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Bane, K.L.F.; Naito, T.; Okugi, T.; Urakawa, J.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2005
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2005
[en] We want to accurately know the energy spread and bunch length dependence on current in the ATF damping ring. One reason is to know the strength of the impedance: From the energy spread measurements we know whether or not we are above the threshold to the microwave instability, and from the energy spread and bunch length measurements we find out the extent of potential-well bunch lengthening (PWBL). Another reason for these measurements is to help in our understanding of the intra-beam scattering (IBS) effect in the ATF. The ATF as it is now, running below design energy and with the wigglers turned off, is strongly affected by IBS. To check for consistency with IBS theory of, for example, the measured vertical beam size, we need to know all dimensions of the beam, including the longitudinal one. But beyond this practical reason for studying IBS, IBS is currently a hot research topic at many accelerators around the world (see e.g. Ref. [1]), and the effect in actual machines is not well understood. Typically, when comparing theory with measurements fudge factors are needed to get agreement (see e.g. Ref. [1]). With its strong IBS effect, the ATF is an ideal machine for studying IBS, and an indispensable ingredient for this study is a knowledge of the longitudinal phase space of the beam. The results of earlier bunch lengthening measurements in the ATF can be found in Refs. [2]-[4]. Measurements of current dependent effects, especially bunch length measurements using a streak camera, can be difficult to perform accurately. For example, space charge in the camera itself can lead to systematic errors in the measurement results. It is important the results be accurate and reproducible. In the measurements of both December 1998[3] and December 1999[4], by using light filters, the authors first checked that space charge in the streak camera was not significant. And then the Dec 99 authors show that their results agree with those Dec 98, i.e. on the dates of the two measurements the results were reproducible. Since IBS is so strong in the ATF, in the Dec 99 measurements an attempt was made to estimate the impedance effect using the following method: First, from the form of the energy spread vs. current measurements it was concluded that the threshold to the microwave instability was beyond 2 mA. Then, by dividing the bunch length vs. current curve by the energy spread vs. current curve the effect of IBS was divided out, and PWBL was approximated. The assumption is that PWBL can be treated as a perturbation on top of IBS. The result was that this component of bunch lengthening was found to grow by 7-15% (depending on the rf voltage) between the currents of .5 mA and 2 mA, about a factor of 3 less than the total bunch length growth. The conclusion was that the inductive component of the impedance was small, in fact much smaller than had been concluded earlier in Ref. [2]. Electron machines generally run in a parameter regime where IBS is an insignificant effect, and impedance measurements and calculations have also normally been performed for machines where IBS is unimportant. To simplify the interpretation of the impedance from bunch length measurements, in April 2000 the energy spread and bunch length measurements of Dec 99 were repeated, but now with the beam on a linear (difference) coupling resonance, where the horizontal and vertical emittances were approximately equal. For this case the effect of IBS was expected to be very small. An energy spread vs. current measurement under such conditions will also allow us to more clearly see whether we reach the threshold to the microwave instability. As part of the April data taking we, in addition, repeated the earlier off-coupling measurements, in order to check the reproducibility of the earlier results. In this report we present and analyze this recent set of data, and compare it with the results of the earlier measurements, particularly those of Dec 99. The measurements and analysis of data in this report follow essentially the same procedure as was used in Ref. [4]. In the present report we will try to be relatively brief. The comparison of our results with IBS theory will be given in a following report. For more details about the measurement and analysis techniques presented in this report, the reader should consult Ref. [4]
Primary Subject
19 Dec 2005; 15 p; PHYSICS--0010043; AC02-76SF00515; Available from; OSTI as DE00877534; PURL:
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