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Batyrbekov, E.G.; Belyakova, Eh.A.; Red'kin, A.V.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] Description of the set-ups and measurements for in-core and laboratory research of non-equilibrium nuclear-exciting plasma of various gas mixtures are demonstrated in this paper. Excitation of gas medium was produced by products of the 3 He(n,p)T, 235 U(n,f)F nuclear reactions at in-core experiments, and by products of the radioisotopes 210 Po, 239 Pu fission at laboratory ones. The data of these investigations allows as to estimate threshold parameters of the nuclear pumped laser as to study the electron kinetics characteristics of nuclear-exciting plasma. The developed optical diagnostic methods allows to measure spectral and integral luminescence characteristics, in particular absolute population of excited states of atom and molecules and elementary processes constant rates. The probe methods of diagnostic allows to determine such plasma parameters as conductivity, concentration of charged particles and in some cases the coefficient of positive and negative ions and electron mobility and recombination coefficients. Some experimental results of the investigation are shown
Original Title
Ehksperimental'nye metody issledovaniya yaderno-vozbuzhdaemoj plazmy
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: 7042021KZ; 7041869KZ; 7042022KZ; 7041851KZ; 7042024KZ; 7042025KZ; 7041949KZ; 7042026KZ; 7042027KZ; 7042028KZ; 4205370RU; 7041774RU; 7042029RU; 7041736RU; 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 128; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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[en] The established power of the Kazakstan power stations in approximately 15·106 k W. About 90% of power output is produced by organic fuel firing. Condensation heat power station of the Republic Kazakstan mostly use the coal from local coal mining. Total capacity of coal firing station excesses 12 million k W and they have boiler plants of capacity from 50 up to 1650 t/h. The boilers like these, as rule, utilize the coal with ash index up to 50% (Ekibastuz, Borlinsk, Kuuchekinsk and other coal mining). Heat producing capacity of such coal is 3500-4200 kCal/kg, so, ash index referred to 1000 kCal can excess 10 (while for the coal firing at the West European heat power plants such index does not excess 2). Sulfur content in burned mass is 0,5-0,7%, that referring to 1000 kCal approaches oil with sulfur content of about 2%. Nitrogen content in fuel is from 0,5 up to 1,5%. It is noted, that using of various methods to improve electric separation, including of the methods do reduce nitrogen oxide, utilization of the catalyst to convert sulfur dioxide into trioxide with further getting of sulfur acid allows to create heat power station satisfying the standards of ingredients released into the atmosphere even using coal of Ekibastuz coal mining
Original Title
Puleugol'nye TEHS i vybrosy v atmosferu
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 61-62; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Shestakov, V.P.; Andriyash, A.V.; Nogin, V.N.; Chekhonadskikh, A.M.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] Short communication
Original Title
Analiz vozmozhnosti ehksperimental'nogo modelirovaniya v reaktore IGR sryva plazmy na devertore termoyadernogo reaktora
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: 7042021KZ; 7041869KZ; 7042022KZ; 7041851KZ; 7042024KZ; 7042025KZ; 7041949KZ; 7042026KZ; 7042027KZ; 7042028KZ; 4205370RU; 7041774RU; 7042029RU; 7041736RU; 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 114; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Nazarenko, P.I.; Kandyba, A.M.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] Short communication
Original Title
Mangyshlakskij ehnergeticheskij kompleks - sostoyanie, perspektivy razvitiya
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.); Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); Minesterstvo Ehnergetiki i Ugol'noj Promyshlennosti, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEhP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr 'Kurchatovskij Inst.', Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); Yadernoe Obshchestvo, Moscow (Russian Federation); 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 19; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya (YaEh-96); Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Risovannyj, V.D.; Zakharov, A.V.; Klochkov, E.P.; Efremov, A.I.; Chernyshev, V.M.; Mal'stev, V.V.; Roslyakov, V.F.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] For the reactors on fast neutrons in system of control and protection are used safety rods (SR), made on base enriched by isotope 10 B boron carbide in kind of hot pressed pellets. The service time of such rods is limited and after operation in reactor during appointed service life they are replaced by new rods. The fulfilling safety rods are subject to utilization and are stored in storage pools. During 1992-1993 in State Scientific Centre Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors researches of safety rods, fulfilling in reactor BOR-60 (1 rod of design 1057-0) and BN-600 (4 rods of a design 1663) and long time storing in pools of storage, were conducted. It was shown, that in rod SR 1057-0 after 537 effective days of operation in reactor BOR-60 and 18 years of storing in pool of storage was undamaged of absorbing pins, the majority of pellet B4 C have satisfactory conditions and sizes. Simultaneously essential decrease of the mechanical characteristics of absorbing pins claddings and external cover tube of rod was shown. Absorbing pins of rods design 1663, fulfilling various time in the reactor BN-600, not had of damages. Significant quantity of pellets B4 C have save integrity. Low extension part of a rod, fulfilling 330 effective days, had appreciable bent because of non-uniformity neutron influence, and the material had low fracture toughness. The absorbing pin cladding have reduced the plastic characteristics, The conclusion was made, that the resource of fast reactors safety rods is limited by decrease of the mechanical characteristics of constructional details at low part of rods. Thus the measures on increase service time of the safety rods should first of all provide use as constructional materials radiation resistant steels and alloys. Improvements in should also be introduced a design of rods, having excluding of regular influence of their low part at operation
Original Title
Materialovedcheskie issledovaniya sterzhnej AZ bystrykh reaktorov BOR-60 i BN-600 i problemy uvelicheniya ikh resursa
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.); Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); Minesterstvo Ehnergetiki i Ugol'noj Promyshlennosti, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEhP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr 'Kurchatovskij Inst.', Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); Yadernoe Obshchestvo, Moscow (Russian Federation); 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 31; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya (YaEh-96); Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Zhantikin, T.M.; Krechetov, S.V.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] Kazakstan had joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a country that has not this weapons. This fact sets defined obligation for measuring a providing a non-proliferation regime in the republic. In the frame of the Treaty, in 1994 Republic Kazakstan had signed the Agreement on Safeguards with IAEA that was ratified by the Presidential Decree in 1995. The legal basis of regulation of nuclear activity in Kazakstan consists of a set of documents which can be divided into six categories: 1) Law of the Republic Kazakstan, Decrees and Orders of the President, Decrees of the Parliament; 2) Decrees of the Government and governmental regulatory bodies, Provisions on regulatory and supervision authorities; 3)Norms and regulations; 4)State and industrial standards, construction norms and rules; 4)Authorities' regulation documents; 5)Operational and technological documents. The current status of legal regulation of the nuclear activity in Kazakstan has peculiarities that is originating from the fact that all operating nuclear power and industry facilities in the country were constructed under the norm and rules of USSR. Therefore, Atomic Energy Agency issued an Order expanding force of all the earlier issued regulations and norm documents in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. The programme of creation of the nuclear legal system in the country assumes implementation of four basic laws: -Law on use of atomic energy; -Law on radiation safety of population; - Law on radioactive waste management; - Law on export/import control of nuclear materials. In absence of the legal framework, regulation of the atomic energy use is based on decrees of the country government. Interaction, obligation and responsibilities of different state authorities of Kazakstan are defined in the Temporary Provisions; nuclear export and import control is regulated by corresponding provisions. The State System of Accountancy and Control of nuclear materials is established and began its work
Original Title
Regulirovanie yadernoj deyatel'nosti v Respublike Kazakhstan
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.); Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); Minesterstvo Ehnergetiki i Ugol'noj Promyshlennosti, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEhP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr 'Kurchatovskij Inst.', Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); Yadernoe Obshchestvo, Moscow (Russian Federation); 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 15; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya (YaEh-96); Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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[en] The method of fast insertion of absorbers into a reactor core is most acceptable to prevent reactor accident connected with its acceleration. At present the problem is solved in each reactor by its own way. In this work has been suggested some measures and methods of fast insertion of ab sorbents for preventing accident process in reactor core. The physical and technical devices immediate reacting to temperature and pressure increase are observed in the work. The several variants of anti-accidental devices are considered
Original Title
Vozmozhnost' predotvrashcheniya avarijnykh protsessov v aktivnoj zone reaktora
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 71-72; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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[en] Short communication
Original Title
Opresnitel'nyj kompleks MAEHK dly sozdaniya pit'evoj vody s ispol'zovaniem reaktora na bystrykh nejtronakh BN-350
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 39; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Pshenin, E.S.; Sujmenbaev, B.T.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] The problem of nuclear industry waste utilization in space is rather actual, but at the same time, not new one. By the current time there are 217,8 million tones of different radioactive wastes in Kazakstan with total activity about 220 thousand curie. Among them the most dangerous are highly activated wastes of nuclear industry which can be estimated as more 1 thousand tone. Modern space transportation system could bring to the Moon, the Mars, the Sun flight trajectory from 4 tons (Space ship 'Proton' up to 28 (Space ship 'Energy') of net load. It should be noted that USSR and the US were indirectly engaged in problems of radioactive waste utilization in space for more than 20 years. The subject is about space vehicles burial with nuclear power facilities at so called burial orbits. Time of the nuclear power facilities existence at burial orbits is 300-400 years which is enough for decay of the most active and short-lived fission products up to the activated value which is considered as radioactivity non-hazardous. So, 31 Soviet space vehicles with nuclear power facilities and 12 American space vehicles with nuclear power sources have been removed to the space orbit. In spite of low total activity of space 'rubbish' (about 110-130 kilo curie), potential risk from 'dead' nuclear power facilities remains. Radioactive waste burial in open space is faced with strict requirements of container safety moving to the corresponding orbit. The safety concept is to be based on ecological requirements during the execution of such project. Creation of such concept needs involvement of leading scientists from various countries under aegis of U N and IAEA. Development of realization of the program for radioactive waste removal to the open space requires at least 10-15 years
Original Title
Problemy utilizatsii radioaktivnykh otkhodov v otkrytom kosmicheskom prostranstve
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 63; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Sokol'skij, V.V.; Solodukhin, V.P.; Kazachevskij, I.V.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] Scientific and research works on Activation Analysis (AA) in Kazakstan have been conducted for more then 30 years at the Inst. of Nuclear Physics of National Nuclear Center of Republic of Kazakstan. Analytical research have directed on decision of scientific and practice problems of Kazakstan. In geology AA have been used for research, prospecting and evaluation of trace-rare and noble metals. In metallurgy the control of metal (Al, Sn, Te, Hg, Pb, Bi) refining processes to high and over high level of purity. In sphere of ecology determination of dangerous elements content (As, Se, Te, Hg, Cd etc.) in natural waters, atmospheric precipitation, aerosols, plants etc. have been conducted. Analytical works, connected with problems in medicine, biology, agriculture and other, also have been executed. WWER-K reactor, isochronal cyclotron U-150 and neutron generator are the main irradiation installation for AA. Irradiation installation are supplied by pneumatic transport equipment and measuring centers with automatic processing of spectra. Accumulation of original methods of instrumental analysis, as well as methods with application preliminary concentration and radiochemical separation was developed. There is automatic installation for express definition of uranium by delaying neutrons method. At present time, concerned with temporary stop of nuclear reactor for engineering re-equipment, AA works on nuclear reactors in Kurchatov on Semipalatinsk test site are discussing
Original Title
Aktivatsionnyj analiz v Kazakhstane
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 85; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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