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Schenter, R.E.; Oliver, B.M.; Farrar, H. IV.
Hanford Engineering Development Lab., Richland, WA (USA); Rockwell International Corp., Canoga Park, CA (USA)1986
Hanford Engineering Development Lab., Richland, WA (USA); Rockwell International Corp., Canoga Park, CA (USA)1986
[en] Spectrum integrated cross sections for 6Li and 10B from five benchmark fast reactor neutron fields are compared with calculated values obtained using the ENDF/B-V Cross Section Files. The benchmark fields include the Coupled Fast Reactivity Measurements Facility (CFRMF) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, the 10% Enriched U-235 Critical Assembly (BIG-10) at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Sigma-Sigma and Fission Cavity fields of the BR-1 reactor at CEN/SCK, and the Intermediate Energy Standard Neutron Field (ISNF) at the National Bureau of Standards. Results from least square analyses using the FERRET computer code to obtain adjusted cross section values and their uncertainties are presented. Input to these calculations include the above five benchmark data sets. These analyses indicate a need for revision in the ENDF/B-V files for the 10B and 6Li cross sections for energies above 50 keV
Primary Subject
Jun 1986; 21 p; 13. international symposium on the effects of radiation on materials; Seattle, WA (USA); 23-25 Jun 1986; CONF-860605--26; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE86015605
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue