Gray, W.J.
Social and environmental choice. The impact of uranium mining in the Northern Territory1980
Social and environmental choice. The impact of uranium mining in the Northern Territory1980
[en] This article contains information about the content of the agreements which have been entered into between the Australian Government and the Northern Land Council in relation to the Ranger deposits in the Northern Territory and between the Government and Queensland Mines Limited and the N.L.C. in relation to the Nabarlek deposit. A statement by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs on the impact of uranium mining on Northern Territory Aboriginals is included
Primary Subject
Harris, S. (ed.); 194 p; ISBN 0 8 6740 169 9; ; 1980; p. 136 - 153; Australian National University; Canberra, Australia
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The author outlines the environmental measures and describes th legislative and administrative arrangements that have been established by the Federal and Northern Territory Governments to ensure that the environment of the Alligator Rivers Region is properly protected. The functions and operation of the Office of the Supervising Scientist for the Alligator Rivers Region are discussed
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Harris, S. (ed.); 194 p; ISBN 0 8 6740 169 9; ; 1980; p. 12 - 24; Australian National University; Canberra, Australia
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Within the Alligator Rivers Region the aquatic environment is potentially the most likely part of the natural environment to be adversely affected as a result of the proposed uranium mining and milling operations. Current knowledge relating to the existing aquatic biota and water quality in the region is reviewed with particular emphasis on the Magela Creek Catchment. Attention is given to identifying the most important potential impacts and to management strategies that will minimise such impacts
Primary Subject
Harris, S. (ed.); 194 p; ISBN 0 8 6740 169 9; ; 1980; p. 47 - 63; Australian National University; Canberra, Australia; 14 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Harris, S.
Social and environmental choice. The impact of uranium mining in the Northern Territory1980
Social and environmental choice. The impact of uranium mining in the Northern Territory1980
[en] The author considers the issues raised by the decision of the Australian Government to approve the mining of uranium in the Alligator Rivers Region. These issues are associated with both the physical environment and factors of a social nature. A compromise needs to be reached between the various objectives - the mining interest, the minimum feasible disturbance of the Aboriginal society and culture, the needs of the Kakadu National Park, the reconciliation of white and Aboriginal Australian relationships and the protection of the natural environment
Primary Subject
Harris, S. (ed.); 194 p; ISBN 0 8 6740 169 9; ; 1980; p. 1 - 11; Australian National University; Canberra, Australia
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In his paper on the hazards to the health of miners and the local population in the Alligator Rivers Region the author considers the Rangers Inquiry's second report. This made recommendations on which are based most of the current occupational health and safety practices in the Region. He suggests that the Inquiry should have stressed more the need for regulating safe practices and should have given relatively less emphasis to the potential problems of radiological hazards. Radiation protection standards and practices are discussed and the contents of the Australian Code of Practice on Radiation Protection in the Mining and Milling of Radioactive Ores summarised
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Harris, S. (ed.); 194 p; ISBN 0 8 6740 169 9; ; 1980; p. 108 - 121; Australian National University; Canberra, Australia; 13 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The author briefly outlines the main environmental features of the Alligator Rivers Region and then considers those aspects of the hydrology of the Magela drainage system which appear most pertinent to the problem of assessing the impact of uranium mining on the Region. Experiments undertaken to assess the transportation and dispersion properties of the rivers and streams in the area are described
Primary Subject
Harris, S. (ed.); 194 p; ISBN 0 8 6740 169 9; ; 1980; p. 25 - 46; Australian National University; Canberra, Australia; 24 refs.; 11 figs.
Record Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue