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Guillon, O.
Norsk Petroleumsforening, Oslo (Norway)1996
Norsk Petroleumsforening, Oslo (Norway)1996
[en] The paper relates to integrating technology in a changing organisation of Elf Aquitaine. There is a strong pressure to cut costs and be more effective in the company's operations. A process was initiated in 1994 to re-analyse its E and P (Exploration and Production) research and development (R and D) in order to enhance its alignment with the company assets needs, with a subsequent prioritization of R and D projects. The integration included a strategy for cooperation with other oil and service companies. The author presents the process set up to align the company's R and D program to the business needs of its operations, the various levels of cooperation used, and finally an illustration, in the domain of the geosciences, of the various facets of the ongoing cultural revolution which is required to reach a true integration. 11 figs
Primary Subject
1996; 15 p; ONS '96: 12. international Offshore Northern Seas conference and exhibition; Stavanger (Norway); 29 Aug 1996; CONF-9608193--30; Also available from OSTI as DE97763101; NTIS
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rizzolo, D.R.
New Jersey Public Utilities Board, Newark, NJ (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC (United States)1997
New Jersey Public Utilities Board, Newark, NJ (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] This reports documents the 1995-1996 United States Department of Energy (USDOE) program to monitor No. 2 heating oil and propane prices. Data reported encompass states that are heavily dependent on these products. Twelve surveys were conducted semimonthly to obtain the necessary price information from retail fuel merchants and propane dealers. Surveys began on October 2, 1995 and ended on March 18, 1996. Responses were analyzed to avoid questionable prices. Tables and graphs included in the report reflect the general activity of the prices furnished during the surveys. 3 figs., 2 tabs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1997; 10 p; CONTRACT FC01-91EI22782; Also available from OSTI as DE97009412; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The year 1996 has been marked by an increase and a high volatility in petroleum prices, showing a sharp break with the past years, reaching 20,65$ from 17,02$ the barrel in 1995, due to an increase of demand, a low level of oil stocks, speculations about an eventual partial comeback from Iraq and political developments concerning several oil-producing countries. The effects on the French economy have been low concerning the price index, but more sensible on the oil bill. Prospects on oil supply and demand for 1997 are discussed
Original Title
L'evolution du marche petrolier en 1996: retournement de tendance ou simple conjoncture?
Primary Subject
Ministere de l'Industrie, des Postes et Telecommunications et du Commerce Exterieur, 75 - Paris (France). Direction Generale de L'Energie et des Matieres Premieres; 69 p; 1996; p. 23-27
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Akkulov, Zh.I.; Mukimbekov, M.Zh.
Materials of Kazakstan-Russian scientific and practical conference1997
Materials of Kazakstan-Russian scientific and practical conference1997
[en] In the paper spline and its modifications were studied during recover of geological and geophysical indications an interpolation, as well as approximation of recovering function by harmonic (potential) functions have been considered. Optimal conditions laid upon on recovering technology of geophysical indications were calculated. Applied sub-software are created on language of visual programming 'Delphi', which allows to recover geological and geophysical performances on the whole
Original Title
Tekhnologiya vosstanovleniya geologo-geofizicheskikh priznakov priblizhennymi funktsiyami v NGDU
Primary Subject
Balakaeva, G.T. (ed.); Kazakhskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inzhenernaya Akademiya Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki i Pripodnykh Resursov Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inst. Gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Russian Federation); 130 p; 1997; p. 19; Mathematical simulation of scientific-technological and ecological problems in petroleum and gas industry; Matematicheskoe modelirovanie nauchno-tekhnologichesikh i ehkologicheskikh problem v neftegasodobyvayushchej promyshlennosti; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 16-17 Oct 1997; 2 refs.
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[en] Rectification of liquid mixtures, in particular, petroleum has been considered as distributed in space consequence of repeated processes of direct (liquid-vapor-(liquid) and reverse (vapor-liquid-vapor) refining. In capacity of moving forces are taken interphase transition rates by known formulas of Arrhenius' and temperature distribution by rectification column height. Rectification unit consisting of few columns of special equipment is presented by system of connections and restrictions defined by aim equations. Each column conditionally is divided into three zones having own subsystem of equation, and consisting of transducers and regulators connected through converters with computer. Temperature control is realized with help of local impulse electric heater, and concentration in both a liquid and a vapor phases is regulated by change of pressure and circulation coefficients. Control system has been calculated on operator participation (semiautomatic regime). Computer has been used for identification of mathematical model parameters
Original Title
Sistema upravleniya protsessami rektifikatsii, vklyuchayushchaya matematicheskuyu model'
Primary Subject
Balakaeva, G.T. (ed.); Kazakhskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inzhenernaya Akademiya Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki i Pripodnykh Resursov Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inst. Gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Russian Federation); 130 p; 1997; p. 32; Mathematical simulation of scientific-technological and ecological problems in petroleum and gas industry; Matematicheskoe modelirovanie nauchno-tekhnologichesikh i ehkologicheskikh problem v neftegasodobyvayushchej promyshlennosti; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 16-17 Oct 1997; 2 refs.
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Smagulov, Sh.S.; Bajmukhanov, A.T.; Esekeev, K.B.
Materials of Kazakstan-Russian scientific and practical conference1997
Materials of Kazakstan-Russian scientific and practical conference1997
[en] Package of applied software on analysis of current condition of development and automated model of geological structure are worked out. Analysis of little-debit well and statistical analysis of deposit mining are conducted. Package on forecasting of petroleum and gas deposits mining for given horizon is carried out. Also program on constructing of structural maps of petroleum deposits by its roof and bottom and by other geological and cooperation data is developed
Original Title
O sozdanii paketov programm dlya neftegazodobyvayushchej promyshlennosti
Primary Subject
Balakaeva, G.T. (ed.); Kazakhskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inzhenernaya Akademiya Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki i Pripodnykh Resursov Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inst. Gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Russian Federation); 130 p; 1997; p. 110; Mathematical simulation of scientific-technological and ecological problems in petroleum and gas industry; Matematicheskoe modelirovanie nauchno-tekhnologichesikh i ehkologicheskikh problem v neftegasodobyvayushchej promyshlennosti; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 16-17 Oct 1997
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Moriarty, C.
Michigan Public Service Commission, Lansing, MI (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC (United States)1996
Michigan Public Service Commission, Lansing, MI (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC (United States)1996
[en] This report summarizes the results of a survey of residential No. 2 distillate fuel (home heating oil) and liquefied petroleum gas (propane) prices over the 1995--1996 heating season in Michigan. The Michigan's Public Service Commission (MPSC) conducted the survey under a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Information Administration (EIA). This survey was funded in part by a grant from the DOE. From October 1995 through March 1996, the MPSC surveyed participating distributors by telephone for current residential retail home heating oil and propane prices. The MPSC transmitted the data via a computer modem to the EIA using the Petroleum Electronic Data Reporting Option (PEDRO). Survey results were published in aggregate on the MPSC World Wide Web site at The page was updated with both residential and wholesale prices immediately following the transmission of the data to the EIA. The EIA constructed the survey using a sample of Michigan home heating oil and propane retailers. The sample accounts for different sales volumes, geographic location, and sources of primary supply
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Secondary Subject
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data; Progress Report
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Scheelhaase, Janina D.
Environment Northern Seas, Stavanger (Norway)1998
Environment Northern Seas, Stavanger (Norway)1998
[en] The object of this presentation is to evaluate the socio-economic effects of the decommissioning of steel jacket platforms in the North Sea and in the North East Atlantic in the period up to 2020 in their entirety. It is focused on two different decommissioning options, namely total and partial removal of installations. Partial removal applies only to installations in water deeper than 75 meters. All other installations, i.e those in waters shallower than 75 meters, have to be totally removed and brought onshore for disposal. Areas being analyzed cover costs of different decommissioning options, effects of the different options on employment, fiscal aspects of the different options, and aspects of recycling onshore. 6 figs., 13 tabs
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Secondary Subject
1998; 15 p; ENS '97: 4. environment Northern Seas conference; Stavanger (Norway); 26-29 Aug 1997; CONF-9708193--; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE99717419; NTIS
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Changes are under way that are moving the oil and gas industry in Norway toward the creation of global energy companies in a global energy market. According to the author, three key forces are creating the changes of oil and gas companies comprising a global market for energy, growing demand - ample supply, and the end-user. 5 figs
Primary Subject
1998; 14 p; APC '97: 8. international advanced petroleum conference; Stavanger (Norway); 18-19 Nov 1997; CONF-9711218--; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE99717420; NTIS
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Petroleum Supply Annual (PSA) contains information on the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products. The publication reflects data that were collected from the petroleum industry during 1998 through monthly surveys. The PSA is divided into two volumes. The first volume contains three sections: Summary Statistics, Detailed Statistics, and Refinery Statistics; each with final annual data. This second volume contains final statistics for each month of 1998, and replaces data previously published in the Petroleum Supply Monthly (PSM). The tables in Volumes 1 and 2 are similarly numbered to facilitate comparison between them. Explanatory Notes, located at the end of this publication, present information describing data collection, sources, estimation methodology, data quality control procedures, modifications to reporting requirements and interpretation of tables. Industry terminology and product definitions are listed alphabetically in the Glossary. 35 tabs
Primary Subject
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Literature Type
Numerical Data
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