; 1997; p. 157-168; European-American workshop: Determination of reliability and validation methods of nondestructive evaluation (NDE); Berlin (Germany); 18-20 Jun 1997
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Mateiu, H.; Farbas, N.; Murariu, A.
24. MPA-seminar: safety and reliability of plant technology with special emphasis on integrity and life management. Vol. 2. Papers 28-631999
24. MPA-seminar: safety and reliability of plant technology with special emphasis on integrity and life management. Vol. 2. Papers 28-631999
[en] The experiments were carried out on the material prelevated from a pipe that has been functioning for 18 years, subjected to a maximal temperature of 535 C. Inside the pipe process gases as CH4-20.5%, H2Ovap-78.2%, CO-0.14%, CO2-0.1%, H2-0.9%, and N2-0.0036%, have been vehiculated. The total number of cycles to which the pipe was subjected is of about 72, due to the cooling and heating occasioned by the general shut-downs and partial revisions of the installation. During this experimental program creep and thermal fatigue tests were carried out to determine the shape of the duration technical resistance and thermal fatigue curves. Afterwards, interrupted thermal fatigue tests were carried out for a number of cycles inferior to those during the fracture tests, representing subunitary ratios. For all the specimens tested near the fracture zone the 'A' parameter has been determined using the metallographic method developed by Brear in the framework of the SPRINT 249 Program. (orig.)
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Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Staatliche Materialpruefungsanstalt; 544 p; 1999; p. 53.1-53.5; 24. MPA-Seminar: Safety and reliability of plant technology - integrity and life management; 24. MPA-Seminar: Sicherheit und Verfuegbarkeit in der Anlagentechnik - Integritaet und Lebensdauermanagement; Stuttgart (Germany); 7-9 Oct 1998
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[en] The 30 contributions report on the application of scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis, acoustic scanning-microscopy and Auger spectroscopy for the investigation of metals and ceramics, in semiconductor technology, wear research and damage research, and for the investigation of building materials. (MM)
In 30 Beitraegen wird ueber die Anwendung der Rasterelektronenmikroskopie, Mikroanalyse, akustischen Rastermikroskopie und Augerspektroskopie bei der Untersuchung von metallischen und keramischen Werkstoffen, in der Halbleiter-Hochtechnologie, der Verschleiss- und Schadensforschung und bei der Untersuchung von Baustoffen berichtet. (MM)Original Title
Mikrostrukturelle und mikroanalytische Charakterisierung in Werkstoffentwicklung und Qualitaetssicherung
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1990; 369 p; 14. lecture meeting of the Study Group 'Scanning electron microscopy in materials testing'; 14. Vortragsveranstaltung des Arbeitskreises 'Rastermikroskopie in der Materialpruefung'; Berlin (Germany); 25-27 Apr 1990; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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[en] Mechanical properties correlations between the small punch (SP) test and conventional tensile, Charpy impact and fracture toughness tests were investigated on neutron irradiated 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo ferritic steel. Estimation of radiation induced changes on tensile strength, elastic-plastic fracture toughness (JIC) and ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) are thought to be basically possible by mechanical properties correlations when based on sufficient pre-irradiation data. (orig.)
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4. international conference on fusion reactor materials (ICFRM-4); Kyoto (Japan); 4-8 Dec 1989
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[en] Usually burst-like acoustic emission (AE) is localized by triangulation. For continuous AE, e.g. from leakages, this method is not feasible. Therefore a new method for localization of continuous AE has been developed. It is based on a phase-controlled probe array which consists of many single sensor elements. The AE signals received by the different sensor elements are delayed according to their time-of-flight differences from the source to the single elements of the receiver array. By choosing special combinations of time differences between the array elements the directivity pattern of the sensitivity of the array can be changed, e.g. rotated in the plane of a large plate. Thus, the source direction can be determined by one array. Some preliminary experiments with an artificial noise source, positioned on a large steel plate, have been performed and have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. (orig.)
Original Title
Acoustic emission testing on 45 mm thick steel plates of ASTM 533-22NiMoCr37
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4. Japanese-German joint seminar on structural strength and NDE problems in nuclear engineering; Kanazawa (Japan); 21-22 Sep 1988
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[en] The technical rules for pipelines (TR 100) contain simplified procedures for checking the width between support and the elasticity as part of the process of judging the strength of pipelines. Basics and methods are explained. Concrete hints, recommendations and reserves have been derived from first operational experiences. The PC-programing system ROBy for the calculation of pipelines is introduced as it may be an effective instrument for the practical implementation of the simplified TRR checking system. (orig.)
Zur festigkeitsmaessigen Beurteilung von Rohrleitungen im Geltungsbereich der Druckbehaelterverordnung bieten die Technischen Regeln Rohrleitungen TRR 100 vereinfachte Nachweisverfahren zur Stuetzweiten- und Elastizitaetskontrolle an. Grundlagen und Vorgehensweise dieser Verfahren werden dargestellt. Aus den ersten Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung haben sich konkrete Hinweise, Empfehlungen und Einschraenkungen ergeben, die erlaeutert werden. Es wird das PC-Programmsystem ROBy zur Berechnung von Rohrleitungen vorgestellt, das bei der praktischen Umsetzung der vereinfachten TRR-Nachweisverfahren ein effektives Werkzeug mit erweitertem Anwendungsbereich darstellt. (orig.)Original Title
Pruefung von Rohrleitungen nach der Druckbehaelterverordnung
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[en] The collection contains 23 lectures and 11 poster contributions on the topic 'Quality assurance by materials testing'. (MM)
Dieser Band enthaelt 23 Vortraege und 11 Plakatbeitraege zum Thema Qualitaetssicherung durch Werkstoffpruefung. (MM)Original Title
Qualitaetssicherung durch Werkstoffpruefung
Primary Subject
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V. Berichtsband; v. 26; 1991; 302 p; Colloquium on quality assurance by materials testing; Kolloquium Qualitaetssicherung durch Werkstoffpruefung; Zwickau (Germany); 20-21 Mar 1991; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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[en] Nuclear power plant components consisting of sheet metal, pipes, forgings and castings, and their various welded joints, the lecture illustrates the NDT concept referring to examples of testing work with manufactured parts or welded joints, taking into account safety categories and quality classes. (orig.)
Da die Kraftwerkskomponenten aus Blechen, Rohren, Schmiede- und Gussstuecken sowie den sie verbindenden Schweissnaehten bestehen, wird anhand der Pruefungen der Erzeugnisformen und Schweissnaehten in Abhaengigkeit der Sicherheits- bzw. Qualitaetsklassen das Konzept der ZfP dargestellt. (orig.)Original Title
Das Konzept der zerstoerungsfreien Pruefung beim Bau von Kernkraftwerken
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Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V., Berlin (Germany); Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V. Berichtsband; v. 26; 302 p; 1991; p. 137-147; Colloquium on quality assurance by materials testing; Kolloquium Qualitaetssicherung durch Werkstoffpruefung; Zwickau (Germany); 20-21 Mar 1991; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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Jones, P.M.; Casadei, F.; Halleux, J.P.
Safety and reliability of pressure components with special emphasis on the contribution of component and large specimen testing to structural integrity assessment methodology. Vol. 1 and 21987
Safety and reliability of pressure components with special emphasis on the contribution of component and large specimen testing to structural integrity assessment methodology. Vol. 1 and 21987
[en] Numerical modelling in support of the Large Dynamic Test Facility (L.D.T.F.) test programme has continued with improvements in the 1-D model presented at the 12th MPA Seminar and with a 2-D plane stress model now operational for flat steel tensile specimens. 2-D analysis of axisymmetric specimens is also in progress and simulation of reinforced concrete beams has started. The models developed and validated in the course of this work are being incorporated in PLEXIS-3C, a new computer code that is being developed in collaboration with CEA. (orig.)
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Staatliche Materialpruefungsanstalt, Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); 1129 p; 1987; p. 11.1-11.23; 13. MPA seminar on safety and reliability of pressure components: The contribution of component and large specimen testing to structural integrity assessment methodology; 13. MPA Seminar ueber Sicherheit und Verfuegbarkeit in der Anlagentechnik: Der Beitrag der Komponenten- und Grossprobenpruefung zur Beurteilung von Bauteilen und Anlagen; Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); 8-9 Oct 1987
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Kappes, W.; Stanger, H.K.; Hoeh, F.; Heumueller, R.
Safety and reliability of pressure components with special emphasis on the contribution of component and large specimen testing to structural integrity assessment methodology. Vol. 1 and 21987
Safety and reliability of pressure components with special emphasis on the contribution of component and large specimen testing to structural integrity assessment methodology. Vol. 1 and 21987
[en] The ALOK technique makes use of the different echo signal transit times which occur when traversing the emitter across a component under inspection. The evaluation of the ultrasonic data obtained by repeated inservice inspections of pre-detected material faults may be simplified by comparing the local transit time curve identities, characterizing these defective zones. Changes in the transit time patterns allow a component's inservice material defect growth to be detected and quantified. (orig.)
Das ALOK-Verfahren benutzt zur Reflektorbeschreibung das Laufzeitverhalten der Echosignale, das bei der Pruefkopfbewegung zustande kommt. Bei der Auswertung der Ultraschalldaten von Wiederholungspruefungen hinsichtlich der Ueberwachung bereits analysierter Fehlstellen, kann eine Vereinfachung der Auswerteprozedur durch Vergleich der Laufzeitortskurvenmuster erfolgen, welche die Fehlstellen charakterisieren. Ein waehrend der Betriebsphase der zu pruefenden Komponente aufgetretenes Fehlerwachstum kann anhand von Veraenderungen der Laufzeitmuster detektiert und groessenmaessig bestimmt werden. (orig.)Original Title
ALOK-Einsatz bei wiederkehrenden Pruefungen
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Staatliche Materialpruefungsanstalt, Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); 1129 p; 1987; p. 16.1-16.25; 13. MPA seminar on safety and reliability of pressure components: The contribution of component and large specimen testing to structural integrity assessment methodology; 13. MPA Seminar ueber Sicherheit und Verfuegbarkeit in der Anlagentechnik: Der Beitrag der Komponenten- und Grossprobenpruefung zur Beurteilung von Bauteilen und Anlagen; Stuttgart (Germany, F.R.); 8-9 Oct 1987
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