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Yu, C.; Zielen, A.J.; Cheng, J.-J.; LePoire, D.J.; Gnanapragasam, E.; Kamboj, S.; Arnish, J.; Wallo, A. III; Williams, W.A.; Peterson, H.
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2001
Argonne National Lab., IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2001
[en] This manual provides information on the design and application of the RESidual RADioactivity (RESRAD) code. It describes the basic models and parameters used in the RESRAD code to calculate doses and risks from residual radioactive materials and the procedures for applying these models to calculate operational guidelines for soil contamination. RESRAD has undergone many improvements to make it more realistic in terms of the models used in the code and the parameters used as defaults. Version 6 contains a total of 145 radionuclides (92 principal and 53 associated radionuclides), and the cutoff half-life for associated radionuclides has been reduced to 1 month. Other major improvements to the RESRAD code include its ability to run uncertainty analyses, additional options for graphical and text output, a better dose conversion factor editor, updated databases, a better groundwater transport model for long decay chains, an external ground radiation pathway model, an inhalation area factor model, time-integration of dose and risk, and a better graphical user interface. In addition, RESRAD has been benchmarked against other codes in the environmental assessment and site cleanup arena, and RESRAD models have been verified and validated
Primary Subject
23 Jul 2001; [vp.]; W-31-109-ENG-38; Available from Argonne National Lab., IL (US)
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