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Vaitkus, R.
Energy Agency of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)2000
Energy Agency of Lithuania, Vilnius (Lithuania)2000
[en] Real cooperation of Baltic States in energy sector is lagging behind our common political goals and our numerous declarations. What we have today in the three Baltic states as really useful common installations like common electricity grid, Dispatch Centre in Latvia, were mostly inherited from the Soviet times. Exchange of produced electricity from hydro power plants on the Daugava and Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant during different seasons of the year can be put as a very good example of mutual benefit for the two neighbouring countries and there are more similar examples
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Energy News - Energy Agency of Lithuania; ISSN 1392-1479; ; (no.2); p. 23-24
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The annual report of 1996 of Companhia Paulista de Forca e Luz - Brazilian electric power company - introduces the next main topics: Brazilian economy and the electric sector; market features and evolution; electric energy tariffs; economic performance; social balance; CPFL shares performance; financial management; investments; human resources; concern for the environment; new business; perspectives for 1997; and financial statements
Original Title
Relatorio anual - Companhia Paulista de Forca e Luz - 1996
Primary Subject
1997; 73 p; Available from the Library of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro; 41 figs., 27 tabs. Includes financial statements
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data; Progress Report
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] West Kootenay Power Ltd is an electrical utility , serving 134,000 direct and indirect customers in the southern interior of British Columbia. The utility's asset include four hydro-electric generating plants on the Kootenay River with an installed capacity of 205 MW, and more than 6,500 kms of transmission and distribution power lines. At the end of the 1999 fiscal year the utility had assets worth $ 299 million, 1999 consolidated revenues of $ 130 million, and net earnings of $ 12.0 million. In accordance with the Utility's 20-year Transmission and Distribution Plan developed over the past several years and approved by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) in 1998, no fewer than 25 projects valued in excess of $ 200 million will be spent between 1999 and 2004 on improving the transmission and distribution network, while rebuilding of West Kootenay Power's aging generating facilities will require a planned expenditure of about $ 100 million during the same period. Four transmission lines and generating substations were rebuilt during 1999. Over the next five years the Kootenay River Power Plants, among the lowest cost electricity producers in North America, will be fully rebuilt from water to wire, extending production by some 30 to 40 years. Major improvements have also began on the operation of the transmission system in anticipation of electricity market reform in British Columbia and adjacent jurisdictions. Significant strides have been made in addressing regulatory affairs and to continue the Utility's pioneering efforts in performance based regulation, focusing on operational improvements and innovation. Further details on operations and financial performance are provided within the annual report, inclusive of plans for 2000, which include further progress in the provision of green power, assumption of the management and operation of the Kelowna distribution system for a five-year term and participation in the Regional Transmission Organization as the province is gradually moving towards electricity market reform. The report also includes a 10-year summary of operational and financial results
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2000; 38 p; West Kootenay Power Ltd; Trail BC (Canada); Available from West Kootenay Power Ltd., P.O.Box 130, Trail BC, Canada, V1R 4L4. Telephone: (250) 368-0300. Fax: (250) 364-1270. Website;
Record Type
Literature Type
Progress Report
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This article focuses on the outsourcing of water treatment by the British Nuclear Fuels Ltd.'s (BNFL) Bradwell-on-Sea nuclear power plant to Ecolochem to avoid the large initial investment cost and reduce maintenance costs. Details are given of the design of a cascade system to produce demineralized water for nuclear cooling by Ecolochem who own, operate and maintain the water treatment plant. (UK)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The paper presents an algorithm for the calculation, in the frequency domain, of the induced voltages and currents on a generic metallic pipe network exposed to the electromagnetic interference from a power line or an electrified railway line. By assuming as known the voltages and the currents on the inducing line, the algorithm may be subdivided into the following main steps: a) determination of the ideal electromotive force and current generators to be applied to the induced structure in order to represent the electromagnetic influence from the inducing line; b) modelling of the pipe network by means of a suitable equivalent electric network; c) calculation of voltages and currents on the induced network
L'articolo presenta un algoritmo per il calcolo, nel dominio delle frequenze, di tensioni e correnti indotte su una generica rete di tubazioni metalliche esposte all'interferenza elettromagnetica da parte di una linea elettrica o di una linea di trazione elettrificata. Assumendo come note le tensioni e correnti presenti sulla linea inducente, l'algoritmo di suddivide in tre punti fondamentali: a) determinazione dei generatori ideali di forza elettromotrice e di corrente che simulano l'azione interferente della linea inducente da applicare alla struttura indotta; b) modellizzazione della rete di tubazioni mediante una opportuna rete elettrica; c) calcolo di tensioni e correnti sulla rete indottaOriginal Title
Interferenza elettromagnetica prodotta da linee elettriche o ferroviarie su reti di tubazioni metalliche
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Morrison, M.D.
Buying and selling power in a deregulated energy market : proceedings of an Insight conference1999
Buying and selling power in a deregulated energy market : proceedings of an Insight conference1999
[en] A review of how the proposed electricity market in Ontario will price power once open competition begins in the year 2000 is presented. The importance for businesses to understand the patterns of their power consumption is emphasized, and the value of this knowledge is assessed. The paper also explored the role of historical energy use data, and consumption patterns, and provided some useful hints for gathering and organizing consumption data and forecasting . The importance of real time data, and of understanding how and why consumption patterns may affect the cost of power are also reviewed. 3 tabs
Primary Subject
Anon; Insight Information Inc., Conference Reports; 344 p; ISBN 1-55264-097-3; ; 1999; p. 225-264; Insight Press; Toronto, ON (Canada); Insight conference: Buying and selling power in a deregulated energy market; Toronto, ON (Canada); 1999; Available from Insight Press, 55 University Avenue, Suite 1800, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2V6 or through interlibrary loan from the CANMET Information Centre, 555 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., k1A 0G1, tel: (613) 995-4132 or FAX (613) 995-8730
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Belsnes, Michael; Liland, Knut B.
Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning (SINTEF), Trondheim (Norway)1999
Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning (SINTEF), Trondheim (Norway)1999
[en] This report describes the application of short-term models for production planning in analyses of large power systems. More powerful computers and more efficient algorithms make it possible to use detailed models in the analysis of the Norwegian electricity production system. Problems concerning short-term adjustment of supply and demand can be more efficiently dealt with. This type of model is suitable for studying availability of electric power as a function of time and price, modelling of exchange agreements, placement of reserve energy and as part of a hydro-thermal model. New functionality makes it possible to model constraints on the supply of fuel for thermal power stations and the requirements on both gradient and volume on exchange to the market. Requirements on gas deliveries affect, for instance, the marginal price in thermal systems. The possibility of adding a gradient constraint on exchange means that the interaction between Norway and the Continent can be better modelled. The biggest problem with using such a model for systems analyses is that the detailed modelling requires similarly detailed input data
Original Title
Korttidsmodellers anvendelse innen systemanalyse
Primary Subject
Jan 1999; 38 p; ISBN 82-594-1473-2; ; Available from SINTEF, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway; 5 refs., 17 figs., 5 tabs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The application of the Ontario Hydro Networks Company (OHNC) to the Ontario Energy Board to seek approval for cost allocation and rate design methodology to recover revenue requirements for the provision of transmission services in Ontario are summarized. Insights that led to the arguments made in support of the application are also described. The paper contains an overview of plans for the operation of the transmission system, the agreement between Ontario Hydro Services Company (OHSC) and the Independent Market Operator (IMO), the stakeholder consultation process by OHNC to develop the transmission cost allocation and rate design methodology, a discussion of the major rate design issues, a summary of stakeholder opinions and a summary of OHNC's final proposal for transmission pricing. Public hearings on the OHNC application were held between February 16 and March 20, 2000. Final decision by the OEB is expected sometime in May 2000
Primary Subject
InSight Information Company, Toronto ON (Canada); 395 p; ISBN 1-55264-194-5; ; 2000; p. 59-100; InSight Press; Toronto, ON (Canada); InSight Conference on Pricing Ontario's Power Under the New Rules; Toronto, ON (Canada); 27-28 Mar 2000; Available from InSight Press, 55 University Avenue, Suite 1800, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5J 2V6 or through interlibrary loan from the CANMET Information Centre, 555 Booth St., Ottawa, ON, K1A 0G1, tel: (613) 995-4132 or FAX: (613) 995-8730
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The use of microturbines for power distribution was discussed and illustrated by a series of overhead viewgraphs which accompanied this presentation. The paper presented an explanation of how microturbines work and how they can be used for onsite distributed generation. Microturbines were described as being portable and compact gas turbines of less than 100 kW, with high speed single shaft design. One of their main advantages are their capability for remote monitoring and operation. Results of microturbine testing at Suncor's Joffre Plant were presented. Some of the advantages of using Mercury Electric's IPP and TurboGenerator Distributor were also discussed. The operating modes for the unit include: (1) peak shaving for larger load customers, (2) cogeneration for base load applications, (3) emergency/standby/UPS applications, and (4) portable generation for temporary power. The unit can be used in commercial and industrial buildings and is also ideal for remote locations. The environmental benefits associated with the unit is that it can be used for cogeneration power and can utilize waste gas flares which have been associated with harmful emissions to the atmosphere. 7 figs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Funding organisation: Enerdata Ltd., Markham, ON (Canada); [1000 p.]; 1999; p. 1-21; Enerdata Ltd; Toronto, ON (Canada); GasFair and Power '99 and the Ontario Competitive Power Conference: 8. annual natural gas and electricity market conference; Toronto, ON (Canada); 19-22 Apr 1999; Available from Enerdata Ltd., 100 Allstate Parkway, Suite 304, Markham, Ontario, L3R 6H3
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Minas Gerais State energy balance is presented including the energy sources by economic and social sectors, and statistical data about energy consumption, energy demand and energy supply for the period of 1978/1996, with revised and update data
Original Title
Balanco energetico do Estado de Minas Gerais 1978 - 1996
Primary Subject
Nov 1997; 161 p; Available from the Library of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro; 1 fig., 89 tabs.
Record Type
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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