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Lee, Y. O.; Gil, C. S.; Cho, Y. S.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2009
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2009
[en] Establishment of Nuclear Data Validation System Research collaboration was carried out with IAEA, OECD/NEA, ORNL and BNL for the update of FENDL, the production of group constant libraries, the uncertainty analysis and the development of the resonance module, respectively. The covariance evaluation system was established based on JENDL-3.3 library for the one-dimensional criticality analysis, which uses the codes NJOY, ERRORJ, ANISN and SUSD3D. The benchmark calculations on a fast power reactor core were carried out to validate the new evaluation system. The newly evaluated nuclear data for W-182, -183, -184, -186 were processed and tested in the various benchmark studies. Establishment of Precise Nuclear Data Evaluation System The resonance module has been developed and improved for the evaluation of the nuclear data in the resolved and unresolved resonance region under collaboration with BNL. The module will produce the resonance parameters, their uncertainties and covariances in the final version. The nuclear data for W-182, -183, -184, -186 were newly evaluated up to the neutron energy of 20 MeV by introducing and applying the evaluation system called 'Global Evaluation of Nuclear Data'. The proton-induced nuclear cross sections were measured and evaluated for natW, natSn, natCd, 27Al, natZr, natAg, natPd and natTi using the 40 MeV proton beam of MC50 cyclotron at KIRAMS. Nuclear Data Measurements BGO detector module was constructed by coupling the BGO crystal and PMT, and tested by using the radiation sources. The photo-nuclear reaction was studied for In, Zr, Mo, W, Ta, Bi, Pb, Nb by using the Bremsstrahlung radiation induced by the electron beam with energies of 50, 60, 70 MeV. A feasibility study for the construction of neutron generator for nuclear fusion applications was performed. The use of the domestic accelerator for the neutron generation was also studied
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Jan 2009; 183 p; Also available from KAERI; 50 refs, 112 figs, 34 tabs
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue