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Keinmeesuke, S.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] Counter terrorism and improved quarantine intervention remain top priorities as well as intercepting illicit drugs and other things potentially harmful to the community. Thailand has experiences and lessons learned from the events that benefit the future implementation of activities in the country relevant to nuclear and radiological security as well as protection against nuclear and radiological terrorism. The governments of all countries in which major radiation sources are used should be rigorously encouraged to adopt the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident as well as the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Thailand, as the member of ASEAN, SEANWFZ, IAEA, etc., realizes the importance of cooperation and collaboration concepts to be used as the country nuclear security strategies and directives to counterattack the terrorists. National authorities should be encouraged to cooperate and share information with the IAEA and with other Member States to help prevent or mitigate the consequences of the successful attack. Cooperation and collaboration of various organizations is also an important concept for going forward strategies and directives of which much still remains to be improved. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 23-27; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-9; 15 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab.; This record replaces 36049765
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Eepin, M.; Cizelj, L.; Leskovar, M.; Mavko, B.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] The purpose of the study is to analyze the vulnerability of a nuclear power plant to a ground terrorist attack by an explosive device, which is delivered by land transport. A method was developed, which follows the following main steps: Blast Analysis, Structural Response to Blast Loading, Components and Systems Fragility Analysis, Human Response to Blast Loading, Facility Damage Analysis, Facility Response Analysis, Consequences analysis. The method was developed in several levels: explosions outside of the fence, explosions inside of the fence, but outside of technological buildings, explosions inside the technological buildings. The developed method was applied to a simple example facility in order to demonstrate its effectiveness. In addition, the method was applied to a nuclear power plant. The results show that nuclear power plants seem to be difficult targets for considered ground explosions and considered failure modes: walls collapse, components and systems failures in sense that components and systems are destroyed, which may lead to significant damage to the nuclear power plant, which may result in undesired radioactive releases. The vulnerability of the plant can be reduced already with some improvements at relatively low costs. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 31-35; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-13; 7 refs, 4 figs.; This record replaces 36049767
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Salomov, J.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] Full text: Radioactive sources were widely used in various branches of national economy of the Republic of Tajikistan. But disintegration of Soviet Union has led to destroying of radiation safety infrastructure. Now is organized Nuclear and Radiation safety Agency, which is the Regulatory Authority. Inventory of radiation sources was carried out. The Laws 'On radiation safety' and 'On using of atomic energy' were accepted by Parliament of the republic, were prepared main regulating documents. Account and control of radioactive materials were organized. All these in aggregate guarantee the radiation safety of inhabitants and environment of Tajikistan. Though some sources of press wrote and write about manufacture of uranium in Tajikistan, but Tajikistan is not a nuclear power. Factories on manufacture and processing of uranium stopped operating many years ago. Everybody knows that during the Soviet authority the service of radiation safety held the data on radiation conditions in a strict secret. But, today Tajikistan became a democratic republic and solves all problems connected with radiation safety and physical security together with IAEA and other corresponding institutes. In Tajikistan ionizing radiation and radioactive sources were widely applied in various areas, such as medicine, the industry, agricultures, in scientific researches, educational processes. In this connection the question of accounting and control, secure storage and the safety of radioactive sources and materials is strictly observed in the country on the basis of existing normative documents which as a whole correspond to the international requirements (BSS). Disintegration of Soviet Union, political system and economic system and transition to market economy has led to infringement not only the state system but also has negatively affected to infrastructure of nuclear and radiation safety. In Tajikistan within an opposition, many enterprises, experts especially have ceased to exist, Russian-speaking and visitors have left the republic. Our infrastructure has suffered in the areas of radiation safety and physical security. Inventory of radioactive sources some years were not carried out. But after stabilization by forces of radiological service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of Tajikistan and Sanitary-and-epidemiologic service have begun the account and the control of radioactive sources. After formation in 2001 of Atomic Energy Agency, and in 2003 Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency at the Academy of sciences of Republic Tajikistan, which is Regulation body, the question of account and control of radioactive sources began one of the primary goals of Agency. In 2003 the Agency together with experts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of Republic of Tajikistan carried out inventory of radioactive sources. According to the data of this inventory now on the account are present more than 750 radioactive sources of various activities. Finding and capture on the account of 'orphan-sources' is one of actual problems. Now at the Agency the databank of radioactive sources is created. Our country since November 2001 is the member of IAEA. In creation of the infrastructure of radiation safety and security, we were rendered the big help from experts of IAEA. In June 2003 the Parliament of the Republic accepted the Law of Republic Tajikistan 'On radiation safety' and in November 2004 the Law of Republic Tajikistan 'On using of atomic energy'. For practical realization of these laws it is necessary to create the main regulating documents such, as 'Regulations about Regulation body', 'Regulations on licensing', 'Regulations on transportation of radioactive sources', 'Norms of radiation safety' and other normative-legal documents. Now the Agency together with experts IAEA strenuously works on preparation of above mentioned documents. Nuclear and radiation Safety Agency also successfully cooperates with Department of Safeguards of IAEA. Experts of this department have repeatedly visited Tajikistan with mission on rendering assistance and preparations of projects of contracts on guarantees. The government of Republic Tajikistan signs the Additional agreement on Safeguards with IAEA, which in the near future will be submitted in Parliament of Republic for ratification. All these in aggregate allow to organize in the country corresponding service providing safe use of sources of ionizing radiations for the blessing of people and to guarantee their safety and security. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 12-13; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-10; This record replaces 36049762
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Idoyaga, M.L.; Romero, V.; More T, M.L.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] Paraguay at the moment has two Laws that Regulate the Radiological Protection and Nuclear Security, the Law 1081/65 that create the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (from now on CNEA) as Regulatory Authority and the Law 836/80 Sanitary Code gives the Ministry Public Health and Social Well-being (from now on MSPyBS) also as Regulatory Authority. The 'Mission Pair Review' through the Model Project of the National Program Regulatory Control and Occupational Radiological Protection (RLA/9/041-OIEA) carried out in the 2003, arrived at of the conclusion in general form that these laws are not completely coherent with the International Standards and they recommended that a new Law should be promulgated Unique Radiological and Nuclear Security, consistent with the International Standards. Due to these recommendations and in view to a better Regulatory Control the Presidency of the Republic for Ordinance No: 3414 create a Inter-institutional Commission coordinated by a representative the Vice presidency the Republic, to revise the effective Legal and institutional frame with relationship to the regulation: the use, control, transport, radioactive and ionizing procedures with the purpose of constituting an National Authority, taken charge at grade Unique and Independent Regulatory of the control of all the related with radiological, radioactive and ionizing materials and to strengthen the Physical and Nuclear Security of the same ones. This Authority will control also de illicit traffic and all kind of transportation of radioactive material through the territory. The Commission Inter-institutional was represented for: The Vice Presidency of the Republic (Coordinator), the CNEA, the MSPyBS and the Ministry of external relationships. After several work meetings the document was elaborated of the Draft design Law to be presented to the National Congress for their study and approval. The group conformed by technician of the CNEA summoned for this end, presented the following preliminary design Law. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 8-11; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-7; 3 refs.; This record replaces 36052733
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Lallemanda, D.; Briereb, M.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] The emergency situations for nuclear materials in the relevant facilities are provided for in the French regulation. Indeed, a decree dated May 1981, related to the protection and control of nuclear materials, specifies that 'In any circumstance, the Ministry in charge of industry can order a physical inventory of the materials and its comparison with the accountancy records'. These inventories can be required in nuclear facilities, for example in case of a suspicion of nuclear materials theft, loss or diversion. In such situations, operators must be able to check if all nuclear materials held are really inside the perimeter of the facility and in the expected locations. In order to test the organization nine exercises of increasing complexity have already been carried out involving both the concerned operators, the competent authority and its technical support body (IRSN). These exercises have allowed the validation of the methodology as well as the relationships between the multiple crisis centers or the relations with different entities involved for carrying out an inventory in case of emergency. After a short overview of the French domestic regulation, this paper describes various aspects of exercises of nuclear materials inventory in case of emergency, the methodology used and the feedback of these exercises. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 42-46; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-15; This record replaces 36049769
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Pandi, L.Y.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] The development and beneficial utilization of nuclear materials have been increased in Indonesia and to prevent the purpose deviate of nuclear material utilization, so that there is need a control from Government. The control of the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia is vested to Bapeten (Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nukllir - Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency) according to the Act No. 10 year 1997 and Presidential Decree No. 76 year 1998. One of the control of nuclear materials utilization consists of The State System of Accounting for and Control Of Nuclear Material, and physical protection of nuclear material. In this paper deals with the control of nuclear materials in Indonesia. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 5-7; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-1; 7 refs.; This record replaces 36049760
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Strezov, A.S.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] The period of the last fifteen years of big political and economical changes in the whole Eastern Europe led to the increase of migration of people and goods all over Europe including the Balkan region. The suitable geographical situation of Bulgaria on the crossroad between Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Middle East puts it into the stream of much illegal traffic, people, arms, drugs, gold, jewellery etc. The illicit traffic of radioactive materials is a serious violation of International laws for nonproliferation as well as a risk for the health of the population. Criminal diversion of fissile materials could lead to the potential construction of nuclear weapon or applied with conventional explosives the radioactive material could pose a threat to dwelling places, water supplies etc. In this respect the European Commission has taken a decision for cooperation between the European states for combating illicit traffic of nuclear materials and application of mutual efforts by the police, customs, law-enforcement etc. authorities of the countries that are subjected to such traffic. Radioactive materials are used throughout the world for a wide variety of purposes, in industry, medicine, research, defense etc. The radiological risks associated with such use need to be restricted and protected against by the application of appropriate radiation safety standards. Terrorists may also attempt to acquire radioactive materials. Because of the issues associated with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and terrorism there is a particular concern in this regard with materials that are used in nuclear power and nuclear weapons programs. The Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA) is the regulatory authority of the Republic of Bulgaria in the field of safe use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation, and the safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The BNRA performs its activity in according with the Act of the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE). The legislative requirements have been put in full compliance with the EU legislation and the internationally adopted safety requirements of the IAEA. The BNRA performs its functions in cooperation with the other state structures: Ministries of Health, Environment and Water, Finance (Customs), Transport and Communications, Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Interior, Defence etc. BNRA cooperates also with Academy of Science (BAS) and the Institute of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear research, and Sofia University. Activities in nuclear facilities and with SIR without a licence or a permit from the BNRA cannot be carried out. This presentation includes a description of the First international exercise on combating illicit trafficking of nuclear materials was held at the border crossing point Kapi Kule from 14-15 October 2002 with participating countries Turkey and Bulgaria
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 53-58; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-3; Figs.; This record replaces 36049771
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Valcic, I.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] Croatia has a very long and complex border (2.373 km on land, 972 km on sea) with more than 170 land border crossings. Illicit trafficking in people and drugs is very probably occurring daily. Number of international airports and sea ports, intensive nautical tourism, volume of goods in transit between Greece and the rest of EU, great number of border crossings on east south borders (Serbia and Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina) are just the most obvious reasons adding to complexity and expensiveness of full and reliable detection system. Croatia signed several international instruments calling for comprehensive national system of control of nuclear material as well as special equipment and non-nuclear materials. Project for control of nuclear and radioactive materials on Croatian borders was initiated at the beginning of 2002 based on IAEA standards and recommendations. The objective of the project is development and implementation of nuclear and other radioactive material control system on the borders of the Republic of Croatia. The scope is to build up capacity for automatic control of border crossings and efficient response to detected nuclear and radioactive materials. the goals accomplished up to now are: Established coordination of all the issues related to control of nuclear and other radioactive materials through national coordination body (customs, police, nuclear safety and security, radiation protection, consultants from university and consulting firms, etc.) and national program setting up general strategy, responsibilities, procedures etc. and education of border crossing officers through seminars and hand on training
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 73-75; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-5; 1 fig.; This record replaces 36049775
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Romero de Gonzalez, V.; Idoyaga, M.L.; More Torres, L.E.
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future. Contributed papers2005
[en] Paraguay is a country situated in the middle of South America, limits with three important countries that has great movement in a special place called 'three frontiers' and between Paraguay and Brazil there is an international bridge and for that passes all kind of many charges and merchandise because that place has great commercial activities and is also very cosmopolitan with people from every part or the world. For these reason is very important to control the merchandise that enter of pass the country. The CNEA-UNA initiated in October 2004, many activities with training courses for people from customs, airport and others to teach them how to control the frontier with Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia and also our country could be used as a way for passing radioactive material. It is very important to create an important group to make an adequate detection, that could be used by malevolent and for this reason CNEA-UNA will continue with these activities with workshop at the airports, mainly two: Asuncion and Ciudad del Este. CNEA-UNA has the appropriate equipment to do that and has also training people for this purpose. The CNEA-UNA began on October 23th, 2003 with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the OIEA an important international 'Regional Seminar on Detection and Control of Radioactive Materials at border crossing' with the principal people of MERCOSUR, Bolivia and Chile, with forty five participants. The principal objective of this workshop was to share the responsibilities of fighting against the illicit traffic and to do an appropriate control of radioactive material in the borders. Also Paraguay has signed and is part of the group of IAEA Illicit Trafficking Database since July, 2003. To continue with this activity of control the CNEA-UNA presented a Regional Project 'Establecimiento de un Sistema Nacional para Detectar y Contrarrestar el Trafico Ilicito de Materiales Radiactivos y Nucleares' to the OIEA and we hope to be approved by the Agency. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 64-65; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-8; 4 refs.; This record replaces 36052745
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[en] Radiation sources utilizing either radioactive material or radiation generators are widely used through the world in medicine, research, agriculture, industry and education. Some sources contain large amounts of radioactive material that could potentially be used for malevolent purposes. International terrorism is prepared to attack any target, sacrifice lives and use any mean to obtain their goals. The international community is challenged to make every effort to prevent nuclear and other radioactive materials from falling into the wrong hands. Effective international instruments as well as national infrastructures for the safe and secure management of high risk radioactive sources are essential for ensuring adequate control and security. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); European Union (EU), Brussels (Belgium); Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna (Austria); International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), Lyon (France); European Police Office (Europol), La Haye (Netherlands); World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels (Belgium); 110 p; 2005; p. 17-20; International conference on nuclear security: Global directions for the future; London (United Kingdom); 16-18 Mar 2005; IAEA-CN--136-22; This record replaces 36049764
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