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Ivanov, V.I.; Kleshchenko, E.D.; Konyukov, V.V.; Frolov, V.V.
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
[en] Conductivity of liquid dielectrics under irradiation is investigated. Different representation forms of ion initial distribUtion in liquid dielectrics are considered. An expression is presented, which describes ion initial distribution with account of radiation energy and medium properties. A formula is given for determining ion spatial distribution, formed after finishing initial recombination during trap of thermalized electrons by molecules. It is noted, that the considered expressions describe ion spatial distribution in gas-filled ionization chambers
Original Title
Izmenenie prostranstvennogo raspredeleniya ionov v zhidkikh diehlektrikakh so vremenem
Secondary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 92-99; 1978; p. 92-99; 21 refs.; 2 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A comparative evaluation of efficiency of different coding systems, applied for reducing information volume, transmitted by communication channels with limited transmissive ability, is carried out. Haar and Walsh transformations are used for linear transformation of the device spectral function. Dependences of square functional values on relative number of the transmitted components during threshold and regional contraction of information are presented. It is concluded on the basis of the analysis of the results obtained, that Haar transformation is most effective for contracting smoothless functions under using threshold read-out as well as regional exclusion method
Original Title
Szhatie spektral'noj informatsii na osnove binarnykh preobrazovanij
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 121-127; 1978; p. 121-127; 4 refs.; 1 fig.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ivanov, V.I.; Kleshchenko, E.D.; Frolov, V.V.
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
[en] Volt-ampere characteristics of a liquid ionization chamber is investigated. The methods of approximate solution of an equation system of ion balance are considered. Expressions for determining ion concentrations in a cell at different moments of time are obtained. It is noted, that the relation of ion number formed in the cells, to the number of isolated ions, as well as field intensity determined by the equation of volt-ampere characteristic, increase with the growth of energy losses
Original Title
K uravneniyu vol't-ampernoj kharakteristiki ionizatsionnoj kamery s zhidkim diehlektrikom
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 99-106; 1978; p. 99-106; 18 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The problem of determining the low-energy part of electron spectrum, leaving the layer of matter during its irradiation, is investigated. In the general form the conditions are determined, under which the flux spectrum in the low-energy part is defined by the spectrum in the high-energy region during irradiation with an electron beam of both uniform and non-uniform media. It is stressed, that the correlations, obtained for plane geometry, can be easily generalized for the case of arbitrary geometry
Original Title
Opredelenie nizkoehnergeticheskoj chasti spektra ehlektronov pri prokhozhdenii vysokoehnergeticheskikh ehlektronov cherez veshchestvo
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 21-25; 1978; p. 21-25; 2 refs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rublev, N.I.; Semenov, Yu.V.; Frolov, V.V.
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
[en] Calorimetric methods developed for dosimetry of pulse proton beams of relativistic energies, is described. Particle beams with 10-7-10-1 s pulse duration and on-off time ratio of the order of several seconds, are considered. The block diagram and the design of the calorimetric installation are presented. Formulae for evaluating spatial-time resolution of non-stationary temperature fields, acting during the pulsed heating in the absorber made of dielectric, are presented. It is underlined, that heat exchange is brought to the minimum in the developed design at the expense of high quality of the absorber thermal isolation, as well as at the expense of radiation screen application. Graduating coefficient of the calorimeter with account of the whole measuring circuit is equal to 4.8 μV/(sxmW). The calorimeter sensitivity equals 5.1 μV/(sxmW). It is noted, that the suggested methods on the base of the quasiadiabatic calorimeter with variable rate of heat exchange can be used in exercising experimental investigations on dosimetry and radiobiology, carried out on pulsed beams of relativistic proton accelerator
Original Title
Kvaziadiabaticheskij kalorimetr v dozimetrii impul'snykh puchkov relyativistskikh protonov
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 37-44; 1978; p. 37-44; 10 refs.; 3 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Belonogij, P.N.; Dolgikh, A.P.; Ivanov, V.I.
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
[en] Calculation methods of the absorbed energy microdistribution by several apriori microdistributions are suggested. A layer of the given thickness of tissue-equivalent material is used in the calculation. A function density of energy release probability per a path unit and its values for (plutonium-239+plutonium-238) alpha-source, is given. Path length of the ionizing particles within the limits of annealing sensitivity, as well as the region of the particle path determination, are identified. Calculation for the case of the source use with the known spectra of charged particles is presented
Original Title
Raschet mikroraspredelenij pogloshchennoj ehnergii ot istochnikov zaryazhennykh chastits
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 59-64; 1978; p. 59-64; 3 refs.; 3 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Fedorov, G.A.; Mukhin, V.I.; Severyukhin, G.G.; Ivanova, Z.M.
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
[en] Collimators for scanning plane surface during one- and two-dimensional transfer, built on the basis of pseudoaccidental consequents, are described. The results of experiments on integral and by-element scanning the area with 7x9 cm size with 5 cobalt-57 and cerium-139 sources, using NaI(Tl) crystal with 140x100 mm size as a measuring converter coupled with the photomultiplier, are compared with the results of modelling the scanning process of the radioactive area in a computer. Relations of the result dispersions, obtained during modelling the integral and traditional registration systems are equal to 10.5 and 20 when using unipolar and bipolar registration scheme respectively. It is concluded, that the given registration systems can be considered as γ- or β-chambers with signal timing modulation. When using multichannel collimator with parallel channels the chamber can operate with standard thick crystals and it does not require any complex system for determining coordinates of radiation getting into the crystal according to the light flassh coordinates. When using a multichannel narrow-diaphram (multipinhole) collimator with a coordinating measuring converter the relation of a useful signal to noise improves approximately N/2 times (N- is a number of scanning area), and it becomes possible to analyze activity distribution on the object depth
Original Title
Dvumernye integral'nye skaniruyushchie sistemy registratsii ioniziruyushchikh izluchenij
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 127-134; 1978; p. 127-134; 3 refs.; 3 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Interaction of the intense electron flux with the objects of complex composition is investigated. The process of electron energy absorption in uniform and nonuniform media is considered in the general form. An expression for determining the absorbed dose rate of electrons with account of electron spectrum, the matter braking ability and distribution of the electron soUrces is obtained. An error of the obtained expression is evaluated. It is connected with the fact, that participation of only low-energy electrons in the energy transport is taken into account. It is underlined that the choice of the energy limiting value at which the electrons are distributed in the matter without scattering determines only the relative error of the obtained formula. This error can be essential at the distances up to the interface of two media, much less than the extrapolated electron path and significant relation of ionization potentials of boundary matters
Original Title
Pogloshchennaya doza ehlektronnogo izlucheniya
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 25-31; 1978; p. 25-31; 2 refs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A calculation method of distribution function of local density of absorbed energy, without finding absorption event spectrum which permits to reduce the calculation volume in the computer at the expense of analytical solution of intermediate tasks, is proposed. The method does not limit the type of spectrum of one collision and permits to use spectrum of modified collision. The calculation time in M-220 computer by the mentioned methods constitutes 40 minutes at 10% error, which is in 2 orders (100 times) less, than the time at using the present methods. A possibility of calculating absorption event spectrum by the mentioned program is shown
Original Title
Raschet funktsii raspredeleniya lokal'noj pogloshchennoj ehnergii zaryazhennykh chastits
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 64-69; 1978; p. 64-69; 5 refs.; 2 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bajshev, I.S.; Ignatov, S.M.; Panchenko, A.M.; Pimenov, A.V.; Chernyaev, A.M.; Shtoff, A.K.
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
Problems on dosymetry and radiation protection. No. 171978
[en] Measurement results of spectrum of a pulse radiation source on a three-electrode X-ray tube with heated cathode and anode target, made of rhenium, generating pulses with 10O ns duration and 1 kHz frequency at 120-130 kW accelerating potential on the tube, obtained by change-over the pulse source in a continuous operation regime, are presented. Spectra analysis, measured under 130 kW accelerating voltage on the tube in the pulse and continuous operation regime of the emitter has shown, that transition from the pulse regime to the continuous one does not practically effect the spectrum form. Investigation of the protective casing effect of the emitter on the X-ray tube spectrum under 120 kW accelerating voltage has shown, that in the case of absence of the protective casing the spectrum has 2 peaks - at 36 keV and 59 keV energies, and with the presence of the protective casing the spectrum has maximum at 63 keV
Original Title
Izmerenie ehnergeticheskogo spektra impul'snogo istochnika rentgenovskogo izlucheniya
Primary Subject
Baranov, V.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Inzhenerno-Fizicheskij Inst. (USSR); p. 9-12; 1978; p. 9-12; 6 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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