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Guasp, J.; Fuentes, C.; Liniers, M.
CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)2001
CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)2001
[en] In this study the simulations of plasma transport under NBI for TJ-II, previously performed, are extended. Since than a considerable number of important modifications have been introduced in the model: change of magnetic configuration, use of experimental initial profiles, expansion of the Data base from NBI calculations and, mainly, a detailed handling of impurities with inclusion of sputtering effects. Moreover there is now a particular emphasis on the analysis of the conditions for discharge collapse and on the possible effects of single beam injection. This analysis of impurity behaviour with sputtering shows that in the expected usual cases there is no radioactive collapse and that if the recycling coefficients remain lower the unity it is always possible to find a strategy for external gas puffing leading to a stationary state, with densities below the limit and efficient NBI absorption (>50%). The radioactive collapse can appear either at high densities (central value higher than 1.4x10''20 m''3), excessive influx of impurities (i. e. with sputtering rates higher than twice the expected values) o for insufficient injected beam power (less than 45 kW). The present study analyses only the 1004464 configuration of TJ-II, but future works will start a systematic scan of configuration using this same model. (Author) 12 Refs
Original Title
Dinamica de Impurezas durante la Inyeccion de Haces Neutros en el TJ-II (simulacion)
Primary Subject
2001; 74 p
Record Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue