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Janzekovic, H.; Krizman, M.
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, BP72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)2006
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, BP72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)2006
[en] The wide spread use of radioactive and particularly of nuclear materials which started in the last century very quickly also demonstrated negative sides. The external exposure and radiotoxicity of these materials could be easily used in a malevolent act. Due to the fact that these materials could not be detected without special equipment designed for that purpose, severe control over their use in all phases of a life cycle is required. An orphan source is a radioactive source which is not under regulatory control, either because it has never been under regulatory or because it has been abandoned, lost, misplaced, stolen or transferred without proper authorization. In the last ten years a few international conferences were dedicated to the improvement of the safety and security of radioactive sources. Three main tasks are focused, the maintenance of data bases related to events with orphan sources and the publications of such events, the preparation of recommendations and guidelines to national regulatory bodies in order to prevent and detect the events related to orphan sources as well as to develop the response strategies to radiological or nuclear emergency, appraisals of the national strategies of radioactive sources control. Concerning Slovenia, strengthening control over orphan sources in Slovenia started after the adoption of new legislation in 2002. It was carried out through several tasks with the aim to prevent orphan sources, as well as to identify the sources which could be potentially orphan sources. The comprehensive methodology was developed by the Slovenian nuclear safety administration (S.N.S.A.) based on international guidelines as well as on the study of national lesson learned cases. The methodology was developed and used in close cooperation with all parties involved, namely other regulatory authorities, police, customs, agency for radioactive waste management (A.R.A.O.), technical support organisations (T.S.O.), users of source, authorised transporters etc. In the years 2003-2005 around 40 inspections resulted in regaining control over around 200 orphan sources. Three main cases could be identified, among them the majority of incident cases were related to sources which have never been under control. Such sources were very often used in past activities which were stopped without a proper termination of activities. Other two cases are related to illicit trafficking and lost of a control over sources which were under control in the past. (N.C.)
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2006; 8 p; Second European IRPA congress on radiation protection - Radiation protection: from knowledge to action; Paris (France); 15-19 May 2006
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue