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Miller, G.; Inkret, W.C.; Schillaci, M.E.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Management and Administration, Washington, DC (United States)1997
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Assistant Secretary for Management and Administration, Washington, DC (United States)1997
[en] The classical statistics approach used in health physics for the interpretation of measurements is deficient in that it does not allow for the consideration of needle in a haystack effects, where events that are rare in a population are being detected. In fact, this is often the case in health physics measurements, and the false positive fraction is often very large using the prescriptions of classical statistics. Bayesian statistics provides an objective methodology to ensure acceptably small false positive fractions. The authors present the basic methodology and a heuristic discussion. Examples are given using numerically generated and real bioassay data (Tritium). Various analytical models are used to fit the prior probability distribution, in order to test the sensitivity to choice of model. Parametric studies show that the normalized Bayesian decision level kα-Lc/σ0, where σ0 is the measurement uncertainty for zero true amount, is usually in the range from 3 to 5 depending on the true positive rate. Four times σ0 rather than approximately two times σ0, as in classical statistics, would often seem a better choice for the decision level
Primary Subject
16 Oct 1997; 27 p; Workshop on Bayesian statistical methods for bioassay, radiochemistry, and internal dosimetry; Charleston, SC (United States); 13-14 Nov 1997; CONF-9711207--; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-36; ALSO AVAILABLE FROM OSTI AS DE99000674; NTIS; INIS; US GOVT. PRINTING OFFICE DEP
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue