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Aboukrat, Maxime; Baranna, Rodrigo; Crepel, Antoine; Daunay, Julie; Dugast, Cesar; Jancovici, Jean-Marc; Badoche, Louise; Fleuriot, Fanny; Rosetti, Yann; Diaz Sanchez, Aldo; Texier, Cecile; Farfal, Thomas; Lignel, Margaux; Abergel, Thibaut; Cibla, Emmanuel; Fresel, Louis; Brac de la Perriere, Thibaut; Grau, Anne; Hounsou, Meleika; Prieur-Vernat, Anne; Tremblay, Clement; Machon, Clement; Delfeld, Christophe; Guillo-Lohan, Pascale; Pognonec, Gael; Dietrich, Laeticia; Cibulka, Chloe; Valade, Helene; Barbry, Benedicte; Fortunato, Anne-Daniele; Canet, Jean-Manuel; Tuzzolino, Philippe; Aitamar, Nadia; Oulakrouz, Nora; Menacer, Aurelia; Bufano, Daniele; Finidori, Esther; Van Renterghem, Caroline; Rousselet, Claire; Bernabeu, Noe; Durepaire, Julie; Geoffroy, Philippe; Pigeon, Celine; Coly, Mehdi; Degardin, Lea
Carbone 4, 54 rue de Clichy, 75009 Paris (France)2022
Carbone 4, 54 rue de Clichy, 75009 Paris (France)2022
[en] This document is the guide to understanding the second pillar of the NZI dashboard, also referred to as pillar B. Pillar B is aimed at quantifying a firm's positive impact on the greenhouse gas emissions of its ecosystem. It is composed of two major families: B2: how the company's solutions contribute to decarbonization, B3: the company's financial contribution to projects to reduce emissions outside its value chain. For the first family, this guide offers: 1) A general methodological framework for calculating and reporting avoided emissions generated by corporate solutions; 2) A toolbox containing: Detailed methodologies for calculating avoided emissions for three economic sectors: Mobility, Construction and Energy; Quantified applications for certain solutions in France: Avoidance Factors (FEv) to quickly estimate avoided emissions. Conceptual framework: avoided emissions are the difference between emissions in a reference situation and emissions in a situation with a decarbonizing solution. The emissions in these two situations depend on the context in which the solution is implemented: geography, client profiles, market segments, etc. - Choice of reference situation: two main types of reference situations have been identified; - the previous situation and the average of the market context. Net Zero Initiative describes a typology of contexts that enables the identification of a robust reference situation for a given context. - Timeframe: Avoided emissions are calculated for the entire lifespan of the solution sold by the company. It is possible to update the calculation annually by using the input data corresponding to the year of calculation. - Perimeter: The calculation of avoided emissions is done according to a life-cycle rationale: emissions from production, utilization, end of life, etc. have to be taken into account. - Evolution of emissions though time: The projected decarbonization of energy and other dynamic effects must be taken into account in the calculations. - Precision level of hypotheses: the calculation of avoided emissions may have varying levels of precision: specific to each solution sold, company average, or market average. The level of precision depends particularly on the type of solution and the availability of data. Covered in the present report: Mobility, Construction and Energy. The toolbox provides sector-specific methodological sheets on avoided emissions for each solution/context pair. For certain solutions, it also provides detailed methodological sheets and the first generation of Avoidance Factors (AFv) in France. The guide proposes a method for reporting additional avoided emissions generated by financing projects outside the company's value chain
L'objectif du pilier B, et plus precisement de la categorie B2 'decarbonation par les solutions', est d'aider les entreprises a faire evoluer leur portefeuille de produits et services afin de rendre celui-ci compatible avec l'Accord de Paris. A ce jour, la metrique cle pour suivre l'action d'une entreprise sur cette categorie B2 est l'indicateur emissions evitees. Or, une solution qui permet de revendiquer des emissions evitees n'est pas necessairement compatible avec un monde bas-carbone. NZI propose donc de creer un nouvel indicateur pour completer les emissions evitees sur le pilier B: le Score de Compatibilite avec l'Accord de Paris (SCAP). Ce nouvel indicateur a pour objectif de mesurer la pertinence d'un produit ou d'un service dans un monde bas-carbone ayant opere sa transition selon une trajectoire de decarbonation 1,5 deg. C ou well below 2 deg. C. Il permet de classer les solutions vendues par les entreprises a l'aune de leur capacite a repondre aux besoins humains de maniere plus ou moins bas-carbone. Le SCAP peut etre calcule a l'echelle d'une solution, mais aussi d'un portefeuille entier de solutions (et donc a l'echelle d'une entreprise). Calculer son SCAP permet a une entreprise d'affiner sa comprehension de sa dependance au carbone, d'ameliorer sa connaissance des determinants de la demande pour ses produits et services et de faciliter la constitution d'un portefeuille de solutions compatible avec la transition bas-carbone. Le present document detaille le principe de calcul de ce nouvel indicateur, son lien avec la Taxonomie Europeenne et son articulation possible avec l'indicateur 'emissions evitees' au sein de la categorie B2 'Contribution des solutions' du pilier B. Enfin, une boite a outils en fin de document fournit aux entreprises des premieres donnees necessaires au calcul de leur SCAP et des etudes de cas pour illustrer concretement le calcul de cet indicateur a l'echelle d'une organisationOriginal Title
Net Zero Initiative - Proposition d'un nouvel indicateur climat. Compatibilite des solutions avec l'Accord de Paris
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Jun 2022; 176 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue