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White, M.K.; Lewallen, M.A.; Merrill, E.T.; Fleischman, R.M.
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA (USA)1978
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA (USA)1978
[en] Three types of fees for federal spent fuel management service were calculated for a reference case and a number of variations. These fee types are a uniform fee applicable to all customers, a fee for disposal of spent fuel, and a fee for interim storage plus disposal of spent fuel. Results ranged from $124/kg to $256/kg for the uniform fee, $112/kg to $213/kg for the disposal fee, and $144/kg to $319/kg for the storage plus disposal fee. The reference case assumed that spent fuel would first be received by the government in 1983 at a 5,000 MT away-from-reactor (AFR) basin. The first repository (45,000 MT) was assumed ready for fuel in 1988, and the second (100,000 MT) in 1997. The reference case results in fees of $129/kg for the uniform fee, $117/kg for disposal, and $232/kg for storage plus disposal. The sensitivity cases were grouped in five general categories of variations from the reference case assumptions: demand for storage/disposal services, facility schedules and characteristics, methodology for calculating the fee, discount rate and AFR financing, and delays or failure of the first repository
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Secondary Subject
Jun 1978; 49 p; Available from NTIS., PC A03/MF A01
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue