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Khmeleva, N.N.; Golubev, A.N.; Plenin, A.E.; Borisova, M.S.; Roshchina, N.N.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The Viviparus populations are characterized by sufficient stability in the contamination zone, they are capable to regenerate the number and biomass at high level, to provide further breeding, and they are in good physiological state. The differences in biochemical generations are revealed, but they do not lead to general organism resistancy decrease
Original Title
Sostoyanie populyatsij zhivorodki Viviparus v zone avarii Chernobyl'skoj AEhS
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 313-315; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Murzin, S.V.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The results of studies and comparison of the fauna of capricorn beetles in tree assemblies on two model areas with gamma radiation dose rates of 100-200 and 2-4 mR/h respectively and on control area (P = 0.04 mR/h) realized in 1988 are discussed. It is revealed that population of capricorn beetles is qualitatively homogeneous on areas with different gamma radioactivity levels. Pine masses withering causes capricorn beetle migration from growing trees on fresh-felled ones
Original Title
Vliyanie radiatsionnogo porazheniya drevostoev v zone avarii ChAEhS na faunu zhukov-ksilofagov semejstva usachej
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 250-256; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Polikarpov, G.G.; Kulebakina, L.G.; Egorov, V.N.; Stokozov, N.A.; Arkhipova, S.I.; Mosejchenko, I.N.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The results of 5-year observations dealing with Sr-90 and Cs-137 migration in the Black Sea and Lowest Dnieper ecosystem show that the atmospheric fallouts give the main contribution into the Black Sea contamination with these radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident. Cs-137 concentrations remain increased as compared with pre-accident level by the factor of 10 approximately in the water upper layer. Sr-90 intakes the Black Sea with Dnieper flow
Original Title
Migratsiya radionuklidov strontsiya i tseziya v ehkosisteme Chernogo morya v 1986-1989 gody
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 282-305; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Martyushov, V.Z.; Tarasov, O.V.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The process of Am-241 intake into earthworm organisms from chernozem leached in their presence in soil contaminated with this radionuclide is studied. The data on Am-241 buildup values during long-time radionuclide intake into earthworm organisms from soil are given. It s shown that Am-241 buildup in earthworm organisms do not exceed its concentration in soil for the whole observation period (as Am-241 presents in soil in state unavailable for animals). Intensive extraction of the radionuclide from the organisms is observed when earthworm contacts with soil are stopped
Original Title
Nakoplenie ameritsiya-241 v organizme chervej
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 247-249; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Labetskaya, A.G.; Balashina, N.S.; Kireenko, K.M.; Bychkova, E.I.; Efremova, G.A.; Tereshkina, N.V.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The results of studies made in the Chernobyl' NPP 30-km zone, which deal with estimation of species composition and number of parasites, mammals, birds, their nest inhabitants and blood-suching insects, are discussed. It is shown that parasite species variaty is higher on the contaminated territory as compared with the control one. Number of arthropoda is greater, and those of helmines and winged blood-suching insects are smaller on the contaminated territories. The main carriers of parasites among birds are starlings, larks and tomtits in contaminated regions and those are chiff-chaff and finches in the control areas. The level of nest contaminations for rodents and birds correlates with environment contamination level
Original Title
Dinamika faunisticheskikh kompleksov paraziticheskikh organizmov v zone ChAEhS
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 165-177; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Frantsevich, L.I.; Komissar, A.D.; Levchenko, I.A.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] Great amount of dust is collected in propolis under emergency atmospheric fallouts. Specific coefficient of the product migration amounts to several m2 per 1 kg. Propolis is a good biological indicator of radioactive fallouts. The propolis collection is inadmissible after radioactive fallouts. Cocoon residuals obtained during bees-wax separation contain many radionuclides and should be disposed in special places. Nuclides are absent in bees-wax. Nuclides accumulated absent in a bee organism migrate into honey and queen milk, the honey is contaminated mainly via biogenic path
Original Title
Radioaktivnoe zagryaznenie meda i drugikh produktov pchelovodstva
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 178-190; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Rozhdestvenskaya, A.S.; Samusenko, Eh.G.; Goncharova, R.I.; Levina, A.B.; Zabrejko, S.P.; Ryabokon', N.I.; AN Belorusskoj SSR, Minsk
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The results of studying the low-dose ionizing radiation effects on specific features of wild rodent ecology (species variety, number dynamics, sex and age structure of the population), as well as the levels of radionuclide accumulation in animal bodies are discussed. Radionuclide concentrations detected in animal tissues in 1986 is connected with radioactive dust absorption through respiratory organs and skin-adipose tissues. The absorption is proportional to the environment primary contamination density and does not depend on animal species. The main path of radionuclides intake is their absorption via food chains in 1987
Original Title
Kharakteristika melkikh mlekopitayushchikh iz zony avarii na ChAEhS
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 233-246; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Ryabov, I.N.; Kulikov, A.O.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] The results of studies realized in 1986 show that Cs isotopes are the most biologically important among artificial gamma-emitting radionuclides being accumulated in fish (carp, crucian, fat-forehead fish) of the accident region. Cs isotopes have the greatest concentrations in all organs and soft tissues of fish with the exception of bowels where Ce and Ru-106 concentrations can be higher. The effect of big fish, which is the tendency towards radioactive cesium concentration increase in muscles with individual weight growth, is revealed. Two theoretical dependences, which qualitatively describe the effect of big fish, are derived
Original Title
Ehffekt bol'shoj ryby v radioehkologicheskikh issledovaniyakh ikhtiofauny regiona avarii Chernobyl'skoj AEhS
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 257-281; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Tsytsugina, V.G.; Lazorenko, G.E.; Radchenko, L.A.
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
Chernobyl'-90. Reports of the 1. International conference on biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects. V. 1, part 2. Radioecology of plants. Radioecology of terrestrial animals. Radioecology of hydrobionts1990
[en] Distribution of artificial radionuclides in water, soil and biota of the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the level of chromosome mutagenesis in benthos hydrobiont cells are studied. The results show the spotted character of radionuclide quantitative and qualitative distributions. Analysis of the distributions of chromosome reconstructions in hydrobiont cells reveals that these distributions correspond to the theoretical Poisson one
Original Title
Radioaktivnoe zagryaznenie Dnepro-Bugskogo limana posle avarii na ChAEhS i tsitogeneticheskie ehffekty v populyatsiyakh bentosnykh gidrobiontov
Primary Subject
Senin, E.V. (Ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine); 164 p; 1990; p. 306-312; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference on Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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Senin, E.V.
Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine)1990
Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob''edinenie Pripyat', Chernobyl (Ukraine)1990
[en] The results of works done in 1988-1990 within the ecology part of the complex program dealing with elimination of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects in regions of Urkaine, Belarus and Russia, as well as the data of foreign specialists on the Chernobyl' radioactive fallout effects in many countries are analyzed. Comparative analysis of the methods, means and results of activities dealing with accident effect eliminations on South Urals and at the Chernobyl' NPP is given
Original Title
Chernobyl'-90. Doklady 1. Mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii po biologicheskim i radioehkologicheskim aspektam posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS. Tom 1, chast' 2. Radioehkologiya rastenij. Radioehkologiya nazemnykh zhivotnykh. Radioehkologiya gidrobiontov
Primary Subject
1990; 164 p; Chernobyl'-90. 1. International conference Biological and radioecological aspects of the Chernobyl' NPP accident effects; Chernobyl'-90. 1. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya Biologicheskie i radioehkologicheskie aspekty posledstvij avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS; Chernobyl' (Ukraine); 10-18 Sep 1990; Available from Atominform, 127434, Moscow, P.O.Box 971 (RU)
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