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Rauzier, Emmanuel; Verzat, Benoit; Letz, Thomas; Rieser, Thierry; Moteau, Stephane; Julien, Camille; Metivier, Simon; Daill, Guillaume; Leonardon, Philippe; Coignard, Monique; Copin, Fabrice; Perigord, Arnaud; Chatelin, Stephane; Berger, Stephane
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2020
Agence de l'environnement et de la maitrise de l'energie - Ademe, 20, avenue du Gresille, BP 90406, 49004 Angers Cedex 01 (France)2020
[en] For a few years, with the aim of facilitating discussions about the energy and environmental transition, ADEME has been suggesting a scenario imagining the way the energy demand and energy mix from the major energy-consuming sectors (transport, building, agriculture, and industry) are going to follow by 2050. In the industrial sector, the two main factors of the energy demand are: the output levels and the energy efficiency level. Until now, the development prospects of the industrial energy efficiency are relatively well documented, but the production level projections for the French industry are more uncertain. That is why ADEME wanted to get equipped with a modelling tool for the industrial production levels through the demand for materials produced by the following 9 energy-consuming industries: steel, aluminum, clinker, glass, chlorine, ammonia, ethylene, papers and cardboard, and sugar. The aim is to take into account the market changes of these sectors, particularly focusing on the ones that are impacted by the energy transition. In this model, the 6 identified market categories are: (1) Mechanics, electricity, textile, miscellaneous, (2) Chemical products, (3) Packings, (4) Construction industry, (5) Energy production, (6) Transport. The methodological contribution of these works comprises two key elements, that were hardly ever jointly modelled until today: 1. Quantifying the production and consumption of 9 raw materials, as well as of consumer goods and capital goods (intermediate or end products) created from these materials. This quantification includes, among other elements, the import and export dimensions, as well as the recycling process. This quantification was made for the year 2014 from an analysis that cross-checked the main national or international data sources, and it is outlined in an 'input-output table' type matrix representation. 2. Modelling the production paths for the 9 materials studied, from this reference point and formulating assumptions related to the 6 markets. They concern the changing consumer demand, reuse and possible repair of some goods, technological improvements of material balance, incorporation rate of recycled material in manufacturing, but also trends in international trade. This synthesis summarizes the methodological principles selected. In order to make these works available to a wider audience, 2014 data are available in Excel format and a report details the data sources used. This report also contains some analysis on the critical factors needed for the development of the production of the different materials, whether from a technological point of view, in terms of market, or even relocation. At this point in our analysis, forward-looking considerations expressed in these documents aim at promoting exchanges between the different stakeholders and ADEME. They might not be the assumptions that will be retained later on as part of the new prospective scenarios proposed by ADEME, but they rely on orders of magnitude objectified and acknowledged through the cross-checking work of the data sources needed to establish reference data for 2014. Moreover, these works (including the related tools) are available to every entity willing to build its own modellings of the industrial production in regard to the issues at stake with the energy transition and the de-carbonation of the industry. ADEME remains attentive to any suggestion of change or improvement of these first elements, so that the stakeholders better understand what is at stake. Indeed, in view of the steady supply of data and studies related to these matters, some of these sources or references could not be integrated to the production schedules. Thus ADEME intends to continue to develop this tool by integrating new materials, but also by improving the modelling of the market developments in order to integrate concepts such as material replacements, or added-value approach instead of volume approach, in a more structural manner. This study was used to compare several bibliographic sources by combining 'bottom-up' data (for example, LCA of key products) and 'top-down' data (for example, production level on a sector). Some methodological choices were made in order to ensure overall consistency, thus avoiding to question institutional information sources too much. A homogeneous structure was used to handle the key parameters for each sector/market. However, the diversity of the collected data, as well as the complexity of each sector/market, put a brake on the analysis depth. We chose to record as much information as possible, which explains why certain chapters may look uneven
Original Title
Transition industrielle - Prospective energie matiere: vers un outil de modelisation des niveaux de production - Rapport
Primary Subject
May 2020; 155 p; 89 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue