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Astudillo, A. J.; Ambriz, J. J.; Paredes, L. C., E-mail:
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Sociedad Mexicana de Irradiacion y Dosimetria, Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico D. F. (Mexico)2011
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Sociedad Mexicana de Irradiacion y Dosimetria, Mexico D. F. (Mexico); Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico D. F. (Mexico)2011
[en] The action guides for the primary task forces of the Firemen Corps and the Public Security Elements, before the presence of radiological accidents are presented. The objective of these guides is to give the recommendations for the initial response to the emergency that fulfills the following criterions: to to Apply with readiness all the reasonable measures to protect the victims and the public, in order to minimizing the radiological and non radiological effects to the health; b) to Retrieve the control of the situation and to mitigate the consequences; c) to Protect the emergency personnel during the response operations; d) to Compile and to protect the information that can be useful to treat the effects to the health, of the victims and public in general, and to prevent that emergencies seemed are repeat in the future; e) to Create and to maintain the public's trust in the response; f) to Establish a base for an action of lingering response, and to Suggest evaluation criterions of the radiological emergency, the organization criterions, operation and surrounding of the emergency area. (Author)
Original Title
Guia de recomendaciones en accidentes radiologicos para primeros respondedores, bomberos y policias
Primary Subject
Oct 2011; [5 p.]; Sociedad Mexicana de Irradiacion y Dosimetria; Mexico D. F. (Mexico); 12. International Symposium; 12. Conferencia Internacional. 22. Congreso Nacional sobre Dosimetria de Estado Solido; Mexico D. F. (Mexico); 5-9 Sep 2011; 22. National Congress on Solid State Dosimetry; 12. Conferencia Internacional. 22. Congreso Nacional sobre Dosimetria de Estado Solido; Mexico D. F. (Mexico); 5-9 Sep 2011
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue