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Kozubov, G.M.; Taskaev, A.I.; Abaturov, Yu.D.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Radiation monitoring of conifer forests was performed over the area of 15-20 hectare for all directions from the ChNPP. Biometric growth indices of pinetrees and sprucetrees during the period 1986-1988 were studied. The specific features of vegetative morphological changes in the mentioned trees were estimated for different absorbed dose rates. The quality factors of seeds were shown to be bioindicators of the absorbed doses in the case of highly chronic radiation injuries. In conclusion it was recommended to arrange a permanent radiation monitoring of radiation environment and to provide radiation protection of forests. figs. 2; tabs. 7
Original Title
Otsenka i prognoz sostoyaniya khvojnykh lesov v rajone avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 21-35; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Materij, L.D.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Investigation results of cytomorphological changes in rodents' blood system. 3 species of field mice caught in different places of the 40 km ChNPP area are presented. In response to the established chronical joint factors of radiative and nonradiative nature in the residence of field mice in their hematopoietic system an explicit cell transformation was seen when compensation process enhancement gave way to a decompensation phase which was followed by radiation-induced diseases. The revealed changes in the blood system are inconsistent with normal viability of animals. refs. 17; figs. 27
Original Title
Morfologicheskie narusheniya v sisteme krovi gryzunov iz rajona 10-km zony ChAEhS
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 142-164; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Frantsevich, L.I.; Komissar, A.D.; Ermakov, A.A.; Kryzhanovskij, V.I.; Sabinevskij, B.V.; Gajchenko, V.A.; Arkhipchuk, V.A.; Panov, G.M.; Mikityuk, A.Yu.; Kolesnik, A.D.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] For estimation of zoogenic radionuclide export from the emergency ChNPP area the following aspects were studied: biomass of dry land animals withing the 30 km area; radionuclide amount in zoomass of settled animals; annual radionuclide export by migrants, a collective dose for a direct take-in way by people. It is revealed that a major part of radionuclides is dispersed to the south and south-east of the accident place. Annual export does not exceed a Curie unit. The upper value of radiocesium absorbed by a man with bird's meat (ducks) was up to 0.1 Ci/yr, the lower value was up to 1400 BER. refs. 7; tabs. 6
Original Title
Otsenka vynosa radionuklidov zhivotnymi-migrantami
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 110-123; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Arkhipov, N.I.; Arkhipov, A.N.; Meshalkin, G.S.; Burov, N.I.; Tursukova, G.A.; Loginova, L.S.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Contamination of crops in the ChNPP accident area is caused by fallouts and precipitation of finely dispersed and dificulty soluble particles whose radionuclide contents relative to fixed radionuclides is close to irradiated nuclear fuel of the hazardous RBMK-1000 reactor. Radionuclide content in plants with rich biomass (young rye crops) was 5 times higher than in the plough soil layer. Plants with poor biomass during the accident were less contaminated due to a shorter isotope retention and biomass growth. Radionuclide content in vegetative parts of plants and soils is identical and the regenerative organs are noticably rich in Cs isotopes due to foliar uptake. The less accumulated radio-Cs amount is in grain barley, the greater one is in blackberries. tabs. 7
Original Title
Pervichnoe zagryaznenie rastenij i biologicheskaya podvizhnost' radionuklidov
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 2-9; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Kudyasheva, A.G.; Taskaev, A.I.; Zagorskaya, N.G.; Shishkina, L.N.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Analysis of the indices of various chains of regulation system of peroxide oxidation of lipids in spleen, liver and brain of 6 species of rodents caught in the 30 km ChNPP area in 1987 in locations with different radioactive contamination level was carried out. Experimental data indicated a significant sensitivity of the parameters of metabolism regulation systems of the animals inspected. There was evidence for monotonous biophysical and biochemical variations in tissues of wild rodents dependent on the environmental radiation level in their locations during long-term low-dose exposure on their organisms. High vulnerability of spleen in all species of rodents and the specific features of brain's and liver's sensitivity to the factors considered are pointed out. refs. 21; figs. 2; tabs. 4
Original Title
Vliyanie kompleksnogo radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya na parametry sistem regulyatsii metabolizma kletki
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 124-141; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Popova, O.N.; Frolova, N.P.; Taskaev, A.I.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Radiation monitoring of Plantago Lanceolata L seeds growing in differently contaminated parts of the 30 km ChNPP area was performed in 3 years after the accident. By the end of the third year inhomogeneity of native populations had been displayed in more vivid vulnerability of seeds from mostly contaminated locations during intense gamma-radiation of seeds with high dose rates. refs. 5; figs. 2; tabs. 2
Original Title
Analiz kachestva semyan Plantago Lanceolata L v khronicheski obluchayushchikhsya fitotsepochkakh 30-km zony ChAEhS
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 89-102; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Vasil'chenko, L.D.; Ermakov, A.I.; Zhidik, A.G.; Kazakov, S.V.; Maksimenkov, Yu.N.; Panichkin, V.F.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Experimental data on the levels and distribution of radioactive 137Cs, 90Sr in elements of phytocenosis within the ChNPP 30 km area are reported. A comparative analysis has been made. Radioisotope migration regularities are described. A forecast about the future state of forests is made. figs. 3
Original Title
Urovni zagryazneniya rastitel'nosti i migratsii radionuklidov v fitotsenozakh 30-km zony ChAEhS
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); p. 164; 1989; p. 10-20; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Burov, N.I.; Meshalkin, G.S.; Arkhipov, N.P.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Estimates are done of the sizes cesium isotope translocation into milk, meat, eggs - the main food from animal breeding industry. The estimates of radiocesium migration ratio in different kinds of food are given. A raised 137Cs content in milk (40 mCi x l-1) is found withing the frame of 'cesium spot'. The data obtained testify to the fact that biological availability of 137Cs decreases with increasing contamination density of soil. Contamination growth is found mainly north and west of the emergency reactor. tabs. 4
Original Title
Razmery zagryazneniya produktsii zhivotnovodstva v zone avarii
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 103-109; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Kozubov, G.M.; Kozlov, V.A.; Larin, V.B.; Patov, A.I.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Ionizing radiation effect on the wood pulp growth in the trunk radius of pinetrees and european spruces is investigated. The investigations have shown that at relatively low absorbed doses a decrease in wood accretion occures - in pinetrees it occures the next year after irradiation, in spruces - in the year of irradiation. Radioactive irradiation has lead to the shift in the year-old ring growth resulting in the increase of late wood density, early wood density growth and late wood density reduction. refs. 6; tabs. 7
Original Title
Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na prirost drevesiny po radiusu stvola sosny obyknovennoj i eli evropejskoj
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 61-73; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Pasternak, P.S.; Molotkov, N.I.; Kuchma, N.D.; Podkur, P.P.; Landin, V.P.; Shlonchak, G.A.; Kirichenko, O.I.; Khudolej, V.N.
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
Chernobyl'-88. Reports of the 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP. V. 3. Part 2. Predictions of the variation in environmental radioactivity and radiation doses at the accidental zone1989
[en] Radioactive contamination effect on the forest areas of Pripyat' Polessie is considered. Radiation processes in damaged pinetree plantations are characterized. Radionuclide migration dependent on soil types and tree stocks is analyzed. The data analysis has shown the evidence of 144Ce, 1'37Cs, 134Cs, 106Ru in 3 years after radioactive contamination in the controlled area. By the end of the third year a significant radionuclide migration had occurred between the forest floor and lower aquifers. refs. 2; figs. 2; tabs. 8
Original Title
Lesovodstvenno-ehkologicheskie posledstviya zagryazneniya lesov avarijnymi vybrosami
Primary Subject
Ignatenko, E.I. (ed.); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); 164 p; 1989; p. 36-60; Chernobyl'-88. 1. All-Union scientific and technical meeting on results of accident effect elimination at the Chernobyl' NPP; Chernobyl'-88. 1. Vsesoyuznoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe soveshchanie po itogam likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-15 May 1988; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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