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[en] The principal features that might exist in the terrestrial paleoionosphere, if the geomagnetic field were to assume a quadrupole form during a polarity reversal are discussed. Complicated phenomena would be expected to occur at magnetic equators and magnetospherically-driven plasma convection might occur at latitudes where the magnetic field is steeply inclined. The influence of magnetic field strength on ionospheric structure is considered in general terms
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
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Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Several recent observations of thermospheric dynamics, made in the polar regions during extremely disturbed geomagnetic periods are reviewed. In general, the magnitude and the variability of winds in the thermospheric polar regions increases with magnetic activity, as measured by any of the conventional indices. However, none of the conventional indices is a particularly good aid to predicting wind magnitudes. In very general terms, two major factors may be considered in describing the wind system. The magnitude of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and, in particular, its southward component, determine the size of the auroral oval, and the strength of the cross-polar cap potential. This determines the size of the auroral oval, the magnitude of the sunward winds in the auroral oval and of those blowing anti-sunward over the polar cap, and is probably the major factor in determining the rate of geomagnetic energy deposition in the thermosphere. Superimposed on this enhanced polar circulation system are the effects of discrete auroral substorms. From a global view point, the effect of substorms is to generate a series of strong disturbances which propagate from their source region, usually near magnetic midnight in the auroral oval. The energy associated with discrete substorms is, however, usually a rather small proportion of the total global geomagnetic input during disturbed periods. These observations of thermospheric wind disturbances will be evaluated by comparison with global simulations of the thermospheric response to theoretical and semi-empirical models of the polar electric field, and of the effects of magnetospheric particle precipitation
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
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Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A review of research on particle precipitation into the thermosphere is presented. Particle precipitation plays an important role in thermospheric dynamics, often being both the most important ionization source and the most important heat source, comparable to Joule heating rates in the auroral zones and typically exceeding solar ultraviolet as an ionization mechanism in the nightside auroral zones and winter polar caps. Rees (1963) has shown that, roughly speaking, one electron-ion pair is produced by each 35 eV of incident electron energy flux; thus, over half of the incident electron energy flux goes into heating rather than into ionization. Precipitating ions also can produce ionization, also requiring roughly 35 eV per pair; however, since ion energy fluxes are typically much weaker than electron fluxes, they have often been neglected. The particle precipitation into the thermosphere is both an important ionization source and an important heat source; since the globally integrated value can vary over more than a factor of ten, and the instantaneous local rate can vary over nearly three orders of magnitude global, maps of precipitation rates are extremely important for predicting thermospheric weather
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] There are three main processes by which energy is transferred from the magnetosphere to the thermosphere: (1) charge exchange of the ring current particles; (2) precipitation of charged particles; and (3) joule dissipation by the magnetosphere-ionosphere current systems. The importance of this last process has been recognized and the rate of joule heating has been estimated by many workers. Observations of the electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields from Dynamics Explorer Satellite 2 are providing a new set of data on field-aligned currents. One of the remarkable features found in these observations is the high correlation between an orthogonal pair of the E and B field components. In recent years, observational data have accrued concerning the relationship between the interplanetary magnetic field and the size of the polar cap and also about the evolution of a substorm or a magnetic storm. It is suggested that these findings be incorporated in future model calculations
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An improved three dimensional spectral model of the thermosphere of Venus is described. The model solves the Navier-Stokes equations and includes nonlinear effects for an arbitrary number of atmospheric species. A two dimensional axisymmetric model of the superrotation of the thermosphere is also presented. This model addresses the Pioneer-Venus mission finding, which suggested the thermospheric rotation rate to be much higher than that of the planet as seen from the asymmetric distribution of hydrogen and helium. Both models include the effects of an anisotropic eddy diffusion that is consistent with atmospheric mixing length theory
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
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Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Theoretical line-of-sight velocities, as would be observed by the EISCAT radar, are computed for idealized models of plasma convection in the polar ionosphere. The calculations give the velocity as a function of range and Universal Time. For several variants of the Volland and Heelis convection models, how the maxima, minima and reversals of velocity depend on beam azimuth is examined. The analysis is designed to be applied to data from the UK-POLAR experiment, an example of which is shown
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center1986
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center1986
[en] Atmospheric observations reported on include recent measurements of thermospherical composition, gas temperatures, auroral emissions, ion-neutral collisional coupling, electric fields, and plasma convection. Theoretical studies reported on include model calculations of thermospherical general circulation, thermospheric tides, thermospheric tidal coupling to the lower atmosphere, interactions between thermospheic chemistry and dynamics and thermosphere-ionosphere coupling processes. The abstracts provide details given in each talk but the figures represent the fundamental information exchanged within the workshop
Primary Subject
Jun 1986; 461 p; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; NASA-CP--2389; REPT--85B0268; NAS--1.55:2389; CONF-8410456--VOL.2; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Several sequences of observations of strong vertical winds in the upper thermosphere are discussed, in conjunction with models of the generation of such winds. In the auroral oval, the strongest upward winds are observed in or close to regions of intense auroral precipitation and strong ionospheric currents. The strongest winds, of the order of 100 to 200 m/sec are usually upward, and are both localized and of relatively short duration (10 to 20 min). In regions adjacent to those displaying strong upward winds, and following periods of upward winds, downward winds of rather lower magnitude (40 to about 80 m/sec) may be observed. Strong and rapid changes of horizontal winds are correlated with these rapid vertical wind variations. Considered from a large scale viewpoint, this class of strongly time dependent winds propagate globally, and may be considered to be gravity waves launched from an auroral source. During periods of very disturbed geomagnetic activity, there may be regions within and close to the auroral oval where systematic vertical winds of the order of 50 m/sec will occur for periods of several hours. Such persistent winds are part of a very strong large scale horizontal wind circulation set up in the polar regions during a major geomagnetic disturbance. This second class of strong horizontal and vertical winds corresponds more to a standing wave than to a gravity wave, and it is not as effective as the first class in generating large scale propagating gravity waves and correlated horizontal and vertical oscillations. A third class of significant (10 to 30 m/sec) vertical winds can be associated with systematic features of the average geomagnetic energy and momentum input to the polar thermosphere, and appear in statistical studies of the average vertical wind as a function of Universal Time at a given location
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Rees, D.; Fuller-Rowell, T.; Quegan, S.; Moffett, R.; Sheffield Univ., England)
Thermosphere Dynamics Workshop, volume 21986
Thermosphere Dynamics Workshop, volume 21986
[en] It has recently been demonstrated that the dramatic effects of plasma precipitation and convection on the composition and dynamics of the polar thermosphere and ionosphere include a number of strong interactive, or feedback, processes. To aid the evaluation of these feedback processes, a joint three dimensional time dependent global model of the Earth's thermosphere and ionosphere was developed in a collaboration between University College London and Sheffield University. This model includes self consistent coupling between the thermosphere and the ionosphere in the polar regions. Some of the major features in the polar ionosphere, which the initial simulations indicate are due to the strong coupling of ions and neutrals in the presence of strong electric fields and energetic electron precipitation are reviewed. The model is also able to simulate seasonal and Universal time variations in the polar thermosphere and ionospheric regions which are due to the variations of solar photoionization in specific geomagnetic regions such as the cusp and polar cap
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A fairly straightforward consideration of the interaction between a southward interplanetary magnetic field and the Earth's magnetic field will result in the prediction of a two cell convection pattern in the high latitude ionosphere. This is shown schematically where the antisunward flow at high latitudes results from the application of the solar wind electric field to the ionosphere and the return sunward flow results from an electric field generated in the plasma sheet to ensure continuity. This convection pattern can be quite easily characterized in terms of the radius of the approximately circular region containing the antisunward flow, called the polar cap and the maximum potential difference applied across this region. The convection pattern described is at least understandable in terms of solar wind/magnetosphere interaction in which open field lines are recirculated in the polar cap and a viscous interaction process exists near the flanks of the magnetosphere's equatorial plane giving rise to the lower latitude convection cells
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue